Hot young women in new expensive cars


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Please spare me your concern. When you move out of your parent’s basement and actually start paying your own way, call me back. (Maybe by then you’ll learn how to spell “executive”.) I somehow doubt you actually work for a living because you are very, no EXTREMELY naive I can only imagine that Mummy and Daddy are somehow still substantially involved in the equation that is your life. You clearly have this sense of entitlement that you should be making “six figures” as if it were so easy to achieve by merely working 3 or 4 years. After all you are you. I love how you think that a young woman who has just High School behind her can sell “real estate” just like that and command six figures as if it was that easy. I guess my friends who have been busting their asses in Real Estate for 20 years with Degrees behind them should talk to these 22 year old High School graduates for some pointers. This statement says to me that you've probably finished High School, but you were unable to gain admittance into University because you had shitty grades. You've done a half assed stint at Community College, but it really cuts into your free time and your social life and you were pretty much down to 1 or 2 courses after the first semester. The idea of working for a living scares you because you'd have to be a man and wake up in the morning and actually work. Much easier to sleep in and have Mummy do your laundry (or maybe the House Keeper - I sense you could be from money.)

Let’s see – 22 years old – can she be a doctor? Nope. Can she be a lawyer? No. Can she be an Engineer? No. Accountant? Nope, Teacher, nurse, physiotherapist??? All no. Too young, need to work for typically 4 years. MBA? Doubtful – too young, usually business schools want to see 2 years minimum work experience and then it’s another 2 years of University. Also recent University grads typically start out at lower salaries – sort of the way of the world you know.

Let’s say that said young woman has in fact graduated from a professional program from a Canadian University. Say she starts at the unusually high figure of 50 grand a year. Take away taxes, you’re left with about 32 grand net. About $2,500 a month. To buy a 3 series BMW is going to run you 45 to 65k depending. Possible? Sure, but you’re not going to have anything left. (There is that food and rent thing, clothes, insurance, utilities, maintenance, etc. etc. - none of which you know anything about do you.) Earning 50k a year does not a BMW purchase make. (Unless one is living in said parent’s domicile.) Even 100 k a year, a new BMW is going to be a stretch if you’re paying your own freight.

I never said that all young women driving High End cars were sex workers. I said that odds are that it is not their car or they had help from their parents (like you). It’s simple statistics. (But math was never your strong suit in High School was it.)
Oh man so many things wrong with this statement
About the only thing you got right is that I did indeed spell executive wrong

I don't understand how you took anything in my post to mean that I felt I was entitled to be making 100k. I never said these women were entitled to be making this money, nor did I say that this was normal.
I said that it was thereotically possible for one to earn the kind of money at a relative young age without being a sex industry worker
Okay, maybe you didn't straight up say that all young women driving nice cars were sex workers. However, I don't think you can blame me, when you said that a women's most valuable commodity is between her legs.

The biggest point I made, that you completely missed, was that I clearly said that the OP was making a giant assumption with his claim that these women were 18-22 years old, and that they could have easily been older than that. Believe me (not that you will) that a 25-26 year old with a degree in the right field and intelligence can, be making decent money fairly quickly without being having a sugar daddy or being a SP. You don't need to be making six figures to afford a nice car, especially if, as I mentioned, you aren't exactly being responsible with your money.
The point isn't that they might live at home, I'm just saying that to automatically assume they must be employed in the sex trade is patently ridiculous
Are all women making this money this quickly? Hell no
Are all university graduates making this money? Hell no
But, it is possible

Damn man, you really hate people who may have achieved more in five years than you have in your entire life don't you?

Oh wait, you did get one other thing right
I am a DeVry College dropout. I couldn't handle the pressure

You must be psychic


New member
Oct 18, 2009
There are so many different views here. I have some very intelligent classmates, and many of them can work in California making relative high pay. But I don't think any of us can afford something like a BMW and a luxury car in the beginning of the career. I think it is difficult to be able to afford such a thing at a young age, even top students unless a business genius. But that will be very very few.

I will never considering buying such a car just to show off. I am always ordinary.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Hot young women in new expensive cars = high maintenance to upkeep rapidly depreciating asset...without residual value 10-15 years from now :eek:


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Hot young women in new expensive cars = high maintenance to upkeep rapidly depreciating asset...without residual value 10-15 years from now :eek:
This is true, but you don't need to wait 10-15 years, you can trade the woman and or car in every 2-3 years as required, no need to amortize anything longer than that.


Mar 20, 2010
Interesting read, let me tell you! Personally I'd have a ton more respect for rich girls (whatever their money source) driving a good North-American car. Not like I'll get my wish anytime soon...


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Interesting read, let me tell you! Personally I'd have a ton more respect for rich girls (whatever their money source) driving a good North-American car. Not like I'll get my wish anytime soon...
since there is pretty much no such thing as a good NA car, let them drive in peace their German cars


New member
Jul 14, 2009
There are so many different views here. I have some very intelligent classmates, and many of them can work in California making relative high pay. But I don't think any of us can afford something like a BMW and a luxury car in the beginning of the career. I think it is difficult to be able to afford such a thing at a young age, even top students unless a business genius. But that will be very very few.

I will never considering buying such a car just to show off. I am always ordinary.
being intelligent has even less to do with being wealthy than being wealthy has to do with driving expensive car

and tons of students drive expensive cars - so what?


New member
Nov 27, 2006
This is true, but you don't need to wait 10-15 years, you can trade the woman and or car in every 2-3 years as required, no need to amortize anything longer than that.
I am just being "not nasty" by mentioning 10-15 years instead of every 2-3 years and residual value instead of scrap value.

BTW, car tuning reminds me of plastic surgery/add on. :rolleyes:


New member
Dec 27, 2004
The 18 year old girls' parents are perhaps snowbirds who live in Florida all winter and ask their college-student daughters to take the Bimmer out once a week to keep the battery from going flat.

My parents used to ask me to do this when I was in University - always fun cruising the campus in a Benz lol.

Also, more than a few Rosedale and Forest Hill families are quite happy to give their daughters a cutesy BMW 3-series convertible for their 16th, 17th, or 18th birthdays. When I was in high school I used to see this a lot - girls with upmarket small cars, usually convertibles.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
So, every time I see a young guy in a fast car I should think he is an escort, goes both ways. Women are making more money, if it was my daughter she would be getting a Cobra so Mom can use it, and not every woman you see in nice cars are escorts etc. I know some real Biker women who would not be happy about being called escorts etc.
No, the young guys are drug dealers.


Mar 26, 2009
It's funny when you see these young thugged out black guys with bling bling, a sideways hat, and gold teeth driving these brand new expensive cars. They most likely don't have rich parents, and there are less than 10 NBA players living in Toronto, probably the same amount of successful rappers, and they're definitely not doctors, lawyers, or bay street bankers, so where do they get the money? Drug dealing and or pimping is the ONLY answer, and they wonder why they get pulled over by the cops.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I can't believe that some posters suggest that the young women driving fancy cars are SP's. Any Sp
I have ever known, has been broke.


Don`t fear the Reaper
Dec 14, 2002
the dark side
Anyone can drive an "expensive" car.

They have to come up with a deposit and lease it monthly.

How about the young guys that live at home and spend all their money on a lease? Young women can't do the same?
I was thinking the exact same thing.


New member
Jan 10, 2010
I've been seeing this a lot lately, hot, sexy, beautiful young women in brand new expensive cars. These women are definitely under 25, probably in the 18-22 range, they're smoking hot, and they drive brand new Mercedes', BMW's, Audi's etc.

The question is, how is it possible? There are only a few possible answers.

1) They have rich parents who either bought them a new expensive car, or they're just borrowing it from their parents.

2) They have a sugardaddy, or a very old rich boyfriend.

3) They're SP's, MPA's, or strippers.

There are no other possibilities.
or option

4) a hot and sexy high end car dealership salesperson.

(didn't you catch the "sexy-high-end-car-dealership-salesperson" episcode in Two and Half Men?)


New member
Jan 18, 2009
It's funny when you see these young thugged out black guys with bling bling, a sideways hat, and gold teeth driving these brand new expensive cars. They most likely don't have rich parents, and there are less than 10 NBA players living in Toronto, probably the same amount of successful rappers, and they're definitely not doctors, lawyers, or bay street bankers, so where do they get the money? Drug dealing and or pimping is the ONLY answer, and they wonder why they get pulled over by the cops.
There are black people in this city? And of them, there are young black guys driving expensive cars?

I've seen neither. I call bs.
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