Hot young women in new expensive cars


Jul 25, 2004
BTW, what is the difference between a sugardaddy and a rich old boyfriend.
I always thought of a sugar daddy as a rich old guy who exchanges money for sex + part time companionship and may be married but could be one of many lovers to the young girl in question.

The rich old boyfriend is different than a sugar daddy in that the old guy & his young lover are in a 'relationship' with each other.


Jul 25, 2004
Yeah, a financial relationship.

Don't delude yourself...
Delusional ?? That is why the quotes [maybe I should have used italics with winking faces to convey the meaning].

Or are you implying that 900 year old Hugh Hefner is not attracting 4 and 5 21 year old girlfriends with his wit and charm ????


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
LOL what about young guys who drive expensive cars? I see a lot of guys in their early 20s driving AMG Mercedes, M series BMWs, Audis, how is this possible? Are they all strippers, escorts too or do they have sugar mommys / girl old girlfriends?

I kow a 28 year old girl who drives a new BMW M6, she a director of business intelligence for a national company so yeah, there are lots of other possibilities.


May 22, 2007
Generally speaking, young people under 25 can't afford high end cars.

At that age, you're either still in school (and can't afford a high end car), or if you only finished High School and you're working (and can't afford a high end car) - you are not making big money. Hell, even if you finished University, you aren't making big money at that age (and can't affor a high end car).

Sure, there could be a few exceptions (high end female fashion models) but they are going to be few and far between.

The logical conclusion is that it's someone else's car or money. (Most likely their parents.)

When I was in University - I was there going to class or studying virtually all the time. I took the bus. All of my friends in University likewise took the bus. One friend of mine had an old Chevette, another a K-car. Most borrowed the family sled. Hardly high end. In fact NO-ONE I knew in University drove anything even close to high end. Most were from fairly middle class backgrounds and their parents were not about to shell out for an education AND a high end car. Were there kids at University with high end cars? Maybe a handful I'm sure, but no-one I knew.

I had a similar experience in university. However recently, within probably the last 5 years or so, I have noticed that younger people are driving expensive cars. For the reasons you mentioned, it's unlikely they are driving them due to conventional success (i.e. go to school, get a good job, saving etc.). All you have to do is to look around at all the 18-25 year old SP's and MP's to know that any of them if they wanted to, could afford these cars. Add to that more young kids becoming drug dealers on the side, and what we have is a really wacked out society. I have to talked to many of my friends who have noticed this independently, and we all know we're this is headed: The destruction of our society. Nobody has a value system anymore, and the young kids are not taught and reinforced a good value system. Instead we let shows like the Hills, Jersey Shore, Peak Season, and all this MTV bullshit, combined with videos of young rapper/drug dealers making money send the message to our kids that the most important thing isn't integrity or hard work. It's money. And all these young girls are willing to do whatever it takes, including sucking thousands of cocks to get it. Boys, on the other side of the equation learn that it's easier to sell weed and other drugs than it is to work in Mc Donald's at $7.85/hr. So what we have essentially is a generation of young teens who prostitute and drug deal, and have no problems with that, in return for a new bag or shoes, or car, for that matter.

My problem is that people my age, including studio execs and tv producers, don't give a shit, and aren't smart enough to understand why this is a problem, because they also are fucking these young girls and snorting cocaine. So they produce these shows, and socially program children to desire to be a hooker or a drug dealer as if it's chic, before the age of twelve. Then these kids grow up with no value system whatsoever, driving nice cars, and we say "What the Fuck"?

I actually do care about what is happening to our society, but nobody else seems to. We let shows like the Hills tell kids that it's okay to be fucking pricks, and that's what they grow into.

I really think people should shut down MTV Canada and MUCH and CTV Globemedia in general. They are not doing a service to the population by putting on these shows. The same thing with advertisers who promote these shows. There is a difference in society, between those who own the networks and those who watch the shows. Generally, those who own networks are so well off, that whatever happens to the general middle class population, including kids becoming prostitutes, will have a minimal impact on their lives, as people from these and upper middle class neighborhoods like Yonge and York Mills to Yonge and Rosedale, having been snorting coke, and fucking hookers since they were in their teens, and their friends and parents the same. If our society self destructs, all they have to do is relocate, if they haven't already. It's the middle class and lower income families that really feel the impact of such social programming. They don't have as much financial resources to keep up or to relocate, so we end up staying here, while our kids watch this shit, and end up becoming drug addicts, hookers, pimps, and drug dealers.

This will not change until people get angry enough to tell these fuckers to fuck off.
Am I the only one that thinks Winstar is wound a little tight these days?

Seriously dude... get yourself laid or something...

Now, I am no psychologist or anything, but reading some of your posts over the last couple days sounds as if you are drowning in deep depression or something.

OK, I admit that the TV shows you mentioned may have very little substance to them, (I don't know for sure as I don't watch them...) but come on... we can't blame all our societal issues on TV programs and video games...

We live in one of, if not THE greatest country on the planet... and while I'll admit we DO have our problems, it is no where near as bad as you make it out to be.

Its a beautiful day out there... take a walk, go for a ride :) and enjoy it man...


on former TERB in 90's
Aug 18, 2001
QUESTION IS TOO EASY and answered by this in depth study

Trophy Wives
Price: About 4 Carats

Rich people love trophy wives. Trophy wives mark an important milestone in every overweight, middle-aged, balding, sports car driving, midlife crisis ridden wealthy male. After years of living off the proceeds of their trust fund, there comes a time in every fabulously rich man’s life that he needs to consider “trading up”. Just as you can’t drive your 1993 Ford Explorer for the rest of your life, wealthy males believe that a newer model will dramatically improve their life.

Trophy wives are easy to recognize. They are tall, slim, have perfectly manicured nails, beautifully coiffed hair and dress like they have stepped off the pages of Vogue magazine. They are between twenty-five and fifty years younger than their husbands and when you see them you will be inspired to ask the question “what the f@*k is she doing with him?” The answer is easy, he’s loaded and she vacations with the pool boy. Often spotted lunching at the Four Seasons, you may be tempted to paint all trophy wives with the same scalpel when it comes to plastic surgery but that isn’t fair. There are plenty of naturally beautiful women that won’t need work for another decade or so. By then most of their husbands will be dead.

How can you use this information to shore up your relationship with the wealthy? Two rules, don’t stare at her and keep your questions about her age and his ability to satisfy her needs to yourself. Asking these sorts of questions exposes his façade; they are akin to telling the emperor that he’s not wearing any clothes. The last thing you want to envision is a naked sugar daddy. The thought alones makes me want to scrub my hippocampus with steel wool to permanently remove that memory! Remember, don’t make any loud noises around the happy couple, that could trigger the heart attack she’s praying for!!!!!!



Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
This thread reminds me of the one that I started in November 2006 (in the Ottawa section) about a gorgeous young black lady who I saw driving a $40,000+ Maxima:

I`m sure it was her own car. I never saw her or her number plate again and I never found out who she was ......


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Actually, there are hundreds of successful models in Toronto, all young, hot, and who likely drive nice cars....
Many of those young models also suck cock to get modelling jobs.

Not the same but related: There probably isn't a single famous female hollywood actress that has gotten where she is without giving up her mouth or pussy at some point in time.


New member
Jul 14, 2009


New member
Jul 14, 2009


New member
Dec 31, 2003
I realize that this is an escort review board, and as such, attracts a number of men with a certain, shall we say, less romantic, view of life in general, and women and relationships in particular, but damn, can't some of you guys get your head out of your asses
Maybe the OP was just trying to stir up shit intentionally, but I have a feeling he wasn't, and actually believes his asinine opinions are worth something
And James T Kirk, I've mentioned it before, but man do I feel sorry for you. You're clearly irrevocably damaged and this taints every post you make

For the record, as other more sane and rational people, have pointed out. Not all women are a) hookers/MPAs/dancers, b) living off their parents or c) part of some sort of 'cash for pay' relationship. Firstly, the OP says these are 18-22 year olds driving nice cars, when in reality I doubt he pulled them over and looked at their licenses. They could be 25, 26, 27 and there's a world of difference between a 26-year and a 18-year in terms of earning potential. A 26-year old who has miminal student debt, graduated from university with a degree in finance/business/PR and who is good at her job, does have the ability to make six figures within 4-5 years of graduation, or at least enough to afford a nice car.
This isn't the 1960s anymore. While there isn't yet equality between men and women in terms of access to the exceutive/high-end financial positions, there's definitely quite a few women climbing the ladder on Bay Street. Some of them may be sleeping their way to the top, for promotions or something, but a much larger percentage aren't. Some of them might have a nice ass and great rack and know how to use them, but it doesn't mean they aren't intelligent or qualified.
Even a women who didn't graduate from university/college, but are in real-estate or sales or that type of industry can afford nice cars. You have no idea what these women's financial situations are like. They could be living above their means and heavily in debt, exactly because they drive this nice car. They could be living at home without paying for rent. The point is you don't know, and to generalize that they must be sucking dick or rub and tugging greasy guys like us is the height of misogyny and stupidity. Are some of these women employed in the sex industry. Sure, some of them are. Are some of them driving Daddy's bimmer or blowing 60-year old sugar daddies for the keys, sure. However, the percentage is far less, and I would say comparable to th guys who drive BMWs and Ferraris that their parents gave them for ther 16th birthdays

Don't hate women and generalize because they're more successful than you


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
Anyone can drive an "expensive" car.

They have to come up with a deposit and lease it monthly.

How about the young guys that live at home and spend all their money on a lease? Young women can't do the same?

The more I read here, the more I feel for the SP's having to deal with some of you neanderthals!


Mar 26, 2009
Some great comments, but at the same time there's a lot of delusional posters on here.

If you're under 23, or even under 25, you can't possibly have a "normal" high paying career that would allow you to purchase a brand new high end vehicle, that goes for both men and women. It's possible that these young hot women just want to give off the impression that they're rich and get into huge debt to pay their monthly leasing/financing rates that they can't afford, but to say that they're the "financial director at CIBC", or a "marketing executive at RIM" all at the tender age of 21 is ridiculous and simply delusional. It's not about not giving them the benefit of the doubt, I never once said or implied that women can't make as much money as men. I see lots of older ugly women in expensive cars, and I don't even give a second glance, those are probably the women that earn a lot in the corporate world, noone said that women don't, that's absurd.

The point is, if they're young and hot, and driving a brand new expensive car, they didn't earn the money to pay for it by themselves, or they have the only high paying jobs that a hot young women can have, which is an SP, MPA, or stripper.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
The point is, if they're young and hot, and driving a brand new expensive car, they didn't earn the money to pay for it by themselves, or they have the only high paying jobs that a hot young women can have, which is an SP, MPA, or stripper.
Too too much.:confused:


Mar 26, 2009
Too too much.:confused:
Please enlighten us all...can they be a doctor at 21? Nope. A lawyer? Nope. How about the VP of marketing? Nope.

It must be pretty damn easy for someone under 25 to be making a 6 figure income without going to school and being in the workforce for less than a year or two. Who knew.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I realize that this is an escort review board, and as such, attracts a number of men with a certain, shall we say, less romantic, view of life in general, and women and relationships in particular, but damn, can't some of you guys get your head out of your asses
Maybe the OP was just trying to stir up shit intentionally, but I have a feeling he wasn't, and actually believes his asinine opinions are worth something
And James T Kirk, I've mentioned it before, but man do I feel sorry for you. You're clearly irrevocably damaged and this taints every post you make

For the record, as other more sane and rational people, have pointed out. Not all women are a) hookers/MPAs/dancers, b) living off their parents or c) part of some sort of 'cash for pay' relationship. Firstly, the OP says these are 18-22 year olds driving nice cars, when in reality I doubt he pulled them over and looked at their licenses. They could be 25, 26, 27 and there's a world of difference between a 26-year and a 18-year in terms of earning potential. A 26-year old who has miminal student debt, graduated from university with a degree in finance/business/PR and who is good at her job, does have the ability to make six figures within 4-5 years of graduation, or at least enough to afford a nice car.
This isn't the 1960s anymore. While there isn't yet equality between men and women in terms of access to the exceutive/high-end financial positions, there's definitely quite a few women climbing the ladder on Bay Street. Some of them may be sleeping their way to the top, for promotions or something, but a much larger percentage aren't. Some of them might have a nice ass and great rack and know how to use them, but it doesn't mean they aren't intelligent or qualified.
Even a women who didn't graduate from university/college, but are in real-estate or sales or that type of industry can afford nice cars. You have no idea what these women's financial situations are like. They could be living above their means and heavily in debt, exactly because they drive this nice car. They could be living at home without paying for rent. The point is you don't know, and to generalize that they must be sucking dick or rub and tugging greasy guys like us is the height of misogyny and stupidity. Are some of these women employed in the sex industry. Sure, some of them are. Are some of them driving Daddy's bimmer or blowing 60-year old sugar daddies for the keys, sure. However, the percentage is far less, and I would say comparable to th guys who drive BMWs and Ferraris that their parents gave them for ther 16th birthdays

Don't hate women and generalize because they're more successful than you
Please spare me your concern. When you move out of your parent’s basement and actually start paying your own way, call me back. (Maybe by then you’ll learn how to spell “executive”.) I somehow doubt you actually work for a living because you are very, no EXTREMELY naive I can only imagine that Mummy and Daddy are somehow still substantially involved in the equation that is your life. You clearly have this sense of entitlement that you should be making “six figures” as if it were so easy to achieve by merely working 3 or 4 years. After all you are you. I love how you think that a young woman who has just High School behind her can sell “real estate” just like that and command six figures as if it was that easy. I guess my friends who have been busting their asses in Real Estate for 20 years with Degrees behind them should talk to these 22 year old High School graduates for some pointers. This statement says to me that you've probably finished High School, but you were unable to gain admittance into University because you had shitty grades. You've done a half assed stint at Community College, but it really cuts into your free time and your social life and you were pretty much down to 1 or 2 courses after the first semester. The idea of working for a living scares you because you'd have to be a man and wake up in the morning and actually work. Much easier to sleep in and have Mummy do your laundry (or maybe the House Keeper - I sense you could be from money.)

Let’s see – 22 years old – can she be a doctor? Nope. Can she be a lawyer? No. Can she be an Engineer? No. Accountant? Nope, Teacher, nurse, physiotherapist??? All no. Too young, need to work for typically 4 years. MBA? Doubtful – too young, usually business schools want to see 2 years minimum work experience and then it’s another 2 years of University. Also recent University grads typically start out at lower salaries – sort of the way of the world you know.

Let’s say that said young woman has in fact graduated from a professional program from a Canadian University. Say she starts at the unusually high figure of 50 grand a year. Take away taxes, you’re left with about 32 grand net. About $2,500 a month. To buy a 3 series BMW is going to run you 45 to 65k depending. Possible? Sure, but you’re not going to have anything left. (There is that food and rent thing, clothes, insurance, utilities, maintenance, etc. etc. - none of which you know anything about do you.) Earning 50k a year does not a BMW purchase make. (Unless one is living in said parent’s domicile.) Even 100 k a year, a new BMW is going to be a stretch if you’re paying your own freight.

I never said that all young women driving High End cars were sex workers. I said that odds are that it is not their car or they had help from their parents (like you). It’s simple statistics. (But math was never your strong suit in High School was it.)
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