Hitting on chicks... finding a mistress


Jan 31, 2005
I don't mean the S&M kind, I mean like, the alternative chick you hang out with for sex.

So, here is the situation. I went looking for an immigrant chick type mistress. So far no luck ther, I think I don't have enough connections in the immigrant chick world. That is still really what I want, I love immigrant women. Guess because I am such a slimeball.

Anyway, along the way trying to find this I posted some ads in more ordinary dating site type places. Basically my ad said I was looking to hook up with some chick and be her sugar daddy type guy, NSA sex, spoil her, etc.

Well, I got tons of responses, mostly from ordinary Canadian type chicks. I am looking at my email, and there are a lot. I have posted ads on dating sites before and never got any answer, I have lied about my age, never got any answer. This one I was honest, added the $$$ concept, and wow. Some send me nude pictures. Most of them are too old or too fat. There are a couple of 24 year olds that I have had msn chats with.

Now so here is the question: How much sugar should I dole out in exchange for how much sex? I am really not sure what to offer these chicks. I am thinking of equating it to what I would pay an incall SP but I'm not sure that's right.

Another big question.. how much do I advance them before I find out if they are going to put out?

Now some of you guys said I should just date younger chicks. I can't be fucking bothered. To be clear, I just want to hook up with some chicks, maybe now and then hit a club or dinner, but mostly sex.

Anyone maintaining a mistress? What's the going rate for that?

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
The old adage rings true

If you have to ask......
You can't afford.


Jan 31, 2005
I have about $2k/month for this project and have no intention of requiring them to be faithful in any way, so maybe mistress is the wrong term. Rather, I am just looking for more of an amateur style relationship with chicks who would shun the term "escort" and such.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
There's a big difference between a mistress and a fuck buddy. It sounds like you're looking more for the latter than the former.

And don't believe anyone who tells you you have to pay through the nose for a fuck buddy/mistress. If that were the case, most of the cheating going on in the world wouldn't be taking place. ;)

What I find more confusing is your use of the term "immigrant". Do you mean a chick who isn't white? Or do you mean only chicks who have immigrated to Canada? Again, there's a big difference. Someone whose parents moved to Canada from Guyana but is herself born here is not an immigrant. Even if you might think she "looks" like one.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
wow fuji, you are a womanizing slimeball.
you're married aren't you?
All your threads are about scoring, how to score, etc, etc...lol:p


New member
Oct 20, 2004
Keebler Elf said:
And don't believe anyone who tells you you have to pay through the nose for a fuck buddy/mistress. If that were the case, most of the cheating going on in the world wouldn't be taking place. ;)
Once you start paying for sex, you don't believe it can be done any other way.


Jan 31, 2005

Why not stick to SP's? I guess I am getting bored. i want to try out something different, figured I'd like to try some amateur hour.

Why not pick up chicks? Aiming for that too, but that target is not 15 years younger than me and super hot. I have $2k/m for this project, not 10h/week for months to waste looking for the mythical hot 20 year old who loves 35yr old married guys who don't have much time for her other than sex. solution: sweeten the pot a bit, but how much sugar?

Am i married? Of course, and my wife is hot, and we have a good relationship but one woman is just not enough for me. She knows I have stuff on the side, but doesn't want to "know" if you know what i mean.

Immigrant: Originally I set out trying to find a recent immigrant mistress type figuring that they'd be harder up and more likely to need help from an understanding, generous local boy like me. Haven't found any yet... surprisingly, found some cdn. type chicks.


So now I have 10+ emails 2-3 of which look kind of hot and the next step is negotiating the sugar... suggestions?

I had written in my ad that I "just want their extra time", wanting to "spoil you", i'm a "generous" guy with good income, and "don't care if you have someone else". Stuff like that, so they should know the score, but I haven't said the price.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
fuji said:

Why not stick to SP's? I guess I am getting bored. i want to try out something different, figured I'd like to try some amateur hour.

Why not pick up chicks? Aiming for that too, but that target is not 15 years younger than me and super hot. I have $2k/m for this project, not 10h/week for months to waste looking for the mythical hot 20 year old who loves 35yr old married guys who don't have much time for her other than sex. solution: sweeten the pot a bit, but how much sugar?

Am i married? Of course, and my wife is hot, and we have a good relationship but one woman is just not enough for me. She knows I have stuff on the side, but doesn't want to "knoww" if you know what i mean.
In your case, an "repeat" SP is a MUCH safer bet. Mistresses/fuck-buddies have the potential to get you in a very sticky situation if you are married. They can get attached to you (and vice versa) and while SP's are discreet, they may not be. And because they know a lot about your personal life, when they get really mad at you..... and the shit hits the fan....

Trust me man... SP... all the way. No question about it.

mr parker

New member
Oct 11, 2005
Just do it

I wanted to do the same thing but haven't got all the pieces together yet. Fuji tell us your detail plan and possibly your results. Bubby, I'm right behind you. It will be something new and exciting! I want my own mini harem.:rolleyes:


Orally Gifted...
Dec 2, 2004
From the girls side...

I have known many woman that do this.

Yes if you want exclusive (faithful to you) arm candy expect to pay big 6K-10K +++ a month. She is at your bec and call. For this service money in no object, condos, cars and cash are a drop in the bucket.

What you are looking for is someone that enjoys sex can hook up with you on a regular basis. No Stings, No BS, No head games. 1-2K a month will get you just that. Make it clear to her from the start you are paying her not to play head games and to keep her distance. This is for fun and you both benifit. There are some level headed university students out there that would love a couple thounsand a month, and would respect the RULES of the game.

When putting the offer on the table be honest about what you want don't hold back, this way when you are getting freaky she cant say she didn't know. If she seems uncomfortable and squirms because you want wild monkey sex from the rafters three times a week move on. I have found this situation is great for older married men who have a non exsistant sex life at home and crave the touch of a familiar woman.

Pay for play works wonderfully if you are both upfront with what you want and expect.

But if you are into variety and you already have a good sex life at home then this will get old faster then it did with your wife.

Just a girls oppinion of the mistress life.
Good Luck


Jan 31, 2005
Awesome Sasha, very helpful. So do you have any advice on how to approach this? So far I have been dancing around the details with euphemisms like "generous" and "take good care of you" or "spoil". This is because I suspect some of these women would balk if I outright said "sex for cash" but maybe not. If I read you right, you think I should just be upfront about it and get straight to the point.

Any good ideas about how to hook up with level headed university students? I have posted on some dating sites and such and got some responses, wondering if there is a better place to look.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
The only thing that would worry me is that by paying her for a longer term relationship you leave yourself wide open for blackmail. I think you have to hook up with a married woman where this would not be a risk.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
As I mentioned, if you aren't in it for an exclusive relationship or emotional attachment, there is no reason why a mistress is better than being a regular for your favorite SP
asn said:
...but then again the deal they have is that the chick has to remain faithful to them, no dating other people, has to take the pill, if they accidentally get pregnant they have to get an abortion etc etc
Some as far as paid to tied tubes with middleperson to look after the details. The power of money.:(


Jan 31, 2005
Don said:
As I mentioned, if you aren't in it for an exclusive relationship or emotional attachment, there is no reason why a mistress is better than being a regular for your favorite SP
Maybe you think so; I'm betting it's a different experience.


Jan 31, 2005
Meister said:
The only thing that would worry me is that by paying her for a longer term relationship you leave yourself wide open for blackmail. I think you have to hook up with a married woman where this would not be a risk.
I'm not worried about blackmail. My wife basically knows I have something going on the side. She doesn't really know what, and doesn't want to, and she'd be pissed off to have her face rubbed in it, but if she were going to divorce me over this, she already would have. My wife knew I head a taste for variety before we were married, and she still signed on. In the beginning I used to try and tell her about it, but eventually we settled into "don't ask / don't tell". Her words to me were that I can do what I want so long as she never sees it or hears about it from anyone. If some chick tried to blackmail me, tho, my wife would support me. I know because I got into a mess with an SP once, and my wife supported me.

She'd send me to the couch for a week or two for being a poor judge of character, and for creating a mess of it, that's about it.

ps/edit... I don't know if my wife has ever cheated on me, since she respects my privacy, I respect hers. I never look to closely at her phone bills, etc., for all I know she has stayed faithful, but maybe not, who knows.. Fair is fair.


Orally Gifted...
Dec 2, 2004
The dating sites are full of girls looking to play this way and most will not be offended if you are up front. If they state in their profile they are not looking for a serious relationship then this can work. Being up front is key here.

From past experience the best situations happen by chance. I think most girls have the fantasy to be a so called kept woman...or to play for pay.

From what I am told from the men I know that have mistresses, 30+ are the best, they know to keep their distance, but then again these men are 50+ with mega dough. The women are mature and are kept for a variety of reasons. Normally sex is lacking in there relationship and they just need some TLC without all the other BS that comes with life.

Unfortunately the online dating sites are full of woman and men that talk the talk but when it comes down to it nothing ever happens. It can be a long tiresome process. Maybe the chase is half the fun, if so then have fun.

Be honest about what you want and let the chase begin. Don’t worry about offending her with the offer of money. If she is offended then she wants more then you are willing to give so move on.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2002
Somewhere between here and there
University Student

I know a girl who paid her way through school by a 45 year old guy that had just want to see her a couple of times per week, sex, dinner, movies etc. She was a hott girl with a great rack. So they are out there if you have the money. From what I recalled he paid her rent, tuition, books, car payments and expenses. Plus lots of expensive dinners and shows he like the theatre.

Good Luck

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