Hitting on chicks... finding a mistress


Jan 31, 2005
Well, I found one. She doesn't want to accept money, but has sent me off to buy various handbags and the like. It remains to be seen just how many handbags I have to buy in exchange for what.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
fuji said:
Well, I found one. She doesn't want to accept money, but has sent me off to buy various handbags and the like. It remains to be seen just how many handbags I have to buy in exchange for what.
Keep your receipts!:eek:


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Bass8lbs said:
...and get into yahoo chat too (met a few amateurs and pros there as well).
Yahoo chat used to be much better, but lately I can't find any action there, not even pros.


Jan 31, 2005
I was pretty upfront and said exactly what I expected. When I asked what she wanted in return, she said "Well I am not a whore, I won't take any money from you", so I said, "How can I help you out then?" and she suggested buying her stuff, starting with a handbag.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
fuji said:
I was pretty upfront and said exactly what I expected. When I asked what she wanted in return, she said "Well I am not a whore, I won't take any money from you", so I said, "How can I help you out then?" and she suggested buying her stuff, starting with a handbag.
why did u even offer her anything? maybe she just loves sex u lucky bastard.


Orally Gifted...
Dec 2, 2004
fuji said:
I was pretty upfront and said exactly what I expected. When I asked what she wanted in return, she said "Well I am not a whore, I won't take any money from you", so I said, "How can I help you out then?" and she suggested buying her stuff, starting with a handbag.
Drop the handbags and run....Fuji

"I am not a whore"
This so funny....I want you to buy me expensive handbags but I wont take your money go figure. I really don't get the logic. $700 handbag or the cash?

If this logic helps you sleep better at night then so be it. Be careful Fuji the wife might not mind you payimg for sex but they get a little freaked out when they find you buying expensive gifts for hot girls....i don't understand this either but it happens.


Jan 31, 2005
I am thinking of leaving the receipt in the handbag in case she wants to return it for the cash. She picked out a specific bag that seems like it'll cost $300-400. I need to establish how often she's expecting these gifts, she's being very coy about it. I guess I'm willing to take a chance and see. Not like I haven't wasted a lot more than that on B&S chicks.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Fuji, I think Sasha gave you some pretty good advice. You are really setting yourself up here. You say she is being coy about how often she is expecting these gifts? I say she hasn't decided how much she thinks she can take you for. You've been taken for more by B&S and so it doesn't really matter? I guess you're just a slow learner.


Jan 31, 2005
Questor said:
Fuji, I think Sasha gave you some pretty good advice. You are really setting yourself up here. You say she is being coy about how often she is expecting these gifts? I say she hasn't decided how much she thinks she can take you for. You've been taken for more by B&S and so it doesn't really matter? I guess you're just a slow learner.
I am willing to give her one chance. There's a few other potentials so if she expects too much I'll just move on.

Everyone Else

New member
Feb 5, 2004
The idiot between your legs

i have a friend who told me his story.

He found a cute 23-year old he liked
working in one of the Montreal off-island clubs,
where if you are into it, you have full sex on a chair in a locked cupbpard.
It might not suit all tastes, and can be expensive,
and most johns eventually learn to get more bang for their buck.

Anyway, they got along, she was new, he saw her there a few times,
and then he offered her a deal, sex at her place, once a week,
3 hours for $300. He treated her nice, brought wine and chocolate,
and their deal lasted 3 years. Meanwhile she kept stripping,
but only in the usual $10 clubs, and stopped going to the off-island clubs.

Neither of them had other boy or girlfriends, and after a year,
they got sex-tests and went condomless.

Eventually, the whole deal kind of plateaued at a certain level of involvment,not outright boredom, but no intimacy growth.

She quit and moved to Ontario with another stripper she liked.
end of story. Reasonably succesful story I think.

Then my friend tried to replicate the deal, scoured the clubs,
and ended up with a replacement.

Same kind of deal ... with one big consequent difference:
Can you spell "Epididymitis".
The girl may have had symptomless chlamydia which he caught,
and now he's walking around with a nut the size of a suitcase
and taking antibiotics for a month - and in crippling pain.
He'll get over it, and one nut will be permanently smaller,
and he'll probably be more careful for a while again ... or longer.

So you pays your money and you makes choices
and you're never sure WTF will eventually develop.

Good luck in your decades on earth trying to do a rational job
of managing the interests of the idiot between your legs.


Jan 31, 2005
I'm not sure about this handbag chick either. I'm thinking about cancelling on her, the date is Wed., so I could still call it quits. I've got two others lined up now for coffee, so we can chat about it, see if we click. The handbag chick is the hottest looking one, though.


Jan 31, 2005
So, I ditched the handbag chick, or, at least, I put off meeting her until next week. Meanwhile I hooked up with another chick. Took her out for dinner, then later on we chatted for a couple of hours, and then i started trying to get her out of her clothes--took some doing. It was a totally different experience from an SP, I have to say. She was all shy, and eventually got pretty horny (more from the excitement of doing something new/forbidden/dangerous i think than any particular thing i did to her), but was a bit nervous every step of the way. She was all embarassed to let me see her body at first covering herself up even after she was naked, had to work up slowly to be able to touch her everywhere, etc, it was a lot of fun. There were a lot of "restrictions" to use the conventional terms, but I have to say, that just made it hotter in this case. Her main reason for doing it seems to be to try something new too. Eventually around 5am she went home. Now today I am soooo tired, but pretty happy.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Sounds interesting - what was the damage to you so far? And what does she look like, is she hot?


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
How did u explain to wifey coming home at 6am? and don't tell me she doesn't care u lucky bastard


Jan 31, 2005
so, posting my own ads on dating sites never really resulted in much, i just got some semi-pro's answering me. how i found this chick and the others that were promising was to read the ads on dating sites carefully looking for signs that she would be "open minded", then writing notes clearly explaining what i was looking for. i emphasized that i had a good job, etc., and offered to "spoil" her, make it "worth her while" and such. then i'd email the ones that responded and gradually work out more specific details if they didn't sound too put off by the proposition.

originally i thought the best market would be immigrants, but it turns out lots of women are into this. the chick i wrote about above was born and bred in toronto and has a good job for a 22 year old (35-40k/yr or so) and no obvious money problems, from talking to her. she just wanted some the thrill of doing something forbidden, and the kept woman thing seems to be a bit of a fantasy, like sasha wrote. it did take me quite a bit of time talking to a bunch of chicks to narrow it down to a few that were promising.

as for wifey, she called me a few times and i told her i was working, she went to bed probably 2am and likely has no idea whether i came home at 3am or 6am.
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