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History Of Ottawa S.P's and Massage


New member
Apr 2, 2007
I always feel a twinge of guilt reviving this thread rather than adding something new, but what the hell. At my age, I'm entitled. Who recalls Janet, from St. Lucia, a beautiful black SP that used to work out of an apartment on Carling across from Westgate shopping centre, and later moved to a less classy place on Wellington near the Salvation Army or similar stores.

What I always liked about her is that she thoroughly enjoyed her work, and genuinely came as many times as you did. Dom't know what became of her.


New member
Oct 12, 2004
Every time I drive by Janet's apt. bldg. I wonder where she is. Every time there was great. She loved to show off her new lingerie and make sure I got to slowly remove it.


New member
Aug 15, 2003
Anyone know what happened to the girls who used to work on Notre-Dame and St-Louis in Gatineau after the bust


New member
Feb 23, 2007
Bi-town ;)
dany said:
Anyone know what happened to the girls who used to work on Notre-Dame and St-Louis in Gatineau after the bust
There was a bust there recently? I haven't been there in ages, but I always thought those places were safe from busts as they seem to be on a far-away street, hidden deep inside.


Nov 22, 2006
Good Old Charleys

First girl I ever saw went by the name Mica and advertised in the SUN 1989/90ish. Middle eastern decent if I remember correctly and from Montreal. She moved over the Charleys Angels after a few weeks. She spoiled me for all others as after she left as I expected the same level of service from others. She travelled with candles, potions and lotions. She was a GFE long before the term.


Eric_TL said:
Some of my memories....

A few years back at the beginning of the "internet age", Ottawa had a website called "Lyla's List" which was the first place in Ottawa that SP's started advertising online.

I met a few ladies here. Dawna (previously mentioned) was a great lady.

Next up was Victoria. Victoria was a married lady with short brown hair who was in the business temporarily to help pay off some debts. To me, she was absolutely beautiful ( I mean Playboy magaizine beautiful ) with a great attitude/personality and GFE services. The first time I met her, we talked in my living room for a while, she then excused herself to go upstairs and "freshen up". Five minutes later, she came downstairs wearing nothing more than stilettos, her jewelry and a leopard skin thong. She was a vision I will NEVER EVER forget....

Speaking of Lyla's List, I've met Lyla (Christine) herself a few times. She still advertises on EC today. She's older now, and may not be everyone's cup of tea. I found her to be one of the most erotically minded women that I've encountered.

There was also the Charley's Angels agency that used to advertise in the yellow pages 8 to 10 years ago. Sure, they were overpriced and many of the ladies provided not-so-good service, but I definitly met a few gems there. Two in particular ( Hi Nicky and Tara!! ) became good friends and I still see them socially now and then.

Another favourite of mine was the A-1 Agency that advertised in the Sun a few years back. The owner ( Micheal ) was a joy to deal with and he had a knack for recruiting women that were simply amazing. I met more than 30 ladies from this agency, and Micheal's recommendations were right on for me every time. Always open minded Quebec girls who loved men, life and sex ( or they pretended to very very well... ). I've seen some of these ladies working at the Playmate these days.

I've hobbied in Ottawa since the mid 80's. There's alot of crappy service here, but I've also met great ladies along the way. I've got lots of tales to tell but am out of time for the moment.


Feb 21, 2005
Around 1998/99

There was an agency, I forget the name of it but it had something to do with California, Beverly Hills escorts...something like that and they had a blond with the best rack in the history of Ottawa. I reviewed her way back then on here under my old name and its bothering me that I forget the name of the agency and the girl. Someone HAS to remember this for me..........please

Are there any archives that date back to the late 90's Mods?


New member
Feb 23, 2007
Bi-town ;)
Yup, I remember Charlie's Angels too, but I wouldn't say "good ole Charlie's", more like good riddence. They seemed to have a monopoly in Ottawa at the time. They dominated the Ottawa Sun ads, and the Yellow Pages, this was before the modern Internet age. Ottawa was way overpriced as a result of their monopoly, and it's remained that way. They are sort of like what Blue Line was to taxis in this town.

When Charlie's got busted, there was a brief flourishing of new services and more reasonable prices, because of a new wave of independents. Didn't last long though.

That being said, I did meet some wonderful memories from that place.

Pencil Dick

New member
Jun 18, 2007
bjsk90 said:
Yup, I remember Charlie's Angels too, but I wouldn't say "good ole Charlie's", more like good riddence. They seemed to have a monopoly in Ottawa at the time. They dominated the Ottawa Sun ads, and the Yellow Pages, this was before the modern Internet age. Ottawa was way overpriced as a result of their monopoly, and it's remained that way. They are sort of like what Blue Line was to taxis in this town.

When Charlie's got busted, there was a brief flourishing of new services and more reasonable prices, because of a new wave of independents. Didn't last long though.

That being said, I did meet some wonderful memories from that place.
I remember that. In 2002, after more than a year of investigation, something like 130 police officers raided a company which operated close to 70 escort agencies in TO and other cities in Ontario. One million dollars in cash was seized, along with $3 million in jewelry, luxury cars and other property. The owner, David Allan a real scuzbucket was charged with numerous offences, along with his girlfriend Rachel and brother.

Allan ran Charlie's Angels with his then girlfriend Charlie Canadien in Ottawa in the 1980s.

They had a son together, Geoff Canadien, and he also ended up on the wrong side of the law.

What helped lead to his downfall was a john's statement that when he called for the services of a prostitute the woman who arrived was 16 years old.

He operated in Toronto for about 15 years and made millions. He made so much he spent about $800,000 a year advertising in the yellow pages. The ads ran on about 20 pages in TO's phone book, most showing phone numbers that rang through to a single call centre on Coxwell Ave., north of Danforth Ave.

Allan and Rachel also made headlines in 2000 after her Chevy Blazer was firebombed.

A few years earlier, he was convicted of assault, forcible confinement and living off the avails of prostitution after he and Charlie, who was his ex-girlfriend, beat up an escort who refused to hand over a cut of what she made off a client she was seeing. He was sentenced to two years less a day so he avoided the federal penitentiary. Charlie later died of a drug overdose.
Last edited:


New member
Feb 23, 2007
Bi-town ;)
Pencil Dick said:
A few years earlier, he was convicted of assault, forcible confinement and living off the avails of prostitution after he and Charlie, who was his ex-girlfriend, beat up an escort who refused to hand over a cut of what she made off a client she was seeing. He was sentenced to two years less a day so he avoided the federal penitentiary. Charlie later died of a drug overdose.
Now that you're mentioning this, now I'm reminded of some other stuff about this agency. I recall that the girls were always afraid of being found out if they went to see a client privately, because they were afraid that somehow the agency always finds out. They would often give the excuse that some girl they knew was beaten up by the agency when it was found out that she was seeing a client privately. I didn't know what to make of that excuse back then, it could've been true, or it could've been just an excuse. So then it might have been true.


Pencil Dick be da man!

Holy facts Pencil Dick!!! could you be a bit more specific??? *lol*

seriously, it's good to read these "good (or not-so-good) ole day" posts .... my hobbying back then wasn't in Ottawa so I can't add anything but it gives some insight into how Ottawa became the way it is today. thanks to all!

Pencil Dick

New member
Jun 18, 2007
slurp said:
Holy facts Pencil Dick!!! could you be a bit more specific??? *lol*

seriously, it's good to read these "good (or not-so-good) ole day" posts .... my hobbying back then wasn't in Ottawa so I can't add anything but it gives some insight into how Ottawa became the way it is today. thanks to all!

I just have a good memory that's all, and I was "around" back then.


Active member
Sep 13, 2005
Whatever happened to Lily from the old Eastview Studio on Montreal Rd? She may have worked with Angela at Studio Ilona after the bust but not too sure. God she was a dirty girl.


New member
Feb 23, 2007
Bi-town ;)
yak2432 said:
Whatever happened to Lily from the old Eastview Studio on Montreal Rd? She may have worked with Angela at Studio Ilona after the bust but not too sure. God she was a dirty girl.
If she was still known as Lily when she moved, then she's still working at Studio Ilona right now. Lily is one of the co-owners of Ilona.

Care to share how dirty she was? Send me a PM.


Feb 21, 2005
Lily left Eastview about 3 months before the bust. She moved to a house on Maurier and then to her current location at Ilona with the older lady who also worked at Eastview for a while.

To answer bjsk90 Lily is was and will always be a very dirty girl. I hear shes blond now

Porto Lover

Jan 5, 2007
tdeem3 said:
Lily left Eastview about 3 months before the bust. She moved to a house on Maurier and then to her current location at Ilona with the older lady who also worked at Eastview for a while.

To answer bjsk90 Lily is was and will always be a very dirty girl. I hear shes blond now
What does Lily looklike ??? age, beauty etc... Be more specific, maybe i will go see her soon. PM me detail please.



Active member
Sep 13, 2005
It's amazing what you can find using the search button. Plenty of info on Lily. I'm moving back to the city August long weekend. Called Studio Ilona today and she is still there, at least that's what Angela said. After I regain my strength from the move, I'll go see her. Thanks for the info guys.
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