History Of Ottawa S.P's and Massage


Feb 14, 2004
Nepean Street Memories

Hey FunJay, I just have to jump in here. I remember the place on Nepean St very well. I think it was called Nepean Spa and used to advertise in the Citizen. It was also my first massage experience. 1986 I think. They had showers and two rooms, one with a mattress on the floor and the other with a massage table. I opted for the table. I was nervous as hell so I skipped the shower. Thought I was gonna be robbed or worst yet lose my clothes. The girl, who was pretty good looking but a little strung out, went straight to reciting the menu options. I skipped the massage and went straight to the HJ (I was nervous, remember). She offered nudity for a price but I declined. However, much to my surprise she said digits were okay with her (no charge). I exploded immediately. As it turned out, later that night I had my second experience at the same place. After the first visit, I went to the Bare Fax, watched a few strippers and felt the need for a return visit. This time I opted for a massage and CBJ (and she opted for digits again). And thus it began... 

Mr. K

"I'm lovin' it!"
Sep 26, 2003
Durham Region
A Visitor's History (The Mid-80's)

I remember visiting the Nepean Street place back in 1986. I was visiting from Edmonton (which had a very well established massage business - more than 40 different places in the 80's.)

I was just looking for a straight release, and was surprised when I was taken into a room with a bed. The girl came in dressed in leather - boots, panties and bra. She immediately took my money and had me lay on the bed. It's damn difficult to really get a good massage on a bed. She ended up straddling my back and rubbing her leather on me. After about 10 minutes she asked me to turn over. She stuck her ass in my face, with one leg up and within two minutes it was all over. Total cost was $140. For me, for just a massage and release, that was a lot of money.

I also went to a place on St. Catherines that was on the second floor of a building. I went once in 1982, then in 1986 (it had expanded considerably at that point,) but I always seemed to go there when they were in the middle of a renovation. Prices were more in line with the rates in Edmonton, like $40 for 30 mins, plus another $40 for the release. I remember one of the attendants telling me the owners charged the girls $10 for each client they worked, over and above the room fee. I was never sure if she was just trying to get more money from me, or if it was really the case.

Worst place I ever tried in Ottawa was AAA on Montreal Road. What a fucking (I rarely use that word when I am writing) dive! You could actually smell men's come when you walked in the door. The place was so bad, that after paying the door fee, when I was taken to the room I declined to stay. I have a distinct memory of the floor not being level, and the ceiling being extremely low. It really pissed the attendant off that I wouldn't stay - she tried in vain to tempt me, even offering a deal (I didn't ask what the deal was, was afraid I would catch something just standing in the place.) I guess AAA was another place where the attendants only made money if the client paid them, nothing came from the door fee.

Another place that I tried once was in a private home off Richmond Street. Massage was OK, rate was not bad, I would probably have returned except I was only visiting.

That's my history of the Ottawa scene in the mid-80's. Not as interesting as Rattlesnake's stuff - he really knows where the bodies are buried. Has anybody asked him about Hoffa?


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Here is a whole thread of stories...

As some of you know I use to be a `driver` in Ottawa back in `94, `95, `96. Here is a thread with a couple of my `experiences` from back then:


Question to the mods: For some reason all the punctuations has turned into question marks in the thread that I have linked above. Anyway to fix that?

Mr. K

"I'm lovin' it!"
Sep 26, 2003
Durham Region

The reason for the punctuation problem on old posts is that Fred moved TERB to a new server, and apparently the new server doesn't support the old font set. Anything posted since the server change is fine, but all the archives (including the deleted posts archive) have the punctuation screwed up. I guess we have to live with it.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
Some of my memories....

A few years back at the beginning of the "internet age", Ottawa had a website called "Lyla's List" which was the first place in Ottawa that SP's started advertising online.

I met a few ladies here. Dawna (previously mentioned) was a great lady.

Next up was Victoria. Victoria was a married lady with short brown hair who was in the business temporarily to help pay off some debts. To me, she was absolutely beautiful ( I mean Playboy magaizine beautiful ) with a great attitude/personality and GFE services. The first time I met her, we talked in my living room for a while, she then excused herself to go upstairs and "freshen up". Five minutes later, she came downstairs wearing nothing more than stilettos, her jewelry and a leopard skin thong. She was a vision I will NEVER EVER forget....

Speaking of Lyla's List, I've met Lyla (Christine) herself a few times. She still advertises on EC today. She's older now, and may not be everyone's cup of tea. I found her to be one of the most erotically minded women that I've encountered.

There was also the Charley's Angels agency that used to advertise in the yellow pages 8 to 10 years ago. Sure, they were overpriced and many of the ladies provided not-so-good service, but I definitly met a few gems there. Two in particular ( Hi Nicky and Tara!! ) became good friends and I still see them socially now and then.

Another favourite of mine was the A-1 Agency that advertised in the Sun a few years back. The owner ( Micheal ) was a joy to deal with and he had a knack for recruiting women that were simply amazing. I met more than 30 ladies from this agency, and Micheal's recommendations were right on for me every time. Always open minded Quebec girls who loved men, life and sex ( or they pretended to very very well... ). I've seen some of these ladies working at the Playmate these days.

I've hobbied in Ottawa since the mid 80's. There's alot of crappy service here, but I've also met great ladies along the way. I've got lots of tales to tell but am out of time for the moment.


New member
Jan 19, 2004

In the last year, there has not been a single local Ottawa SP I`ve met that I would repeat with or recommend. I do the vast majority of my hobbying in Montreal these days. I would suggest you do the same if possible. Check out https://merb.cc for info. I`ve never had a bad experience in Montreal.

There are some ladies that visit Ottawa from Montreal and Toronto. They advertise on EC and here at TERB. Those are the best local experiences I`ve had this past year.

Feel free to PM me if you`d like. Best of luck to you.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Recent History

I'll have to agree with you on the Ottawa scene. With the exception of one local girl, I've got to say that every SP I've tried here just bites. Ottawa girls need an education from Montreal or QC. What really drives me crazy is that us guys in Ottawa pay for mediocre service.


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
Eric_TL said:

There are some ladies that visit Ottawa from Montreal and Toronto. They advertise on EC and here at TERB. Those are the best local experiences I've had this past year.

agreed with Eric, thats why I said in the other thread that I will take Gisele (she come from montreal) over the one in Ottawa.

Btw, the sp in Ottawa charge S300/hr 550/2hrs. which is the same rate as the FKS in Montreal. Guys in here please check out the website of the FKS and see for yourself.
even in the 160-200 range, the girls are much better looking.

Please remember the reviews in Ottawa were much OVERATED.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
Just walking downtown and was reminded of a spot long long long ago at the corner of Gladstone and Percy? maybe or Bay? right at the corner in a small place, discreet location. I do remember that the girl that always seemed to work there was a nurse, or so she said. erotic, fun, and clean. Can't remember her name, and the details are very hazy. Any one else recall this spot?

Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
I have to send my gratitude and my apologies for being a lurker for sometime. I stumbled across this site a few months back and have been benefiting without the courtesy of what I've learned. I enjoy this thread and it brings back many memories, some good, some bad.

I started hobbying in college (1982), market, streetwalker some hotel don't think it's even there sanymore, just remember it was my first time and I felt so guitly. Nice looking girl I remember, but I was drunk with a buddy who could drink much more than me and I was trying to keep up.

A few years pasted, I began frequenting strip clubs, spend way too much money and got very little mileage. I was inexperienced. Experience cost money ! The girls I found most intersting where the ones who claimed they were just new to the business, a little naivity and innocence I guess. Pixxxes I would say is the best, though I did find a few gems at other establishments, across the street and Aylmer, never any gems in Ontario. Quebec talent is certainly far more liberal. To find anyone offering mileage, you have to have deep deep pockets at local clubs. For those of you wondering, Ecxxxpe in Regaud is the only club where any economical mileage is offered. I only go there now when I feel like a drive. This was all in 1996 to about 1999. Booked an in-call now and then out of desparation, all very disapointing. Looking back I was hoping for companionship along with the fun. Then I found providers advertising in Ottawa What's On or some other downtown local weekly print. Called a couple girls from there, really enjoyed the company of a lady named Hexxxer, cute, petite blond, loved what she did, but her boss, Axxxn, had her pretty scared about leaving him. Her number is burned into my brain, but it's been disconnected now for years. Had my first duo with her and "Cxxdy" Not much of a duo, Cxxdy claimed to be OTR. Why do they tell you that AFTER they show up !

Then I was referred to Joxxxyn, always provided excellent Quebec talent, only steered me wrong once. But alas the number is disconnected. This was about 2000/2001. Then I stopped for some time until recently.

Lately I have seen a number of providers, but I won't burden you with reveiws here. That's for a diffferent thread.

I hope I had not been too revealling or cryptic by trying not to break any board rules here. In another thread and when I feel a little more comfortable I shall provide a reveiw of my latest encounters. Briefly, my reviews simply reinforce who has already been reveiwed. I never would have thought, but I never went there !


New member
Apr 2, 2007
I know it's been a long time since this thread was active, but a couple more come to mind.

(1) Who remembers a black lady, Bonnie, who used to work out of her place off Merivale not far from Colonnade... later moved to Baseline not far from Woodroffe (apartment building) and the last I saw of her, in the back of a spa on Woodroffe just south of Woodroffe. Decent massage, always happy ending.

(2) Going back many years now.... Sheila, SP working out of her apartment on McArthur, later on Kent and finally in Hull. She used to be quite a good bargain, but the last time I saw her in Hull I left, it seemed like she had lost her memory and was on a downslide.


Active member
Sep 13, 2005
I must offer my thanks to Travellin Man for getting this thread going again.

Remember how Catherine St. had those memberships? I think door fee was $30 + $5 to become a member your first time. When you returned and they asked "Are you a member?" then they knew you'd been there before and weren't a cop.

FS at 230 Nepean was like $100 + door. Saw Victoria a couple of times. Tall, leggy, large boobs, looked like she stepped off the pages of Playboy.

Any memories of the old Natural Choice on Somerset in the middle of Chinatown? Cassandra, Tracy and Missy all blessed with enormous tits.

The old Eastview massage in Vanier was where Carole from Studio 2000 got her start.
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