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Hiring a surrogate to carry your biological child.


Active member
Jan 1, 2021
Please tell me you're a troll and this is just a bait post.

This drivel almost feels like it could become the new "US Marine sniper with over 300 confirmed kills" copy pasta.

Add the "MuH wEsTeRn SoCiEtY!!!" nonsense to it and you wonder why you come across as sounding like an "incel". Oh, and you don't know what that and "MGTOW" means? Let me tell you about a little something called "Google", it's what's called a 'search engine" that people use to look things up, like words and acronyms. But, you're a TERB member, doing something like running a simple search is likely beyond your limited grasp.
Dude, you're a big-time misandrist, do you even know what that means? You think you're some big-time trad con, but if you think that women can have surrogate children and men should be banned from having surrogate children that just goes to show what a big-time misandrist anti-equality bigot you really are. Just because I have a penis does not mean that I shouldn't be able to have surrogate children like some boss bitch 40-year-old that froze her eggs. Either you're some tradcon that would make a Fox News pundit blush, or you're actually a woman that has hit the wall and is triggered. Either we have equality or we don't. I know you boomers have a hard time understanding this but get this through your thick skull, chivalry is dead. We live in a new era now. If women can sire children via surrogate so can a man. Stop the naming and shaming because, unlike the older generation, we young guys really don't give a fuck what you think or say.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
This is western thinking, to be honest, no other culture is actively trying to eliminate itself. This is going off the rails, I only wanted pragmatic advice on how to hire a surrogate. I think I will ask these questions in a homosexual forum.
You came to an escort site to talk about surrogacy and you are wondering why you are not getting the answers you want????

Before having a child - you may want to think about and learn how to logically navigate the world because you are way off asking those questions here.

Sorry but guys come here to fuck women and leave without knocking them up. Not for support on how to become mother-less fathers.

This has nothing to do about service of surrogacy and who can get it and everything to do about where the fuck you are asking your questions.
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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2022
I don't have experience with what you are looking for OP but I support it. Historically an eighteen year minimum commitment was required with someone able bodied to incubate your fertilized egg but a nine month lease seems more logical for sigma men- such as yourself.

Best of luck- you seem like you would be a great Father.


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
Dude, you're a big-time misandrist, do you even know what that means? You think you're some big-time trad con, but if you think that women can have surrogate children and men should be banned from having surrogate children that just goes to show what a big-time misandrist anti-equality bigot you really are. Just because I have a penis does not mean that I shouldn't be able to have surrogate children like some boss bitch 40-year-old that froze her eggs. Either you're some tradcon that would make a Fox News pundit blush, or you're actually a woman that has hit the wall and is triggered. Either we have equality or we don't. I know you boomers have a hard time understanding this but get this through your thick skull, chivalry is dead. We live in a new era now. If women can sire children via surrogate so can a man. Stop the naming and shaming because, unlike the older generation, we young guys really don't give a fuck what you think or say.

I'm sorry, who's triggered? This thread is comedy gold.

Thinking a guy who disagrees with you is a women, throwing out terms like "The Wall" and "MuHsAnDrEEEEEEEE!!!", congratulations, between that and the other drivel you've spewed forth in this thread, you've won "incel" bingo yet again. Your prize is a bushel of sour grapes, you can claim them at the door.

I'm not a traditional conservative nor am I a "Boomer", proud member of Generation X here, I also support non-traditional families, including single fathers. You however seem like you're unfit to own even a pet rock.

If you have a son, I can guarantee we're going to be something about him shooting up his school or workplace, or committing a string of rapes. When he's arrested, if he doesn't off himself or get lit-up by the cops, I can see him having a 'From you, OK?! I learned it from you!" moment when you're allowed to visit him.

Also, if the unthinkable happens and you have a child, I'm sure they're going to appreciate that "A fortune on paper but ultimately useless" crypto you're going to leave them that will probably barely give them enough to buy a cup of coffee.


Active member
Jan 1, 2021
You came to an escort site to talk about surrogacy and you are wondering why you are not getting the answers you want????

Before having a child - you may want to think about and learn how to logically navigate the world because you are way off asking those questions here.

Sorry but guys come here to fuck women and leave without knocking them up. Not for support on how to become mother-less fathers.

This has nothing to do about service of surrogacy and who can get it and everything to do about where the fuck you are asking your questions.
This is the lounge thread where any topics that are non-escorting are discussed. It has nothing to do with escorting.


Active member
Jan 1, 2021
I'm sorry, who's triggered? This thread is comedy gold.

Thinking a guy who disagrees with you is a women, throwing out terms like "The Wall" and "MuHsAnDrEEEEEEEE!!!", congratulations, between that and the other drivel you've spewed forth in this thread, you've won "incel" bingo yet again. Your prize is a bushel of sour grapes, you can claim them at the door.

I'm not a traditional conservative nor am I a "Boomer", proud member of Generation X here, I also support non-traditional families, including single fathers. You however seem like you're unfit to own even a pet rock.

If you have a son, I can guarantee we're going to be something about him shooting up his school or workplace, or committing a string of rapes. When he's arrested, if he doesn't off himself or get lit-up by the cops, I can see him having a 'From you, OK?! I learned it from you!" moment when you're allowed to visit him.

Also, if the unthinkable happens and you have a child, I'm sure they're going to appreciate that "A fortune on paper but ultimately useless" crypto you're going to leave them that will probably barely give them enough to buy a cup of coffee.
You're so triggered man, take a chill pill. I probably fucked more escorts than you so you can't call me an incel. You misandrist Gen X, trad-con.


Active member
Jan 1, 2021
The biggest stud in the world Cristiano Ronaldo hired a surrogate to carry his children. I know a lot of women and misandrists don't like this, but this is the way of the future.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
it seems like a fairly reasonable idea for men wanting children to find a surrogate. I see both sides of the coin. successful marriages that are still together and happy with kids and the opposite of men divorced and financially destitute from child support and alimony. its 50/50 according to the stats. sole custody the majority of the time is in the women favor.

its russian roulette with 2 chambers and one bullet. seems fairly logical for men to find other alternatives to marriage and having children the traditional way especially when either their parents have gone through a divorce, they know people who are going through a divorce or have seen the destructive capabilities of the legal system towards men.

however there is something to be said about an intact 2 parent family. they tend to produce less damaged children statistically of course.

then again does it really matter, since people are going to make choices on what is best for them at the time.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
This is the lounge thread where any topics that are non-escorting are discussed. It has nothing to do with escorting.
Yes. But you have to know your audience. You can post anything you want but should you post it HERE on TERB is the question?

Based on the replies - I’m going to say the answer is no.


Active member
Jan 1, 2021
Yes. But you have to know your audience. You can post anything you want but should you post it HERE on TERB is the question?

Based on the replies - I’m going to say the answer is no.
I would disagree. The men that frequent this forum usually have large disposable incomes, a lot of them are lawyers and some of them are probably family lawyers and know the ins and outs of the family courts, although they may be reluctant to reply I am sure - because it would hurt their bottom line - they have useful information that would help in such an endeavor. Again, the most attractive male on the planet, Cristiano Ronaldo hired a surrogate to sire his children.

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