Info war may have had a link to the video, but they didn't create it, someone else did, and then info wars found it. If info wara had link to say a video made by the CBC or BBC or ABC, would it magically ruin the value of video? No because the video stands on its own merit, I mean you can see for your self what these rabid dogs did for yourself, its not some kind if special effects, its democrats gone psycho.
I'm to the left of both these people, but fuck me, this reminds me of something Noimi Klein wrote years ago, George W, Bush made the left dumber.
Trump has a 100x the effect, I swear when Trump comes up inba conversation every Democrat or Democrat sympathizer's IQ drops magically by 50 points, your lucky if they don't start foaming at the mouth.
I try to tell people, going after Ivanka is a bad idea, especially with a Boycott intended to destroy the Ivanka Trump collection, her fashion line, I tell them go after Trump himself, but going after his kids is crossing the fucking line, its as low as you can fucking get in politics, and long term, it will blow up in your face, because in 2020 Ivanka is going run if for no other reason then revenge, and she's going to win, she going to crush Hillary like tin can.
I'm going to start an President Ivanka Trump 2020 thread.