Ashley Madison

Hillary voters attack homeless black woman for supporting trump!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It still takes away any credibility you have to criticize other's sources.
I used one bad source, admitted it, gave corrected sources and won't use it again.
As opposed to some here still posting infowars links.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
How did you stumble upon a hate site Frankie? Is that site part of your daily reading digest?

Like a Freudian slip, your 'mistake' is quite revealing.


The democrats have gone off the deep end, there is something about Trump that has brought out the worst in them. They're going places and using methods I can support and follow. They've looked to long in the Abyss and its consumed them.
They are scared shitless what will happen to them if Trump "Drains the swamp" and with good reason. And it's not just the Dems, lots of Reps will go down the drain with them. That's why they would not support their party's candidate. It will be so much fun and we're almost there ......


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
I used one bad source, admitted it, gave corrected sources and won't use it again.
As opposed to some here still posting infowars links.
Your true colour...You like to read A KKK website!

Go look at all my posting history this is my first time i use a infowar links..I stumbled onto infowar links website by accident! At least I dont read by accident a KKK website like you.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
They are scared shitless what will happen to them if Trump "Drains the swamp" and with good reason. And it's not just the Dems, lots of Reps will go down the drain with them. That's why they would not support their party's candidate. It will be so much fun and we're almost there ......
Nothing like a good purge to start the new ways, eh?
Works for despots the world over.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
Info war may have had a link to the video, but they didn't create it, someone else did, and then info wars found it. If info wara had link to say a video made by the CBC or BBC or ABC, would it magically ruin the value of video? No because the video stands on its own merit, I mean you can see for your self what these rabid dogs did for yourself, its not some kind if special effects, its democrats gone psycho.

I'm to the left of both these people, but fuck me, this reminds me of something Noimi Klein wrote years ago, George W, Bush made the left dumber.

Trump has a 100x the effect, I swear when Trump comes up inba conversation every Democrat or Democrat sympathizer's IQ drops magically by 50 points, your lucky if they don't start foaming at the mouth.

I try to tell people, going after Ivanka is a bad idea, especially with a Boycott intended to destroy the Ivanka Trump collection, her fashion line, I tell them go after Trump himself, but going after his kids is crossing the fucking line, its as low as you can fucking get in politics, and long term, it will blow up in your face, because in 2020 Ivanka is going run if for no other reason then revenge, and she's going to win, she going to crush Hillary like tin can.

I'm going to start an President Ivanka Trump 2020 thread.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Info war may have had a link to the video, but they didn't create it, someone else did, and then info wars found it. If info wara had link to say a video made by the CBC or BBC or ABC, would it magically ruin the value of video? No because the video stands on its own merit, I mean you can see for your self what these rabid dogs did for yourself, its not some kind if special effects, its democrats gone psycho.

I'm to the left of both these people, but fuck me, this reminds me of something Noimi Klein wrote years ago, George W, Bush made the left dumber.

Trump has a 100x the effect, I swear when Trump comes up inba conversation every Democrat or Democrat sympathizer's IQ drops magically by 50 points, your lucky if they don't start foaming at the mouth.

I try to tell people, going after Ivanka is a bad idea, especially with a Boycott intended to destroy the Ivanka Trump collection, her fashion line, I tell them go after Trump himself, but going after his kids is crossing the fucking line, its as low as you can fucking get in politics, and long term, it will blow up in your face, because in 2020 Ivanka is going run if for no other reason then revenge, and she's going to win, she going to crush Hillary like tin can.

I'm going to start an President Ivanka Trump 2020 thread.
There are assholes who support Trump as well.

Are candidates responsible for their supporters actions?
Is Trump now responsible for David Duke, since he now backs Trump?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010

The original video. Dishonest sacks of shit edited to make it appear like she was attacked. I'm tapping out, this election is America's problem not mine, I'm done being drawn into an election I have no vote in.

I'll go back to ignoring the shit bag that is American politics, except to jerk off to Ivanka and Sarah Palin.
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