

Active member
Feb 15, 2003
Checking my work sched i cough cough
am scheduled to work in Hamilton a day a week in cough cough Nov, Jan, Feb & Mar.

Cough cough.

Any recomendations for SP MP action in the area?


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
No - but wear a respirator - or get an iron lung

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Try Queenston Studio.

Phone ahead and see if Ann is working (assuming she is still there)

She's a gem.

Don't be freaked out by the place. It's a beauty parlour up front and a massage parlour out back. The first time i went there I was like, WTF is this place.

Some old Serbian woman takes your cash and gives you a lock for some strange reason. It's all rather bizzare.


New member
Jun 5, 2003
Dani said:
First case of SARS in Hamilton(Run for your lives)

Dani( accelerating past on the QEW)
Uh no I think not. I'm not from the Hamilton area however I think your facts are incorrect .


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse

I grew up in Hamilton - even worked cleaning the blast furnaces and the foundry at Dofasco when I was in Highschool...face it - the place is not the centre of culture - it's a steeltown.

I love the city, but I accept it for what it is.

I have lived in Toronto since 1992 - I still go back and visit my old haunts.

Samantha Jones

The polution count in Toronto on any given day in summer is usually higher than that of Hamilton.

The Hamilton(Ontario) Opera Company is world renowned and the acoustics at hamilton Place are superior to those of the Hummingbird.

The warterfront /Bay area in Hamilton has had millions spent and is home to Aquafest, and Dragon Boat Races every summer, the yacht club is booming(there are 2), and there are miles of open trails
The Art Gallery of Hamilton has an amazing collection, there are at least 20 other small art galleries in the city. The Dundas Valley School of Art is one of the best in Canada.

There are 5 small live theatres in Hamilton , Theatre Aquarius has won several awards.

Hamilton is Home to The Royal Botanical gardens, on of the largest public gardens in North America

just a few facts


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
Okay, okay...Sam's got a few points there.

What bothers me though are those who just put the blanket statement out there that people who live in Toronto are arrogant - not quite true.

I don't know what it is with those who live outside Toronto...


Personal Sex Therapist
Mar 6, 2003
I'm a born and raised Hamiltonian myself, and I had no idea that there was a massage parlour at the Queenston road salon.

Anyway, here's another funny thing about Hamilton life - is it a statement on the local economy that Limeridge Road forces you to detour into the mall parking lot? You can't simply drive past the mall as with other malls, or at least that was the case the last time I was up there.


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
Mrs. Stiffler...

Check your PMs!


Personal Sex Therapist
Mar 6, 2003
Anya, you will never convince Torontonians that Hamilton has anything other than pollution. It is unfortunate that the only view most of them get is from the highway as they cruise past on the way to Niagara. It is an ugly and often smelly first impression. I love Hess village, the farmlands between Stoney Creek and Grimsby, tobogganing in the golf course hills, and the Festival of Friends - that has to be my favorite reason for returning to Hamilton.


New member
Apr 30, 2003
Offstage, instrument tuned.
Try as you might, you will never change the minds of those who have already decided. Do you really want to? Hamilton has some great people and places to go without the attitude and prices. I get to live in a house probably twice as nice as I could afford in T.O., I haven't had to even slow down due to traffic in over six months on my work commute, and virtually everything I could ever want is available locally. Please don't tell anyone though.....just let them think they really have things better.

Snake Pliskin

New member
Sep 14, 2003
Most people get turned off on Hamilton by the one way streets. Way too confusing for your average Torontonian.

When I lived in Hamilton, I had a GF from Toronto. Much like many Toronto folks, her impression was based on the view from the Skyway Bridge. She was amazed at how nice it was once you got past the factories.

Now most years I'd have an Argo comment, but I think I'll be quiet for the time being.:(

McMaster Rules! Go Marauders!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I was born and raised in Hamilton also.

I started working in Toronto in 90. At first, the bred in hatred of all things Toronto caused me to hate T.O. I had spent my youth being taught to snicker at the pansies down the QEW. In high school, we would never miss an Argo Ticat game and would often venture to Toronto to hurl abuse at the hated Argos and their fans.

But then a funny thing started to happen.

I started to discover the City of Toronto and how amazingly alive it was. I realized that people here are pretty decent sorts, much like where i grew up in the hammer. I discovered the many unique neighbourhoods, the different ethnic areas, restaurants, etc. My opinion on Toronto changed and now, I couldn't see myself living anywhere else.

Hamilton has some bright spots, no doubt about it. But it lacks an alive inner city that Toronto has in abundance. The energy here is 100 times that of Hamilton.

That is not to say that Hamilton couldn't be better, much much much better.

Toronto is a place where you want to be urban. My crowd would never consider living the suburb lifestyle prefering the old inner city instead. Hamilton has the old inner city, but it needs work. Right now, Hamilton reminds me of an american city where people for some reason WANT to live in the burbs of the south west mountain, or if you have really arrived - Ancaster or Burlington.


I would take Westdale myself, anywhere from Bay West to McMaster, south of King.

Or, around Gage Park.

The first step would be to get rid of those damn one way streets. They are a total detriment to the city turning streets into thoroughfares.

I don't think i could ever move back to Hamilton. Toronto is home now.

But I still am a Ticat fan though. I just can't bring myself to cheer for the Argos. Somethings never change.


Personal Sex Therapist
Mar 6, 2003
I agree. I moved here in the late 80s, but for me moving to Toronto meant living in Maple, Newmarket and Markham - anything to avoid living in the city. But single motherhood soon made it necessary to live closer to the office. Now I can't imagine living anywhere else. I love hopping the subway to downtown to wander Yorkville during the film festival, or take the dogs to the beach and get ice cream on Queen street. The street festivals are always a blast. And in my neighbourhood you can barely walk on a sunny weekend between people traffic and sidewalk cafes.

Hamilton seems to be very much a bedroom community now. Even if I had any family left, I can't imagine moving back. Downtown at King and James has become a very sad place. I'd have to head to Toronto for my festivals, except the weekend of the Festival of Friends of course.


New member
May 21, 2003
Samantha Jones said:
The polution count in Toronto on any given day in summer is usually higher than that of Hamilton.

The Hamilton(Ontario) Opera Company is world renowned and the acoustics at hamilton Place are superior to those of the Hummingbird.

The warterfront /Bay area in Hamilton has had millions spent and is home to Aquafest, and Dragon Boat Races every summer, the yacht club is booming(there are 2), and there are miles of open trails
The Art Gallery of Hamilton has an amazing collection, there are at least 20 other small art galleries in the city. The Dundas Valley School of Art is one of the best in Canada.

There are 5 small live theatres in Hamilton , Theatre Aquarius has won several awards.

Hamilton is Home to The Royal Botanical gardens, on of the largest public gardens in North America

just a few facts
Very nicely put and accurate!


Jan 17, 2003
lol we create the pollution...perhaps...but this thing called the wind...it blows it right on over the lake at u all in Toronto....

i apologize as i sit here with my clean lungs... ;oP


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