Hamas and Fatah declare unity government


Jan 31, 2005
Funny that you have not replied on the thread about the plight of Palestinians in Lebanon.

You can jibber jabber away all you like. The ONLY REASON why they are stateless is Lebanon refuses to give citizenship to Palestinians even when they are third or fourth generation Lebanese.

That is an indisputable fact.


Mar 21, 2011
Funny that you have not replied on the thread about the plight of Palestinians in Lebanon.

You can jibber jabber away all you like. The ONLY REASON why they are stateless is Lebanon refuses to give citizenship to Palestinians even when they are third or fourth generation Lebanese.

That is an indisputable fact.
Your 'fact' is disputed by the UN and the rest of the world.
And totally denied by those who are the victims.

You are lying your face off by claiming to speak for those you continue to help oppress.


Jan 31, 2005
Your 'fact' is disputed by the UN and the rest of the world.
And totally denied by those who are the victims.

You are lying your face off by claiming to speak for those you continue to help oppress.
Please find a UN source that disputes the fact that Lebanon has refused to grant them citizenship,

And why are you running away from the thread on the extremely abusive discrimination Palestinians face in Lebanon?

This topic terrifies you!


Mar 21, 2011
Please find a UN source that disputes the fact that Lebanon has refused to grant them citizenship,

And why are you running away from the thread on the extremely abusive discrimination Palestinians face in Lebanon?

This topic terrifies you!
No, this topic saddens me.
That you are so desperate to have to lie your face off and try to steal the voice of those you oppress.
Nothing worse then a racist who pretends to speak and care about those he help abuse.

I've shown you the report that shows you do not speak for the refugees, you are just trying to finalize ethnic cleansing.


Jan 31, 2005
No, this topic saddens me.
That you are so desperate to have to lie your face off and try to steal the voice of those you oppress.
Nothing worse then a racist who pretends to speak and care about those he help abuse.

I`ve shown you the report that shows you do not speak for the refugees, you are just trying to finalize ethnic cleansing.
Funny that you at running away from this:


That harrowing account by Palestinians of the discrimination Palestinians face in Lebanon totally contradicts all your bullshit.

Lebanon, and only Lebanon, is accountable for what Lebanon does.


Mar 21, 2011
Like you trying to shut down discussion of the mistreatment of Palestinians in Lebanon?
We can talk about it, but only if you acknowledge that the reason they are there and still there is because of Israeli ethnic cleansing and Israel's refusal to do the right thing.
Admit that and we can continue this discussion.


Jan 31, 2005
We can talk about it, but only if you acknowledge that the reason they are there and still there is because of Israeli ethnic cleansing and Israel's refusal to do the right thing.
Admit that and we can continue this discussion.
They you go again, cynically trying to leverage intentional and malicious Lebanese mistreatment of Palestinians into an attack on Israel.

The Palestinians in Lebanon are really being abused, they are not pawns in your hate war with Israel, they are real people suffering real abuse.


Mar 21, 2011
They you go again, cynically trying to leverage intentional and malicious Lebanese mistreatment of Palestinians into an attack on Israel. The Palestinians in Lebanon are really being abused, they are not pawns in your hate war with Israel, they are real people suffering real abuse.
If you really cared you would work towards the solution Palestinians want instead of starting your own plan to finalize Israel's ethnic cleansing.


Jan 31, 2005
If you really cared you would work towards the solution Palestinians want instead of starting your own plan to finalize Israel's ethnic cleansing.
There you go again dodging the issue of what Lebanon is doing and arbitrarily trying to change the topic to Israel. Israel has NOTHING TO DO with the way Lebanon treats the Palestinians.

I see you still haven't bothered commenting on the plight of Palestinians -- YOU DON'T FUCKING CARE. Just like you don't give a flying fuck about Syrian civilians, or anybody else for that matter. You are absolutely consumed with a seething raging hatred of Israel and you don't give a fuck about any issue, any person, any group in the Middle East, except to the extent it lets you badmouth Israel.

Yes, I do care about the Palestinians. I hope they get rid of their terrible leadership, the PLO has really done them a disfavour, and is entirely complicit in their abuse in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, and the West Bank, for its own wretchedly cynical reasons. If the Palestinians got leaders who weren't so fucking corrupt, who actually wanted to make a difference for their people, then there are any number of excellent peace offers they could have accepted, they would have a state today, and they would be building towards the future rather than fighting the wars of the past. That is what the Palestinians need. What they certainly don't need are fake supporters like you who don't care about them, and throw them under a bus whenever convenient if it helps you to hurt a Jew.

The Lebanese engage in the abuse of Palestinian for purely racist reasons, and as such, it is really apartheid, the full on racial separation and systemic discrimination kind. In Syria it less clear -- the regime there abuses so many people so violently on such a regular basis that it's hard to say their murderous treatment of Palestinians is any worse then their murderous treatment of other Syrians.


Mar 21, 2011
There you go again dodging the issue of what Lebanon is doing and arbitrarily trying to change the topic to Israel. Israel has NOTHING TO DO with the way Lebanon treats the Palestinians. I see you still haven't bothered commenting on the plight of Palestinians -- YOU DON'T FUCKING CARE. Just like you don't give a flying fuck about Syrian civilians, or anybody else for that matter. You are absolutely consumed with a seething raging hatred of Israel and you don't give a fuck about any issue, any person, any group in the Middle East, except to the extent it lets you badmouth Israel. Yes, I do care about the Palestinians. I hope they get rid of their terrible leadership, the PLO has really done them a disfavour, and is entirely complicit in their abuse in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, and the West Bank, for its own wretchedly cynical reasons. If the Palestinians got leaders who weren't so fucking corrupt, who actually wanted to make a difference for their people, then there are any number of excellent peace offers they could have accepted, they would have a state today, and they would be building towards the future rather than fighting the wars of the past. That is what the Palestinians need. What they certainly don't need are fake supporters like you who don't care about them, and throw them under a bus whenever convenient if it helps you to hurt a Jew. The Lebanese engage in the abuse of Palestinian for purely racist reasons, and as such, it is really apartheid, the full on racial separation and systemic discrimination kind. In Syria it less clear -- the regime there abuses so many people so violently on such a regular basis that it's hard to say their murderous treatment of Palestinians is any worse then their murderous treatment of other Syrians.
So much anger in that post, eh?

Oh, by the way, Peres is in the news for admitting that Netanyahu pulled the plug on peace when they got too close to a deal. Might have slowed the ongoing invasion of colonists.

If you really cared about Palestinians you would push a solution they want, instead of pushing more ethnic cleansing.

You are a lying, hate filled racist with a gun collection who like to argue that it's ok to shoot children. You aren't really helping make the case that Israel is a decent country.

You should ask your troll bosses how to pretend to be nice, might help.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
They are almost all stateless refugees.
Do you feel better that Lebanon, Syria and the PLO collaborate to keep them stateless?

Even sadder are the 1.2 million in Hamas controlled Gaza and 750,000 in PA controlled West Bank who are kept 'stateless' despite living in and being born in Palestinian territory.


Jan 31, 2005
You don't give a fuck about Palestinians, stop pretending. Stop yammering on about reports. Stop making up lies about ethnic cleansing. Stop all that crap -- YOU ARE EXPOSED.

We know you don't give a shit, you made that clear in your reply pasted on the thread about the plight of Palestinians in Lebanon. You could CARE LESS about Palestinians.


Mar 21, 2011
you made that clear in your reply pasted on the thread about the plight of Palestinians in Lebanon.
You're looking more and more sad and angry every day.
Now not only are you making up threads just for me to come and insult you, when I don't you have to go and make pretend responses by me on the thread.
Do you never feel shame?


Jan 31, 2005
You're looking more and more sad and angry every day.
Now not only are you making up threads just for me to come and insult you, when I don't you have to go and make pretend responses by me on the thread.
Do you never feel shame?
I exposed you for the hypocrite that you are. You do not care about Palestinians at all, you refuse to discuss any hardship they face, except when doing so allows you to incite hated of Israel. When the hardship is caused by the Lebanese, you refuse to discuss it.

You are exposed for what you are. Eat it.


Mar 21, 2011
When the hardship is caused by the Lebanese, you refuse to discuss it.
According to those Palestinian refugees the hardship has been caused by Israel.
Lebanon may be making it worse, they're probably sick and tired of taking care of Israel's problems for half a century, but clearly Palestinians and the UN know that Israel is to blame.

Your attempts to put words in their mouths is just more colonial racist behaviour.
I will listen to them, not you.


Jan 31, 2005
According to those Palestinian refugees the hardship has been caused by Israel.
That is patently false, both in that I gave you multiple references where Palestinians complain about Lebanon, and because it is factually and verifiably untrue.

It is your fault that you haven't read the plight of Palestinians thread with the article that destroys your claim. Running away from the thread and pretending it doesn't exist won't make the thread or the facts go away.

Also, it is ludicrous and stupid to claim that Israel is responsible for Lebanon walling off Palestinian areas, attacking Palestinians, denying then status, etc, clearly Lebanon and only Lebanon is responsible for what Lebanon does.

It is just pathetic the way you flop around trying to blame Israel for actions taken by Lebanon.


Mar 21, 2011
That is patently false, both in that I gave you multiple references where Palestinians complain about Lebanon.
And I have you a poll which actually asked them what they think and they said Israel is to blame.

Stop this colonial racist attempt to put words in their mouths.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
And I have you a poll which actually asked them what they think and they said Israel is to blame.

Stop this colonial racist attempt to put words in their mouths.
Still doesn't change the facts. There is absolutely zero justification for Lebanon and Syria to deprive refugees of rights and less than zero justification for camps in the West Bank and Gaza.

Fact is that the UN Convention on Refugees lists the obligations of host nations ('Contracting Countries") which include access to services and the chance at assimilation. It's not Canada's fault that South Sudan is unsafe but we still give refugees from there human rights. Canada is not to blame for the Somalis fleeing their homes but we don't lock them into camps. We didn't play a role in the flight of the Vietnamese boat people but we still allow them access to education and jobs. It's the moral thing to do but the PLO and the Arab states would rather abuse fellow Arabs for the sake of politics.

Take a look at the actual text and see all the places where Arab states refuse to follow the UN Convention when dealing with Palestinians.

Some examples:

Article 3
The Contracting States shall apply the provisions of this Convention to refugees without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin.

Article 17
wage-earning employment
The Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their
territory the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign
country in the same circumstances, as regards the right to engage in wage-
earning employment.

Article 21
As regards housing, the Contracting States, in so far as the matter is regulated
by laws or regulations or is subject to the control of public authorities, shall
accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory treatment as favourable
as possible and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded to aliens
generally in the same circumstances

Article 22
public education
1.The Contracting States shall accord to refugees the same treatment as is
accorded to nationals with respect to elementary education

Article 26
freedom of movement
Each Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully in its territory the
right to choose their place of residence to move freely within its territory,
subject to any regulations applicable to aliens generally in the same circum-

Article 34
The Contracting States shall as far as possible facilitate the assimilation and
naturalization of refugees.
They shall in particular make every effort to expe-
dite naturalization proceedings and to reduce as far as possible the charges
and costs of such proceedings
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