Ashley Madison

Guns in America: 12 year old girl murders father with gun, then kills herself


Jun 8, 2023
the US is sick. And I mean that with all definitions of the term. The fact is the gun death per capita ( which did anyone notice Tiberius conveniently ignored) I think now is 14. Not many years ago it was 11.

Ours is under 2. When adjusted for gang bangers 0.7 or their abouts. Has to be the air.

Anyone that’s ever worked with Stats, would call the USs gun stats. Dirty bath water. And that’s putting it politely.
Ours is low because of strict gun laws. Time to make them stricter and bring that number down to ZERO.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Nah, of coarse not. The 21 killed in Nova Scotia, were just killed with illegally obtained firearms…

Educate yourself Tiberous. A
On all aspects of the topic. Whether it’s how firearms arms work, ballistics/foot pounds, existing laws and safeguards..Various stats pertaining to GD/capita, suicides, and actually how often firearms are used by drunk husbands….

Do you know for example the RCMP run my name every day…to see if anything has changed?

Do you know for example every single one of my conjugal partners have a big say in whether or not I should have firearms….

and so much more.

I am so sick of this debate. It’s been raging for close to 30 years. So sick of the uniformed, so sick of the lies and misrepresentation by the left, the antis, etc. for your vote.

30 years, wasted. Chasing unicorns…and every time a Jane Creba takes one in the head I just want to scream.

It is your fault at this point.


Jun 8, 2023
Nah, of coarse not. The 21 killed in Nova Scotia, were just killed with illegally obtained firearms…

Educate yourself Tiberous. A
On all aspects of the topic. Whether it’s how firearms arms work, ballistics/foot pounds, existing laws and safeguards..Various stats pertaining to GD/capita, suicides, and actually how often firearms are used by drunk husbands….

Do you know for example the RCMP run my name every day…to see if anything has changed?

Do you know for example every single one of my conjugal partners have a big say in whether or not I should have firearms….

and so much more.

I am so sick of this debate. It’s been raging for close to 30 years. So sick of the uniformed, so sick of the lies and misrepresentation by the left, the antis, etc. for your vote.

30 years, wasted. Chasing unicorns…and every time a Jane Creba takes one in the head I just want to scream.

It is your fault at this point.
You don't have solutions. You just have excuses. I agree that not all gun owners are criminals or likely to do something criminal. But stricter gun laws are the only thing from a legal standpoint that you can do to prevent gun related deaths, mass shootings etc.,. Unless you have an effective alternative.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Logic doesn't work with you. I've given up. And debaters better than I are discovering the same thing. They are ripping you to shreds and you just don't get it.

I'm sure that I can come up with more of them for you.
I didn't set out to obliterate you and your friend's "arguments" but it's what happens when you have truth and logic on your side.

+1 ad hominem. You may get to double digits at this rate.

Jean wants to prod into whether I own guns or not lol. At least mandrill had the decency to regurgitate decades old talking points about gun control.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
You don't have solutions. You just have excuses. I agree that not all gun owners are criminals or likely to do something criminal. But stricter gun laws are the only thing from a legal standpoint that you can do to prevent gun related deaths, mass shootings etc.,. Unless you have an effective alternative.
mum, read between the lines? Kind of like reading a map, or longitude and lattitude? Maybe it’s time policiticians and the soft left found some stones and went after the real problem. Gun owners have only been screaming about that for 30 years…..

And for someone who said and I have to paraphrase……Gun owners like Dirthardy just…..and you also said “the uniformed don’t need to know”…and your fast to put the blood on the streets at gun owners feet.

uh-uh. The stats will show differently. As will the blood every time a gang banger pulls the trigger, or smuggles a gun from wild Wild West, good ol US of A. It’s at your feet and on your hands. You chose……who to listen to, who not to. And ultimately vote for. That’s a lot of blood over 30 years.


Jun 8, 2023
mum, read between the lines? Kind of like reading a map, or longitude and lattitude? Maybe it’s time policiticians and the soft left found some stones and went after the real problem. Gun owners have only been screaming about that for 30 years…..

And for someone who said and I have to paraphrase……Gun owners like Dirthardy just…..and you also said “the uniformed don’t need to know”…and your fast to put the blood on the streets at gun owners feet.

uh-uh. The stats will show differently. As will the blood every time a gang banger pulls the trigger, or smuggles a gun from wild Wild West, good ol US of A. It’s at your feet and on your hands. You chose……who to listen to, who not to. And ultimately vote for. That’s a lot of blood over 30 years.
Stop beating around the bush. State plainly. What is your solution? Why should I read between the lines? I dont know what your solution is. You are saying a lot without saying anything.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
You don't have solutions. You just have excuses. I agree that not all gun owners are criminals or likely to do something criminal. But stricter gun laws are the only thing from a legal standpoint that you can do to prevent gun related deaths, mass shootings etc.,. Unless you have an effective alternative.
We've established that your fear of gun-totting white supremacists is overblown. Unfortunately, the image of the right-wing menace is seared into your mind thanks to the media.

We've established that most gun deaths are suicides and gangbanger beefs. Both groups are entitled to their actions... the weak and the dregs remove themselves. Although the pivot toward concern for suicidal people when the mass shooting angle fell flat was expected.

We've established that guns were in more places than they are today in the recent past... in schools for the purpose of instruction and competition... brandished in photos with children just like now... easier to buy/access... yet there were fewer mass shootings, gangbanger shootings, and suicides.

This tells us that culture, demographics, education, have changed.

The guns are staying. Should background checks be required to buy guns? Yes. Are they for the most part? Yes.

I take consolation in the fact that with all the highly emotional whining from the anti-gun group on TERB, they won't move the needle on the topic one bit.
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Jun 8, 2023
We've established that your fear of gun-totting white supremacists is overblown. Unfortunately, the image of the right-wing menace is seared into your mind thanks to the media.

We've established that most gun deaths are suicides and gangbanger beefs. Both groups are entitled to their actions... the weak and the dredges remove themselves. Although the pivot toward concern for suicidal people when the mass shooting angle fell flat was expected.

We've established that guns were in more places than they are today in the recent past... in schools for the purpose of instruction and competition... brandished in photos with children... easier to buy/access... yet there were fewer mass shootings, gangbanger shootings, and suicides.

This tells us that culture, demographics, education, have changed.

The guns are staying. Should background checks be required to buy guns? Yes. Are they for the most part? Yes.

I take consolation in the fact that all the highly emotional whining from the anti-gun group on TERB, your input won't move the needle on the topic one bit.
What we have established is that a lot of mass shooters are infact white supremacists.

We have established that lesser the prevalence of guns in a country, less the gun related deaths in that country.

We have established that lesser the gun culture in a country, less the gun related crime and violence in that country.

Yes, TERB members are not going to move the needle in the United States. But you need to also accept that in Canada our laws will get stricter and tighter year on year. Infact the more dramatic the event in the US, the politicians here will use that to pass stricter laws. Probably for the best.

Enjoy a gun free, safe, Canada!
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Jan 4, 2005
Remember this?

50 people were slaughtered by a man who lost a lot of money on video poker. He took out his anger on concert goers by spraying hundreds of bullets into them. Not possible with a bow and arrow, a knife, or even a pistol. There is no reason ANY citizen should be allowed to have high-powered automatic or semi-automatic weapons.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I didn't set out to obliterate you and your friend's "arguments" but it's what happens when you have truth and logic on your side.
Like I said, you have no concept of reality.

+1 ad hominem. You may get to double digits at this rate.
I told you that I had more.

Jean wants to prod into whether I own guns or not lol. At least mandrill had the decency to regurgitate decades old talking points about gun control.
As a wise man once said, "Don't argue with an idiot. They'll only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." Their patience with you will eventually expire, as mine did.


Jan 4, 2005
There are over 20 million legally owned guns in Canada. So 1 gun for ever 2 citizens. The horror!

Only 22% of Canadians live in a household with a gun, vs 44% for the US.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
As a wise man once said, "Don't argue with an idiot. They'll only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." Their patience with you will eventually expire, as mine did.
+1 ad hominem (you lost the plot long ago).

So, what's keeping you here?

Note, that the wise man's saying doesn't apply here. I haven't argued with you. I've only embarrassed you. You haven't made any arguments.
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Jan 4, 2005
+1 ad hominem (you lost long ago).

So, what's keeping you here?

Note, that the wise man's saying doesn't apply here. I haven't argued with you. I've only embarrassed you. You haven't made any arguments.
You do make some interesting points, but it seems you are unwilling to acknoweldge some obvious facts.

Also, I think you lost a lot of credibility when you stated that for every murder there were thousands of people who were saved by using guns in self-defense. That was obviously made up, wildly implausible, and not backed up by any credible sources. If you are able to make up such a wild claim, then how can the rest of us give your other arguments and serious consideration?

That was the very first argument you made.

What was the last one you made in the thread so far?

"There are over 20 million legally owned guns in Canada. So 1 gun for ever 2 citizens. The horror! "

This is flawed logic. There may be 1 gun for every 2 citizens, but that statisitic is meaningless. How many are owned by police, or hunters, or other people with multiple guns? If there are 100 people, and one man owns 200 guns, yes, there are 2 guns for every person, but that doesn't mean that everyone owns two guns. So the number of guns is meaningless.

So your very first and very last arguments I have shown are false, illogical and flawed. You are distorting statistics, using propaganda, and flawed logic to justify your points. If your first and last post are flawed and untrue, how are we to believe that the middle has any credibility and validity?
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