Most people from The West Indies do not want Jamaicans in their country according to the news outlets from The Caribbean. It seems that The West is following suit.No, this is not common knowledge. Only badmind utterances by those from the Eastern Caribbean who still blame Jamaicans for the failure of the West Indian Federation. Small minded.
There are far more Jamaicans or people of Jamaican origin than any other Caribbean people, so it stands to reason there would be more criminals. There are also far more accomplished ones like Michael Lee-Chin and the late G Raymond Chang, both of whom came to Canada as adults but are rarely referred to as Jamaicans, if at the case of Chang...who isn't even a black Jamaican, just to illustrate how silly this is.
Your police chief is of Jamaican origin, but is he really a Jamaican? The man who he beat for the job (Peter Sloly) is from Jamaica though. So too the first black police chief of a major Canadian city - Devon Culnis (Winnipeg). Most of the newscasters, bank managers, doctors (related to and know a few of these) etc etc etc.
General Colin Powell is of Jamaican descent. Is he lauded as a Jamaican by those on the other side who wish to prop him up? Or just plain ole American...and Republican at that.
Canadian of Jamaican origin is a weak way of blaming Jamaicans for Canadian problems. How far back do you go to trace Jamaican origin? 2 or 3 generations? Any other qualifiers? Just one parent? If the other parent is Irish, stick with the Jamaican one for the label? Look at which parent is the mother or the father? Why not stick to born and raised Jamaicans and then label the rest what they are - Canadian? Most of those dudes have never even been to Jamaica.
I am not going to mention Canadian sport because you'll just auto file that under the less likely to finish high school
Shall we call Malcolm Gladwell a Jamaican?
I mean, what do you consider PK Subban???
Is Andre DeGrasse Trini or Bajan? Or is he just plain ole Canadian?
Maybe you should worry about black people as a whole instead of worrying about which corner of the globe some of them may come from. Maybe that way you can fix the problem. All those dudes I see popping up on my TV are probably just plain ole Afro-Canadians until you tell me they are immigrants.
LOL you just made a whole post tooting your own horn. Most Jamaicans I've spoken to admit there is a problem in your community that needs to be addressed, you are out touch with reality. Those same numbers from StatsCan are not identical to other black groups in Toronto. You want sweep the problem under the rug rather than address it.
The TDSB also recognized there was a problem with Somali youth not graduating so they decided to study the problem and make recommendations, Google it as it was a few years ago. I think this is a good idea.