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Greta Thunberg accuses Israel of ‘war crimes’ and ‘genocide’


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
There was ample evidence whether or not you choose to accept it. But you are missing the point in any event. The fact is that the evidence is indisputable that Hamas embeds it launcher etc in hospitals,schools and mosques etc. even if it were the case that there was nothing there, and that would be contrary to the evidence, that is what happens in war when you have an adversary like Hamas.
The fact is there was no evidence. Again watch the video. After all the hullabaloo over al-shifa this, al-shifa that, its crickets now. No tunnels, no 'command centers', no nothing.

And if there was nothing there, then attacking those civilian establishments was an intentional war crime per international law. It is imminent genocide and many are rightfully outraged at it, as any decent person would be.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Frankie, you can't have it both ways.

Either Israel has been targeting civilians in their homes, or Israel is making civilians leave their homes. You complain either way.
Sure you can, mandrill.
Israel is doing both, targeting some civilians in their homes and driving others from their homes.
What a stupid argument.

As a lawyer I'm surprised you haven't commented on Israel blowing up Gaza's courts and legal archives. Even this doesn't bother you?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
From video footage, it appears that most of the cities are still standing.

Frankie, it's a war zone. Power is out. Water is out. That's what happens in a war zone. That's not genocide. That's a battle zone.

Yes, people have a choice to move out and live in tents and shelters or live in a war zone with live ammo being fired. Hopefully, HAMAS is rooted out and killed in a couple of weeks and people can return to their home.
Food, water and power are being blocked by Israel.
That is genocide, not war.

Your argument is like saying its war, sometimes nukes are used so its ok to use nukes. Like sometimes gas chambers are used in war so its ok to use gas chambers. There is nowhere safe in Gaza. Nowhere.

Bosnia and Rwanda featured deliberate mass murder of populations. The only similar occurrence in the area we're discussing is 7 October. THAT was a mini genocide.
The numbers are different, that's all. The intent is the same.

Food and water is getting in. There are videos of trucks delivering both. A problem is that HAMAS and other armed groups are seizing and withholding the shipments.
The ICRC says 10% of what is needed is getting in.

Agreed that feeding and caring for such a large # of civilians in a war zone is a challenging task. HAMAS could simply surrender and return the hostages. They won't do that.
Israel is the occupying power and under the Geneva Conventions they are responsible for the well being of those they occupy. Its Israel's duty, not Hamas.

It's not genocide. It's what happens in every urban war zone that has ever taken place.
No, there has never been a war on a concentration camp where 2.2 million people are intentionally deprived of food and water before.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
If the current younger generation had exactly the same opportunities as the ones in the 1960s did, they would be doing exactly the same thing.

Never assume that one generation is better than another. They are all selfish.....
I dunno, I think the greedy and selfish people cheat the system to gain the power and screw the rest of us over, its called capitalism.
Most of us are not so bad.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
The fact is there was no evidence. Again watch the video. After all the hullabaloo over al-shifa this, al-shifa that, its crickets now. No tunnels, no 'command centers', no nothing.

And if there was nothing there, then attacking those civilian establishments was an intentional war crime per international law. It is imminent genocide and many are rightfully outraged at it, as any decent person would be.
You can keep repeating that but you are confusing the fact that it was certainly not the jackpot they hoped and expected to find that is different than find nothing. There were arms and equipment as well as laptops and computers use as part of command and control. Very different than nothing.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You can keep repeating that but you are confusing the fact that it was certainly not the jackpot they hoped and expected to find that is different than find nothing. There were arms and equipment as well as laptops and computers use as part of command and control. Very different than nothing.
The laptop was one of the IDF's bigger fails in their propaganda war.
Thanks for bringing it up and showing how some people are easy to fool.

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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
You can keep repeating that but you are confusing the fact that it was certainly not the jackpot they hoped and expected to find that is different than find nothing. There were arms and equipment as well as laptops and computers use as part of command and control. Very different than nothing.
There is a huge difference between finding something and finding nothing and instead lying that they did.
  • They pointed to an Arabic calendar and lied that it was terrorist names.
  • They showed some pic from the internet and called it an "armory".
  • They showed a tunnel entry point in the ground and it turned out to be an elevator shaft.
  • They actually placed the same gun and laptop in various places. I mean they are in this brutal war with Hamas right? But they for sure did not forget their video cameras!
  • The guy actually shows a bag with pristine boots and clothing and goes - "This is a grab bag for 1 Hamas terrorist". 😂
  • They claimed there was a huge command center at al-shifa. Ehud Barak went on CNN and claimed that it was the Israelis that built the tunnels under al-shifa. However, they showed some random hole in the ground and then cut to the inside of a "cave" to show us around.
I bet there was a guy going "Cut!" at the end of that dog and pony show.
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