Vaughan Spa

Good Luck CB


New member
Jan 2, 2009
can someone put a poll about Cb's LL surgery

if he is faking up or its real


Average Sized Member
Oct 21, 2005
Look, clicking is positional. Experiment with putting your legs in different positions. Sit on a low bed, knees bent straight out in front of you. Lift right leg and move it about 6 inches to the right. Twist heel outwards. With firm, even pressure, internally rotate by pushing in the knee towars the other leg. Keep your ass just off the end of the bed at all times. Think right angles.


Nov 14, 2005
Good advice. Shall try. Tomorrow I get anesthetic clicking. Professor Betz jacks it up to 45-60. Then shall get buzzed on wine & try some of these techniques.


Average Sized Member
Oct 21, 2005
Be very careful with alcohol, can react with meds dangerously, but who am i to talk, I had a few as well. Good luck, stay strong and stick with it. you will be amost 1/2cm more when you wake up and it is going to hurt a lot. Tell the nurses, "pine" which means pain whether it hurts a little or a lot. They will top you up.


Nov 14, 2005
Meds are now designed to make to vomit so as to prevent overdose on alcohol & death.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Good try and I kind of understand it. Sort of like putting your fist through the door to help with your headache.
or when you're drunk and you're in a car accident. you don't feel the real pain until you wake up in the hospital with serious injuries.

on a more positive note:

some football players have been reported to run on a broken leg a few hundred yards all the way to the touchdown and having not felt any pain all due to the fact that their system was filled with adrenaline. They experience the real, raw pain only afterwards, when the adrenaline leaves their system.

and on a more random note:

i've noticed that when a person is extremely angry...when i'm extremely angry...I can block out pain...very much pain...hell of alot of pain...i can block out...almost completely. its as if i don't really feel it at all. I guess I can credit this to adrenaline.


some people claim that they actually enjoy feeling pain. to the point that pain becomes pleasure. masochist actually go towards pain and actually seek it out - instead of retreating away from pain. Just for your information. Something to think about and chew on. Food for thought.

and another random fact:

scientists have witnessed that mice would actually make the decision to endure an obstacle of pain to reach to achieve a source of pleasure; to reach a reward...

Cutebald, maybe you can reward yourself after every time you make yourself endure the clicks with something you like. such as a bowl of your favorite ice cream, etc etc etc...

also, lastly, i heard that you can become desensitized to pain. (i think)


I'm going to go out on a limb here, Cutebald and suggest a little experiment for you.

there's this experiment where if you put your hand in hot water and you feel the heat of the water and then you put your hand in cold water and you feel the cold of the water and then you put your hand in hot water and you feel the heat of the water again and then you put your hand in cold water, but this time, your brain cannot tell if its cold or hot anymore... because at this point, the brain cannot tell if the water is hot or cold...the brain becomes confused. I'm pulling this idea from somewhere, i dunno where.

but its an idea. If you hold a cold ice cube tight in one fist and focus on the really cold feeling in your fist, then it'll distract and confuse your brain from focusing on the fullest extent of the pain in your leg when you click. Like your brain cannot focus on two things at the same time.

Try it. Might work.

but i gotta warn you. I never had a broken leg, so i'm pulling these ideas out of my ass, so i cannot say i speak from experience on what its like to have a broken leg.

I'll post an article about pain and how they're studying how to handle it when i get a chance.


Aug 13, 2007
And here is your very last resort before quitting: Dr. Betz can also put on external frames for you. There is zero pain in clicking because you just turn the dials on the external frames. However, you will have wasted a lot of money for the first surgery, but that is precisely what you would be doing if you give up anyway. You would also get more scars on your legs and be on a wheelchair during the lengthening, that that is still better than giving up and gaining nothing.


Aug 13, 2007
For those of you curious about the pain level of clicking, go ahead and try a pretend-click:

Sit on your bed with your legs out, forming a V. Lift one knee about 30 cm. Now rotate that leg inwards until that knee can almost touch the bed (without you ass cheek lifting off the bed). Ouch! Maybe I should have told Cute-Bald about this motion before he left Canada so that he could have practised it, but I never knew of a patient that could not click.


Nov 14, 2005
Thanks guys. You have been of some help. The driver Thaomas tells me many do anesthetic clicking 2x to strech & weaken the muscles. I just come back from my first anesthetic clicking; 45 clicks=3mm. Legs have dull sore pain but nothing too bad considering I am on meds. Just got to walk & strech it out to feel better. Will see if I can click on my own this week. If not then next weekend do again before coming back home. QUESTION: if I still have trouble how about a hypmotist for doing clicking until getting to the magic 2cm mark were many say it gets much easier? I see the physiotherapist Peter on Mon. I shall speak to him & see what asistance he can provide. Wish me luck & I shall really wish to get past this initial barrier. My great flexability & athletic strong muscles should carry me through to the end. Peter said very rarly he seen such flexable & extreemly strong legs. Like body builder legs from the figure skating. Keep in mind boys I skated into jumps at a speed of 20km/hr.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
He has not shown us one friggin pic yet to prove the LL, that he is in Germany, or some german nurses ass!

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
We should do a :

Cueball, show up proof - Let us tell you all the ways that you can prove the LL to us! Thread.

Blonde babe

Mar 10, 2010
I have been in athletics for 15 years & can endure pain. So I tell Dr. betz I will want a few sessions of anesthetic clicking to lossen the muscles & nail. Lets see if he agrees. Oh this is such a shock more attentioned getting drama . Maybe you should ask the good Dr. To click your head a few times it might legthen your brain into believing this whole story . Please ! Bb

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

Lets see if we can smoke the culprit out. BB, will you offer up a BJ as a reward if CB can prove that he has undergone a LL? After all, he was begging for a freebie from a SP just before he supposedly left for his LL in DE. Imagine if we put together a gift basket of SP delights for Cueball, other SPs are welcome to participate and donate.

Cueball, never say I never did you a solid!!

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