Dream Spa

Giving UP



Re: Re: Re: Re: Giving UP

bbking said:
You may have meant well but the sterotypes your post shows does more harm than good.
So what? Everyone is entitled to there opinion

There are a few large bridges near where I live. Ocassionally there are jumpers. Traffic is backed up for miles and sometimes hours because someone wants a little attention?? If I were at the front of the traffic jam on the freeway, I would be chanting "JUMP" along with all of the other people who are tired of having their lives disrupted by these people.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Giving UP

WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
If I were at the front of the traffic jam on the freeway, I would be chanting "JUMP" along with all of the other people who are tired of having their lives disrupted by these people.
Nice. "Tired of having your life disrupted?" My God, have you ever - EVER - had your life "disrupted" by another person's suicidal depression? Your selfish ass can't wait a few minutes on a bridge? "Oh God, I hope this guys hurries up and goes splat so I can go home and watch Wheel of Fortune!"

Personally, I'd want to be in the car behind you ramming your bumper.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Giving UP

Drunken Master said:
Personally, I'd want to be in the car behind you ramming your bumper.
You should seek help. It seems as though you must be suicidal. :)


sorry, I think the time that thousands of people are forced to waste, not by their choice but by someone seeking attention (who also does not usually have the balls to finish the jump) is much more valuable then that individual's life.

I have not chanted "jump" but it seems that these people usually choose rush hour to block traffic.. and it is not like there is any other routes to take. These events happen several times per year and there is usually MANY people, out of their cars on the freeway, chanting JUMP... PLEASE JUMP


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Giving UP

bbking said:
I wish miserable piss ants like yourself would Jump to show those in misery what the aftermath looks like.
I guess thats one of the differences between you & I, BBK... I would not wish death upon anyone, unless they had wished it upon themselves


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Giving UP

WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
I guess thats one of the differences between you & I, BBK... I would not wish death upon anyone, unless they had wished it upon themselves
There is something to be said for a person’s right over his or her own body and their existence. However those suffering from depression or other mental illness aren't exactly in the right frame of mind to make wise long term choices.

Your lack of empathy and feeling for the suffering of your fellow man as well as your ignorance regarding mental illness defines your character.

I guess you can take consolation and solace in that unfortunately there are many more like you in society, you are not alone. But do you think that it makes for a better society?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Giving UP

bbking said:
Yes it is distructive and harmful not only to the individual but to family and friends but when your in that deep dark place it becomes a realistic way out because nothing else seems to be working it has nothing at all to do with being self-centered or obnoxious and in fact most suicides are ones of opportunity presenting itself.
Originally posted by bbking
I wish miserable piss ants like yourself would Jump to show those in misery what the aftermath looks like.
Make up your mind whether he should think of the effect of this action upon other people or whether he shouldn't.

Then flap your yap.

There are people who will be hurt by his suicide. There is an aftermath to suicide even for those in misery. Suicide is not simply a matter of turning off the lights. No matter how miserable we feel, there are people who care about every one of us and suicide is only the ultimate cowardly disavowal of responsibilities.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Giving UP

bbking said:
a response to a completely insensitive jerk, who thinks it's funny to urge someone to jump
I may lack sympathy, empathy or pity for those who want to disrupt everyone else's life because they are have a rough go of it. if they must end it.. just do it instead of wasting everyone else's time.

I never once claimed that it was funny, however if you must know, I find it morbidly entertaining
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Giving UP

bbking said:
MLC the posts are about two seperate things - one is to do with you not understanding the illness of depression - the other is a response to a completely insensitive jerk, who thinks it's funny to urge someone to jump
Ah, now I understand.

You neither know nor care whether a person contemplating suicide should think about the effects of such action on those who love them. You merely pick and choose your slogans according to whom you feel like flaming.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Giving UP

midLifeCrisis said:
Ah, now I understand.

You neither know nor care whether a person contemplating suicide should think about the effects of such action on those who love them.
Can't we have sympathy for both?


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
the banality of existence ...

I may be reiterating here, but I'm tired and just found this thread.

I know that many of us are trying to empathise or give ray a wake up call that life is not so bad compared to "insert tragic life story", but the fact is that it likely doesn't reach ray on any real level during the "down cycle", because in his mind no one could truly understand. Most likely he feels that no one else could possibly have felt as bad as he does, even though he is wrong. The overwhelming sense of hopelessness and despair likely incapacitates him from acting on some of the advice given to him. It's weird how we forget the feeling of torment and complete helplessness. Although most people in this thread did not take this attitude, there is nothing worse and more useless, in most cases, than a holier than thou pick yourself up and get on with life attitude ...

It's so easy in retrospect to see how one can pull themselves out of these depressed states, whether triggered by outside influences, chemical imbalances or a combination of both.

The fact is that what may seem trivial or "less tragic" in relation to our own or other "tragedies", is in fact completely overwhelming and all encompassing to the individual.

I hope you can somehow find that glimmer of hope ray to pull yourself out of this or let someone help. You only have one life and no matter how fucked up you feel now it is likely a temporary extreme which can be relieved through professional help and/ or medication. Unfortunately death is final.

It seems that there is still a stigma attached to "anti depressant" drugs which should be vanquished in this day and age. There is nothing wrong with a little help or stabilising your chemical balance, which is in many cases beyond control of thought. Rational and depression are just not in the same equation. As mentioned before "street drugs" are not the solution and only compound the problem, if not , in many cases are the primary cause. Self medication is rarely, if ever, a good thing, but a good indicator that help is needed to address underlying problems.

PS I'm no psychiatrist so don't take my words as having any real deep meaning. Just some rambling thoughts from my tired feeble mind based on experience.

PSS Ignore daddio; I do.


Active member
Oct 26, 2003
See Ray's new thread on this matter entitled 'Thanks to all'

looks like he is making a good choice after all!


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Re: the banality of existence ...

pool said:
...I'm no psychiatrist....
Don't worry about that, Poolio. Just get back on the couch and tell us your thoughts. :p

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