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Get another COVID-19 booster in the fall, Canada's immunization panel recommends

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Ya....been down that road before. Cancer is an economic machine. Doctors profit off cancer treatments. But this again veers away from the topic at hand.....covid and cancer are very diff beasts brother.
They are not different beast at all.

mRNA technology is on a path to develop a vaccine to treat oncology cancer. Avoiding chemotherapy for millions.

Cancer is the results of our bad habits. Pharma will always benefit from bad habits. Yet doctors and researchers cure people. Yes they also make a lot of money but they do cure many people.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
How did you tie the vaccine to the death of your friend/family?

There are standards mandated in the FDA (and other health departments in other countries) for Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 clinical trials. These apply for any drug they put out there and they are all subject to the standard. If you don't trust the vaccine, then you shouldn't be trusting the other drugs out there too. But you do. So this has nothing to do with the vaccine itself. It is just your own politics. lol.

I mean if nothing can convince you that is fine. But if you pull back and think about it, you are not being rational. lol.
Hmmm....lets see.....they were injected with Pfizer and stroked/died within 15mins.
The brainwashed Left will all say it's a coincidence.
As for your do realize FDA is mostly funded by big pharma right. tracked....when there were clearly other options that worked which were suppressed and dismissed, otherwise they wouldn't be able to push the EUA.
How can you not acknowledge the massive profit machine, all the lobbyists, and government bribery and corruption that takes place to push Emergency Use Authorization. And the FDA approval was for Comirnity...or whatever they called it....but try getting it. It doesn't exist. Go ask your doctor and see what they say. They will happily inject you with whatever is given to them cuz they make $$ every time they admin a shot.

Covid jabs are a very diff phenom than "other drugs".
If you think they are safe why aren't you getting another shot?
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Gene therapy :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

You really have not done your research. Or you have done them on Facebook 😷
This. the foolishness knows no bounds. If you read the article it is only being recommended for those 65 and up with comorbidites etc. it probable doesn’t even concern the OP.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Hmmm....lets see.....they were injected with Pfizer and stroked/died within 15mins.
The brainwashed Left will all say it's a coincidence.
As for your do realize FDA is mostly funded by big pharma right. tracked....when there were clearly other options that worked which were suppressed and dismissed, otherwise they wouldn't be able to push the EUA.
How can you not acknowledge the massive profit machine, all the lobbyists, and government bribery and corruption that takes place to push Emergency Use Authorization. And the FDA approval was for Comirnity...or whatever they called it....but try getting it. It doesn't exist. Go ask your doctor and see what they say. They will happily inject you with whatever is given to them cuz they make $$ every time they admin a shot.

Covid jabs are a very diff phenom than "other drugs".
If you think they are safe why aren't you getting another shot?
I call bullshit on all of this.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
You can do whatever you like doesn’t change the fact of what happened.
I know how much the Left hates facts/truth.
Your perception of facts and truth have nothing to do with mine. Actually I say mine but it's not true. Since I am not a researcher nor a doctor I follow their advice.


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Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
the exec of Bayer admitted on video that MRA vaccines are gene therapy

You are misunderstanding what he said.

He said that this type of technology is based on or can be used in gene therapy.

"Gene therapy" means that you go into an organism's DNA and edit it. This would be helpful in, say, editing a gene that causes a particular type of inherited cancer or disease. This technology exists in the form of CRISPR. However, it is not authorized for use on humans.

mRNA vaccine technology is similar in that it copies the genetic code from the exterior "spike protein" of the COVID virus and then uses that synthesized "messenger" RNA (rather than a sample of the virus itself) to teach our immune system how to deal with that particular pathogen. They do not, and are not able to, edit our DNA. It is simply NOT possible.

That is not to say that there are not adverse effects possible and that have ocurred. No question that people have had mild to fatal reactions to this, and other vaccines. But not because of altering their DNA or genes. People have to make their own decisions on the basis of their risk/consequence tolerances. But to create disinformation is not helpful to anyone.

Here is a pretty good, brief explanation on the difference between mRNA and gene therapy. If you really are interested in learning as much as possible about this matter that is so important to you, you owe it to yourself to take 5 minutes to read the short linked article(s) with an open mind.

Why mRNA vaccines aren’t gene therapies

Gene therapies vs mRNA therapies
Gene therapies involve making deliberate changes to a patient’s DNA in order to cure or alleviate a Genetic condition
This can be by adding a functional copy of a gene, disabling a gene that makes a faulty product or changing gene activation.

The mRNA from the vaccines does not enter the cell nucleus or interact with the DNA at all, so it does not constitute gene therapy.

Gene therapies can have long-lasting effects because they permanently change the cell’s DNA, with these changes being inherited by any Daughter cells that result if the cell divides. In contrast, mRNAs are always transitory and are not inherited by daughter cells, making them ideal for use in vaccines.

Although mRNA therapies have been the subject of clinical trials for many years, their role in the fight against Covid-19 has only accelerated interest in their usefulness to combat other conditions, including rare diseases and cancer.

No, COVID-19 vaccines aren’t gene therapy

CLAIM: The COVID-19 vaccines “are a gene therapy, NOT a vaccine.”

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The COVID-19 vaccines do not change a person’s genes, as gene therapy does, experts say. The shots from Pfizer and Moderna use messenger RNA, or mRNA, to instruct the body to create a protein from the coronavirus. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine, meanwhile, uses a modified adenovirus to trigger an immune response.

THE FACTS: False claims that the vaccines alter humans’ DNA have circulated since before their debut in late 2020.

The posts point to a clip of Dr. Robert Malone — a vocal critic of the COVID-19 vaccineswho did early research on mRNA technology — speaking about the shots during a roundtable event hosted by Republican Sen. Ron Johnson in early December. In the clip, Malone is asked whether the vaccines are actually a form of gene therapy.

“As I’ve said repeatedly, it came out of a gene therapy research program,” Malone responds. “These and the adenoviral vectors are absolutely gene therapy technology applied for the purpose of eliciting an immune response.”

A tweet sharing the clip, which was also posted on Instagram, claimed: “The shots are a gene therapy, NOT a vaccine.”

Experts say that’s false.

“It’s just a very different process,” said Dr. Louis Picker, a professor and associate director of the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute at Oregon Health & Science University. “The point of gene therapy is to go in and change the actual coding in the DNA of a person’s cells.”

For example, federal officials in November approved the first gene therapy for the blood-clotting disorder hemophilia.

Picker said gene therapy is “a multi-step process that’s very deliberate, it’s very different than just injecting RNA in a carrier that is designed to be picked up, expressed and elicit an immune response,” as the vaccines do.

The COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna use mRNA to instruct cells to make a protein from the coronavirus and trigger an immune response. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses a modified adenovirus, a cold virus, to elicit an immune response.

But none of the vaccines can alter humans’ DNA, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains.

Michael Barry, a Mayo Clinic researcher who studies gene therapy and vaccines, said in an email that tools used for those vaccines have a relationship to gene therapy technology — but that does not mean the vaccines are actually gene therapy.

“The vectors for mRNA vaccines (lipid nanoparticles) are descendants of non-viral vectors called liposomes that were originally developed for gene therapy,” Barry said, referring to the nanoparticles that are used to transport the mRNA to cells.

“Gene therapy intends to provide long-lasting protein expression to fix a broken gene and its broken protein,” Barry added. “Vaccines intend a short burst of protein expression to stimulate the immune system.”


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
You are misunderstanding what he said.

He said that this type of technology is based on or can be used in gene therapy.

"Gene therapy" means that you go into an organism's DNA and edit it. This would be helpful in, say, editing a gene that causes a particular type of inherited cancer or disease. This technology exists in the form of CRISPR. However, it is not authorized for use on humans.

mRNA vaccine technology is similar in that it copies the genetic code from the exterior "spike protein" of the COVID virus and then uses that synthesized "messenger" RNA (rather than a sample of the virus itself) to teach our immune system how to deal with that particular pathogen. They do not, and are not able to, edit our DNA. It is simply NOT possible.

That is not to say that there are not adverse effects possible and that have ocurred. No question that people have had mild to fatal reactions to this, and other vaccines. But not because of altering their DNA or genes. People have to make their own decisions on the basis of their risk/consequence tolerances. But to create disinformation is not helpful to anyone.

Here is a pretty good, brief explanation on the difference between mRNA and gene therapy. If you really are interested in learning as much as possible about this matter that is so important to you, you owe it to yourself to take 5 minutes to read the short linked article(s) with an open mind.

Why mRNA vaccines aren’t gene therapies

Gene therapies vs mRNA therapies
Gene therapies involve making deliberate changes to a patient’s DNA in order to cure or alleviate a Genetic condition
This can be by adding a functional copy of a gene, disabling a gene that makes a faulty product or changing gene activation.

The mRNA from the vaccines does not enter the cell nucleus or interact with the DNA at all, so it does not constitute gene therapy.

Gene therapies can have long-lasting effects because they permanently change the cell’s DNA, with these changes being inherited by any Daughter cells that result if the cell divides. In contrast, mRNAs are always transitory and are not inherited by daughter cells, making them ideal for use in vaccines.

Although mRNA therapies have been the subject of clinical trials for many years, their role in the fight against Covid-19 has only accelerated interest in their usefulness to combat other conditions, including rare diseases and cancer.

No, COVID-19 vaccines aren’t gene therapy

CLAIM: The COVID-19 vaccines “are a gene therapy, NOT a vaccine.”

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The COVID-19 vaccines do not change a person’s genes, as gene therapy does, experts say. The shots from Pfizer and Moderna use messenger RNA, or mRNA, to instruct the body to create a protein from the coronavirus. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine, meanwhile, uses a modified adenovirus to trigger an immune response.

THE FACTS: False claims that the vaccines alter humans’ DNA have circulated since before their debut in late 2020.

The posts point to a clip of Dr. Robert Malone — a vocal critic of the COVID-19 vaccineswho did early research on mRNA technology — speaking about the shots during a roundtable event hosted by Republican Sen. Ron Johnson in early December. In the clip, Malone is asked whether the vaccines are actually a form of gene therapy.

“As I’ve said repeatedly, it came out of a gene therapy research program,” Malone responds. “These and the adenoviral vectors are absolutely gene therapy technology applied for the purpose of eliciting an immune response.”

A tweet sharing the clip, which was also posted on Instagram, claimed: “The shots are a gene therapy, NOT a vaccine.”

Experts say that’s false.

“It’s just a very different process,” said Dr. Louis Picker, a professor and associate director of the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute at Oregon Health & Science University. “The point of gene therapy is to go in and change the actual coding in the DNA of a person’s cells.”

For example, federal officials in November approved the first gene therapy for the blood-clotting disorder hemophilia.

Picker said gene therapy is “a multi-step process that’s very deliberate, it’s very different than just injecting RNA in a carrier that is designed to be picked up, expressed and elicit an immune response,” as the vaccines do.

The COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna use mRNA to instruct cells to make a protein from the coronavirus and trigger an immune response. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses a modified adenovirus, a cold virus, to elicit an immune response.

But none of the vaccines can alter humans’ DNA, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains.

Michael Barry, a Mayo Clinic researcher who studies gene therapy and vaccines, said in an email that tools used for those vaccines have a relationship to gene therapy technology — but that does not mean the vaccines are actually gene therapy.

“The vectors for mRNA vaccines (lipid nanoparticles) are descendants of non-viral vectors called liposomes that were originally developed for gene therapy,” Barry said, referring to the nanoparticles that are used to transport the mRNA to cells.

“Gene therapy intends to provide long-lasting protein expression to fix a broken gene and its broken protein,” Barry added. “Vaccines intend a short burst of protein expression to stimulate the immune system.”

there is no misunderstanding

"MRNA vaccinations are an example of cell and gene therapy"

that is his exact quote

continue to allow tv to brainwash you


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
There are no more vaccine mandates, get over it. Get it if you want it, no one forcing you to take it.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Seems in the modern trumpian lexicon, the expression 'gut feeling' has been replaced with the term 'facts'.

That's why you guys hate science so much.
covid mandates are NOT based on science. there was nothing scientific about this so called pandemic which is based on fear and censorship

2 weeks to flatten the curve to 3 years of censorship, human rights violations, forced vaccinations with threats of firings and losing of jobs destroyed careers, etc no other pandemics occur on this manner
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
there is no misunderstanding

"MRNA vaccinations are an example of cell and gene therapy"

that is his exact quote

continue to allow tv to brainwash you
<sigh> 🤷‍♂️

I guess you didn't read the articles I linked for you?

They distinguish between "cell" and "gene" therapies.

They are two distinct and separate things.

mRNA vaccine technology strips off and makes a digital copy of the virus cell to induce a (non-genetic) immune response. It does not, and cannot modify our DNA.

Gene therapy is where our own DNA is taken, analyzed and then edited for the desired genetic change before being reintroduced into our own body.

Ironic that you admonish me to not allow "tv" to brainwash me yet you rely on a 40 second YouTube clip taken out of context to prove something scientific. And chose not to further your knowledge by reading 5 minutes of something else. Sure, if you want to read it, then say you disagree with the explanation for whatever reason, then still say you disagree for the following reasons, then you gain credibility. And, maybe, just learn something that you don't (think) you already know everything there is to know about it.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
<sigh> 🤷‍♂️

I guess you didn't read the articles I linked for you?

They distinguish between "cell" and "gene" therapies.

They are two distinct and separate things.

mRNA vaccine technology strips off and makes a digital copy of the virus cell to induce a (non-genetic) immune response. It does not, and cannot modify our DNA.

Gene therapy is where our own DNA is taken, analyzed and then edited for the desired genetic change before being reintroduced into our own body.

Ironic that you admonish me to not allow "tv" to brainwash me yet you rely on a 40 second YouTube clip taken out of context to prove something scientific. And chose not to further your knowledge by reading 5 minutes of something else. Sure, if you want to read it, then say you disagree with the explanation for whatever reason, then still say you disagree for the following reasons, then you gain credibility. And, maybe, just learn something that you don't (think) you already know everything there is to know about it.

A new Swedish study published in MDPI found that the Pfizer vaccine goes into liver cells and converts to DNA, challenging claims so far that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way.

It’s the first time that researchers have shown in vitro – or inside a petri dish – how an mRNA vaccine is converted into DNA on a human liver cell line, the Epoch Times reported.

It’s precisely what health experts and fact-checkers said for more than a year could not occur.

CIMB | Free Full-Text | Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line (

Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase. Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1. PCR on genomic DNA of Huh7 cells exposed to BNT162b2 amplified the DNA sequence unique to BNT162b2. Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
A new Swedish study published in MDPI found that the Pfizer vaccine goes into liver cells and converts to DNA, challenging claims so far that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way.

It’s the first time that researchers have shown in vitro – or inside a petri dish – how an mRNA vaccine is converted into DNA on a human liver cell line, the Epoch Times reported.

It’s precisely what health experts and fact-checkers said for more than a year could not occur.

CIMB | Free Full-Text | Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line (

Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase. Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1. PCR on genomic DNA of Huh7 cells exposed to BNT162b2 amplified the DNA sequence unique to BNT162b2. Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.

I don't even know why I bother trying to help you. 🤷‍♂️

You don't read more than headlines that fit your cult beliefs.

I gave you two very simple articles to read and you come back with some scientific journal paper that I KNOW you can't understand ANYTHING more than the headline.

Like you understand anything in the abstract you copy and pasted above! :ROFLMAO:

If you read it to the end, you would learn that: "At this stage, we do not know if DNA reverse transcribed from BNT162b2 is integrated into the cell genome".

And that "Further studies are needed to demonstrate the effect of BNT162b2 on genomic integrity, including whole genome sequencing of cells exposed to BNT162b2, as well as tissues from human subjects who received BNT162b2 vaccination."


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I don't even know why I bother trying to help you. 🤷‍♂️

You don't read more than headlines that fit your cult beliefs.

I gave you two very simple articles to read and you come back with some scientific journal paper that I KNOW you can't understand ANYTHING more than the headline.

Like you understand anything in the abstract you copy and pasted above! :ROFLMAO:

If you read it to the end, you would learn that: "At this stage, we do not know if DNA reverse transcribed from BNT162b2 is integrated into the cell genome".

And that "Further studies are needed to demonstrate the effect of BNT162b2 on genomic integrity, including whole genome sequencing of cells exposed to BNT162b2, as well as tissues from human subjects who received BNT162b2 vaccination."

"We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression"

there is evidence that MRNA changes DNA

looks like you are the one with a reading problem

i am not stopping you from taking your 7th dose of covid jabs
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