Can someone explain what the point is to rebate a
tax intended for emission reduction? What if people
use the funds from rebate on activities that could
result in more emission like traveling oversea? Taxing
consumption of diesel and jet fuel big time for real
and use the revenue to pay off our debt would seem
to be the right way to reduce emission.
Just about everything you consume requires energy to make or get it to you
So the Trudeau/ Butts ideology is they tax the energy used for everything you consume so that you will consume less
The carbon tax applies to diesel and jet fuel,
Lots of wonderful places to visit in the world over a lifetime. But only for the rich going forward
The Trudeau/ Butts ideology does not include the idea of debt repayment, never has, never will
as for emissions, they will continue to grow, Trudeaus carbon tax wont stop that
If your plan wont meet its stated objective. it is failure
This failure will be borne by all Canadians, whilst China keeps building coal fired power plants
China has nearly 250 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired power now under development, more than the entire coal power capacity of the United States, a new study said on Thursday, casting doubt on the country's commitments to cutting fossil fuel use.
China has 250 GW of coal-fired power under development - study
Canada could be sending them natural gas as a much cleaner substitute, however..... pipelines to our west coast -Not in the Trudeau/ Butts ideology
Rebates ?
That will just be a vote buying redistribution of wealth after the government wastes 10-20% of it on administration,...... for a while
This government promised not to raise the carbon tax until at least 2022, but here we are
The Canadian economy has been battered and bruised over the last year as the country deals with the ravages of COVID-19.
McKenna said at the time that the government has, “no plan to increase the price post 2022. For Conservatives to suggest otherwise is simply false and misleading.”
“The plan is not to increase the price post-2022,” McKenna said in July 2019.
“Our position has not changed,” McKenna said a month later in August
The rebates will not keep pace with the increases as the government will be cash strapped just to service the debt they are accumulating and at some point the rebate will likly just just stop