261252 said:
1 I agree that people should work to change the school system. Bear in mind that self interest groups will fight back with fury and power so peaceful civil disobedience seems the only way to go.
Sorry, you're completely incorrect. Civil disobediance is NOT the way to go. It will only get you arrested. The CIVIL way to do it is creat public awareness of your idea(s), garner support from the public then approach the politicans with it. But the thing is, YOU have to come up with the complete plan, you can't just go and say "I want this, you figure out how to do it".
261252 said:
2 Maybe. It is not a given that public schools will vanish. They can compete for the monies with everyone else. What it will do is create a better and much more varied system as parents opt for the best.
No, they won't vanish, just be filled with the riff raff that the private schools won't accept. Basically turning them into dumping grounds.
261252 said:
3 Who ensures quality now? The goverment as they set guidelines but it is the customer who ensures quality in the end. Do not go to a school that you do not feel good about.
This is not to say there would not be problems, I do not propose perfection simply something surperior to the status quo. Private enterprise will do to education what it did to the computer. We are in the dark ages of education and do not know it.
One doesn't have much choice in the school that your kids attend. Attendance is determined by location and unless there are two highschools in the same district, I don't believe you can say, live at Jane Finch and go to a high school on the bridal path.
Yes, the government determines quality control now via standardized testing and being responsible to maintain their own properties. How they enforce it? I have no idea but it is the school staff that submits the results of the testing. Privatizing school will require inspectors to visit the schools to determine that their minimum requirements are met. This goes for the building, as well as the curriculum.
261252 said:
4 Disagree. The number 100,000 children stay home everyday to avoid bullys and those are just the ones that stay home, is the USA numbers only. This abuse, as well all the other forms, occur because our schools are a melting pot. I. E. everyone gets thrown together. Putting a homophobic next to a homo is extemely abusive and I would hate to be the teacher in such a distructive environment.
You're already talking about segregation. Welcome back to the 50's.....Do you think bullying will suddenly vanish in a private school? Shit, obviously you've never met anyone who has gone to one. It is often WORSE in private schools. How will it be any different? Do you think a business will turn away the money from a student if they have to expell them due to bullying? LOL give your head a shake.
261252 said:
5 Not really. We have discrimination laws already so private schools would not be allowed to disciminate. But yes, disruptive children should go to a school that is geared to their needs instead of not learning in an environment that cannot deal with them and at the same time they are stopping others from learning. While I concede that some selection would occur, I fail to understand why this would be a bad thing if bright kids go to the bright school, athletic kids go to the athletic school, religous fundementalists go to their school etc. It is an unproven hypothosis, with no emperical backing, that society will not fall apart as a result of freedom to educate your children as you see fit.
So once again you're talking about segregation based on ability. So do you also propose different testing for each of YOUR criteria? Athletic kids would only be tested on their ability in sports? Bright kids would have harder tests? This would totally destroy the value of a diploma knowing that different kids are learning different things.
Schools would not be allowed to discriminate, but you're talking discrimination in your answer. The minute you start separating kids on ANY grounds is the minute you invite racial discrimination.
No, you do NOT have the right to educate your kids as you see fit. There are minimum standards that society has developed over the years to try and create a standardized system of education and give ALL kids the same chance to learn the same things. Sorry, if you want to teach your kid hate, you'll have to move outside the country. Same goes if you want to teach him martian instead of proper english, math, etc. Society, through its elected officials will NOT allow anyone (or try not to anyways) to fuck up their kids via a poor education.
261252 said:
6 No one knows for sure if private schools are cheaper than public ones. A study should be made on the cost of Pulic schools compared to private . I strongly suspect private education is cheaper. That the government does things cheaper is a rarity.
Taken over my life, gimme a BREAK. Jesus, do you even listen to yourself? Our education system has been in place for about 100 years and has done pretty good by the world's standards. The problem with schools today isn't government involvement, it is parenting. Education starts at home and so does proper behaviour!!!
261252 said:
7 There will be issues that will need to be dealt with. I suppose bankruptcy of a private school is one. I do not propose perfection just something better. Stop the linear thinking you have been taught and consider the benefits of freedom as well as the negatives.
Well, you better sharpen your crayons because you'll have to take EVERYTHING into consideration before determining whether your "idea" is better or not.
As for my thinking, go fuck yourself. You have NO right to turn this into a personal attack when we're only discussing the pros and cons of your idea. This is a free country and I'm allowed by law to have and voice my opinion as long as it doesn't involve racism or the spreading of hate.
BTW: in case you didn't know, too much freedom is what is causing most of society's problems now.....