Fuck you Ted Rogers and your stupid ass raping

Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Today I go to Rogers to rent a movie. Late charges are, get this, $45. Normally, given Blockbuster's NO LATE FEES and the fact that others have followed suit, Rogers staff usually cuts them in half or eliminate the fees entirely. This time, they said they are no longer cutting fees at all, corporate policy.

So I told the Rogers chick that this would be the last movie I ever rent from them after five years or so. And I rent DOZENS of titles every week.

Blockbuster is right across the street, and so off I will go. Nothing personal to the girl, but to Ted Rogers: Fuck you and your antiquated business models! No more ass raping for me!

Interesting that my new favourite video store around the corner also has NO LATE FEES, and their business model is doing just fine.

BTW, the girl tried while I was leaving to drop some money off (hmm, thought there was no more cutting) to save me as a customer, but NO DICE. Buh bye Ted you bitch.

Rant over. Anyone else? :D


Your Ultimate Fantasy
Jul 11, 2003
Agreed Mao..but now that I have that wonderful box that allows me to view tv from all over the country at any time and movies and lord knows what else, who the heck needs the video store and I suspect that trend will kill them off soon.. My sympathies to you and let us cuddle together and watch a chick flick(lol);)


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Ya, that's how they all are, fucking evil.
Hell Canada/Sympatico/Mobility are a lot worse.
I suspect if you wrote a letter of complaint to Rogers' video division, you might just get reimbursed - in order to save you as a customer.
Then again, you were late returning the shit, so bad Mao, bad. =)
Elementary school and very good parents would have taught you to be punctual, tsk tsk. ;)

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Hmm, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say...

Why don't you just return your movies on time like you're supposed to?

Really, who is at fault here?...

(granted, $45 is a lot for late fees. But you must be a chronic offender...)
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Keebler Elf said:
Hmm, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say...

Why don't you just return your movies on time like you're supposed to?

Really, who is at fault here?...

(granted, $45 is a lot for late fees. But you must be a chronic offender...)
I knew there'd be a post like this.

Here's the answer: Late fees are bullshit. The market and the Internet is killing them. I can download movies for free. The idea of paying for that movie twice is bullshit. Blockbuster figured that out, so too the online video rental places. Hell even my local Indie place figured it out.

The idea that Rogers penalizes you when they've already got your $5 and charges another $5 when the competition is either less or free? Forget it! Buh bye Ted, you old fart.

Why is Apple such a threat to the music business, but at the same time its saviour? Because Steve Jobs figured that if people could steal music for free, then you'd better make it damned cheap if you're asking people to pay. Market forces.

Sympatico works like a charm, Fido has my business for cell, and Rogers is no longer in my household. Finally! :)

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Rules are the rules there mao.

If they have a late fee clause, and you are late, then you should pay.

Regardless of how you see it. You don't own the company.

For every guy like you boycotting Rogers, there's a guy boycotting Blockbuster.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
james t kirk said:
Rules are the rules there mao.

If they have a late fee clause, and you are late, then you should pay.

Regardless of how you see it. You don't own the company.

For every guy like you boycotting Rogers, there's a guy boycotting Blockbuster.
Typical Canadian sheep reply, lol. The rules are the rules? Really? Then why did I just jettison the rules for better rules??? Because the marketplace doesn't give a shit about the rules since someone has figured out a more lenient set of rules that suits me!

And yeah, if I owned the company, I'd figure out a better set of rules that didn't alienate long time gold mine customers to walk across the street to the competition!

The Internet is destroying the movie business after doing it to the music business! Late fees will just alienate more people! Dumb de dumb!


Dec 24, 2001
james t kirk said:
For every guy like you boycotting Rogers, there's a guy boycotting Blockbuster.
F*ck both companies. Borrow from the library or download off the internet.


Circling My Maximus
Jul 18, 2005
Colosseum - 3rd Fl. Apt 12.
Though I throw my hat in the ring as a sign of my solidarity, one way Rogers gets you. Video rental service to give up is easy.

But as long as he makes money with the phone and the TV, he could still fuck us in the ass.

I hate Bell just as much so I'm trapped. So much for a free market economy.

Bending over....


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Today I go to Rogers to rent a movie. Late charges are, get this, $45. Normally, given Blockbuster's NO LATE FEES and the fact that others have followed suit, Rogers staff usually cuts them in half or eliminate the fees entirely. This time, they said they are no longer cutting fees at all, corporate policy.

So I told the Rogers chick that this would be the last movie I ever rent from them after five years or so. And I rent DOZENS of titles every week.

Blockbuster is right across the street, and so off I will go. Nothing personal to the girl, but to Ted Rogers: Fuck you and your antiquated business models! No more ass raping for me!

Interesting that my new favourite video store around the corner also has NO LATE FEES, and their business model is doing just fine.

BTW, the girl tried while I was leaving to drop some money off (hmm, thought there was no more cutting) to save me as a customer, but NO DICE. Buh bye Ted you bitch.

Rant over. Anyone else? :D

dont run over to BB thinking that its much better just yet. check out my thread from couple weeks ago, plenty of ppl getting ripped off by BB.

You were late in returning your movies, but from my experiences from BB, i was stuck with stupid charges dues to their little young punk employees fault. They 'll tell you they dont make mistakes and such ,acting all perfect and shit when clearly it was their fault. How do i get charged for a restocking fee, i returned it soon after i watch it as i always do, when they have the movie but just couldnt find it inside the stores??? still a mystery to me.

Like others said, dl or get the dish etc, or like me goto pacific mall. I picked up 11 movies for a total of 40bucks last week.

No more renting movies for me, esp from the likes of BB or rogers. To me its all the same, if it can happen in 1 place it can easily happen in another.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
milhouse said:
dont run over to BB thinking that its much better just yet. check out my thread from couple weeks ago, plenty of ppl getting ripped off by BB.

You were late in returning your movies, but from my experiences from BB, i was stuck with stupid charges dues to their little young punk employees fault. They 'll tell you they dont make mistakes and such ,acting all perfect and shit when clearly it was their fault. How do i get charged for a restocking fee, i returned it soon after i watch it as i always do, when they have the movie but just couldnt find it inside the stores??? still a mystery to me.

Like others said, dl or get the dish etc, or like me goto pacific mall. I picked up 11 movies for a total of 40bucks last week.

No more renting movies for me, esp from the likes of BB or rogers. To me its all the same, if it can happen in 1 place it can easily happen in another.
I hear you on this, but my larger point is that the torrent tidal wave is already picking up steam and threatening to do to movies what happened to music--namely an industry ass raping by us the consumers!

The more Rogers and Blockbuster tries to nickel and dime us to death, the more their market share will erode. The music business denied the problem until the very end, and now their market is down about 40% in just ten years.

You know my local indie guy said it best: "I want your business, and my simple thing is this: You keep movies as long as you want, just don't expect to rent again until you've returned. No BS charges, just $5 flat a movie" (Which is a premium on other services like the $1.99 places, but I like his model and am willing to pay a premium for THAT set of rules.)

Rogers has a monopoly on cable, but with torrents, even that's in danger. I say fuck 'em.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Mao Tse Tongue said:
The rules are the rules? Really? Then why did I just jettison the rules for better rules???
Because you're one of the many irresponsible people who refuse to accept the responsibility that comes with a video store contract.

YOU returned your movies late. YOU are responsible for the late fees (whether you choose to acknowledge that responsibility or not). YOU are the one in the wrong.

And now YOU are the one bitching and whining like a little child. Grow up and accept your responsibility. If you don't want to pay the late fees, then don't return them late or don't rent from Rogers at all. You chose to rent and return late. You made your bed, now you can lie in it.

All this whiny bullshit about Canadians being sheep is just your way of not accepting responsibility for your actions. Excuses are like assholes. Everyone's got one.

I have no sympathy for people who are in the wrong but want to blame everyone but themselves. :rolleyes:
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Keebler Elf said:
Because you're one of the many irresponsible people who refuse to accept the responsibility that comes with a video store contract. YOU returned your movies late. YOU are responsible for the late fees (whether you choose to acknowledge that responsibility or not). YOU are the one in the wrong.

And now YOU are the one bitching and whining like a little child. Grow up and accept your responsibility.

I have no sympathy for people who are in the wrong but want to blame everyone but themselves. :rolleyes:
Blah blah blah. I'm not bitching about the fact of rules, but that Ted's rules are outdated and he's going to pay by losing customers. Simple as pie.

You make it sound like a matter of principle and right and wrong, and there's no such thing in the marketplace.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
i do agree in this case, its your fault for returning late and esp. you knew they have late charges. I dont know how late but for $45, it must be reallllllyy late.

I do like the indie idea. For $5 and no late fees but dont rent another til you return. If theres a place around me like that, i''d go for that.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
milhouse said:
i do agree in this case, its your fault for returning late and esp. you knew they have late charges. I dont know how late but for $45, it must be reallllllyy late.

I do like the indie idea. For $5 and no late fees but dont rent another til you return. If theres a place around me like that, i''d go for that.
"My fault"?. Another sheep baaaahs in.

At fault? What the hell does that mean? If I cross all my t's and dot my i's, will Ted give me a nice set of golf clubs??

Did I say anything about not paying the late fees? No siree, I paid them with full grumble. So how can I be "wrong", since I agreed to pay Ted his vig?

Again, too many of you Canadians are herded carefully into the corner and taught "right" and "wrong" in the marketplace, when there is no such thing. Only contracts and consequences, and on Ted's side, a measuring of the worthiness of the relationship. I decided he's unworthy and I dumped him.


BTW, I rented three movies and they were probably four days late. Ted never called me during that time to remind me to bring them back. Guess he didn't think it "wrong" or that I was "at fault" huh ;)


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
Keebler Elf said:
Because you're one of the many irresponsible people who refuse to accept the responsibility that comes with a video store contract.

YOU returned your movies late. YOU are responsible for the late fees (whether you choose to acknowledge that responsibility or not). YOU are the one in the wrong.

And now YOU are the one bitching and whining like a little child. Grow up and accept your responsibility. If you don't want to pay the late fees, then don't return them late or don't rent from Rogers at all. You chose to rent and return late. You made your bed, now you can lie in it.

All this whiny bullshit about Canadians being sheep is just your way of not accepting responsibility for your actions. Excuses are like assholes. Everyone's got one.

I have no sympathy for people who are in the wrong but want to blame everyone but themselves. :rolleyes:

Did you ask yourself why mao was late in returning the movie? Sounds to me, from his description (and I admit it may be biased), this is an isolated incident. Please, let's not be too judgemental until we learn the reasons behind the lateness. Have you never been late in returning something to the library?

shakenbake, trying to see both sides.......


Resud Er Et Siger
May 21, 2003
I say 45$ late fee is more expensive than buying them for a bran new DVD. Those DVD are usually scratched and they probably don't worth half the price of a new (they buy them at lower price because they buy a lot for new releases...)

Hence, Rogers have a stupid model and I would quit their service instantly if the same happened to me. A late fee of 10$ would be more reasonable and even that would be expensive.

A respectful to the customer rule is that you pay the rent for an extra day if you are late. 5$ rent -> late by less than a day -> too bad you pay 5$ penalty. Now if you returned the movie one week late, that would be 6 extra day penalty = 30$. Paying more than that is called stealing and should be outlawed.

Now, if you had less that 9 days late, you were stolen. That is clear to me. More than 9 days, you ran into it.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
easy there mao, i never said you werent paying the fees or whatever, just saying that in this incident that you have outlined, it wasnt rogers who added a Bogus charge onto your account. There was actually a Valid reason for these late charges. All of us have returned late here and there i'm sure.

Now i do agree that $45 is wayy too much for a few days late.

p.s. if you do not pay these extra fees, after a certain time cant they send someone to bug the snot outta you? wont this affect your credit rating?
this is what happend to me at BB 1 time, though i had already moved and didnt notify them, so they couldnt really track me down about the 'unreturned dvd'. dumbasses
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