Toronto Escorts

Ferguson Jr Fired


Feb 26, 2004
Working for the Leafs suck. I don't really think Ferguson got a fair shot to implement the plan he really wanted. I heard he actually wanted to rebuild but the Board wanted the team in the playoffs so he wasn't allowed to rebuild.

It doesn't excuse his lame as moves, but its still pretty crappy for him. I don't know how anyone can succeed as the Leafs GM without having the flexibility to create the team as they see fit.


New member
Sep 25, 2006
Good for JFjr.
Hope he got a good package. I had visions of them torturing him by keeping him on until the end of his contract but that would perhaps be constructive dismissal anyway.

So now the Laffs are all set to win the cup. Toronto can go back to sleep.

Ticket prices will go up. All those schleppers on the Buy & Sell forum can keep their prices up as well.


New member
Dec 27, 2002
Howard Berger had an interesting blog entry yesterday re. Cliff Fletcher speculation. Fletcher wants written agreement that MLSE Board medling in Leaf matters would come to a halt.


"Most importantly, a written provision that would largely reduce the involvement of the MLSE board in hockey department matters. The board currently has input on everything from signings and trade proposals, to purchasing band-aids for the trainers’ room. Though the directors of all NHL teams approve fiscal budgets, Fletcher is apparently looking for the MLSE board to move aside once a budget is in place. And, fans of the Maple Leafs would gladly shout “Amen!” to that."|utmcmd=(none)&__utmv=-&__utmk=248036616

If Ferguson wanted to rebuild the team a couple of years ago but the board wouldn't let him then I feel a bit sorry for the guy.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
boffo said:
Howard Berger had an interesting blog entry yesterday re. Cliff Fletcher speculation. Fletcher wants written agreement that MLSE Board medling in Leaf matters would come to a halt.


"Most importantly, a written provision that would largely reduce the involvement of the MLSE board in hockey department matters. The board currently has input on everything from signings and trade proposals, to purchasing band-aids for the trainers’ room. Though the directors of all NHL teams approve fiscal budgets, Fletcher is apparently looking for the MLSE board to move aside once a budget is in place. And, fans of the Maple Leafs would gladly shout “Amen!” to that."|utmcmd=(none)&__utmv=-&__utmk=248036616
IF that happens it would be a good thing. Maybe then they could get rid of Peddie - what else would he have to do? I doubt it will happen, though. Scotty wanted pretty much the same thing and it seems that Peddie got his board members to squash that idea.


May 10, 2002
my neighbours basement
dcbogey said:
IF that happens it would be a good thing. Maybe then they could get rid of Peddie - what else would he have to do? I doubt it will happen, though. Scotty wanted pretty much the same thing and it seems that Peddie got his board members to squash that idea.
They should get rid of peddie, that guy is a useless tool. To bad for Fergie, but he did make some bonehead moves while gm.


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
News conference at 1pm. Watching Hockey Central now and they are suggesting that Peddy will lose some of his hockey responsibility, as insinuated in the media release (thats their perception of it anyway) and they are bringing in Sports Lawyer Gordon Kirke to help in the search for a long term President (exit Peddy) and GM. I love Fletchers conditions on him coming here and it appears MLSE has given in to them. Is the empire getting soft? I sure hope so


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
so far Fletch has said he has signed a contract for 19 months (i think he said) the first 7 months as interim GM then the rest as a consultant. He said he has NO interstest in being the long term GM. They asked about Paul Maurice and they were vague about next year, with no real support shown beyond saying he is the coach for the rest of this season.


New member
May 1, 2002
Somewhere on a golf course
Great Article in today's SUN.."Five Years of Failure"

Basically Steve Simmons spells out why Ferguson by his actions and inactions proved he was not up to the task..One key point was that he believe the Leafs were the most ill prepared team coming out of the lockout and under Ferguson they were not ready for the new way of doing business in the NHL.Also Ferguson was a micormanager who had the wrong priorities.A case in point was that he spent hours deciding who would sit with whom on team flights...


World Champion Girl Lover
Nov 18, 2001
I'm not a fan of JFJ, he was in over his head as G.M. That being said, I have a lot of respect for him after seeing how Peddie the tool treated him over the past couple of months, first humiliating him by saying that hiring him was a mistake, then prolonging his firing for weeks. JFJ in his interview on Off the Record still spoke with class and didn't take any potshots.


New member
May 1, 2002
Somewhere on a golf course one for eac finger.....

I sure cannot think of five good moves he made..I can certainly think of five bad ones...I will admit he publically handled the firing today with class..

the_big_E said:
hip hip hooray!

You can count on one hand the number of good moves JFJ made...that's all I have to say.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I wasn't a fan of his but to be honest who knows how much he may have been handcuffed by the hierarchy.

Which makes me think he could probably write a great book about what goes on behind the scenes there. That is if he didn't want to be a GM again.


New member
Feb 15, 2004
Doesn't seem to me...

..that Fletcher got all the control bandied about on this thread. I did like the Peddie/Fletcher presser....the Toronto media did not use kid gloves...including asking why Peddie was needed in the search for a permanent GM, when he had just hired a hockey man with over 40 yrs experience. A couple of shots were also taken at Fletcher, including asking why he would not make the same mistakes that got him fired....basically dismantling the team that went to the confenece final...and was 1 win from the finals ...within about a year...the core of that team was ripped out by Fletcher..

IN the end...Peddie is still going to have final say on the "permanent " GM..and that is scary...cause that dickwad knows sweet fuckall about hockey talent..

And....if trading Sundin is your big solution..think again... I suspect the market for the "rentaplayer" after the famous busts by Forsberg, Kariya and others will drive the value of that market so far down..that Toronto may as well keep the only front line NHL talent they have....the drop off in ability between Sundin, and the next best forward on the team, Antropov(doesn't that tell you something about this team's assessment of talent??)... I'd only trade Sundin if he can be packaged with one of the big salary albatrosses....Like McCabe or Kubina...and that might free up some salary to get some real NHL talent to the team in the offseason



Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Pargolfer said:
..One key point was that he believe the Leafs were the most ill prepared team coming out of the lockout and under Ferguson they were not ready for the new way of doing business in the NHL....
The lockout blew the doors wide open for many clubs. I look at the Bruins. coming out of the lockout, they only had 6 or 7 guys under contract. They have made steady progress since then, and are in the hunt for a playoff spot.

The Leafs don't seem to have improved the talent level at all. I had thought that Blake, Gill and Kubina were pretty good additions to the team. But all three have underperformed. Blake has 8 goals, and 30 points in 49 games
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Toronto Escorts