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Fedor is overrated


New member
Jan 18, 2009
You just saw it last night. A guy who was changing tires this time last year and who hasn't fought anybody worth crap and who just started training in MMA nearly put Fedor to sleep. He had no business being in the ring with the so called pound for pound best MMA fighter in the world, yet he stepped to the challenge.

He was too tentative - that was his mistake. He was clearly more powerful than Fedor. He never should allowed Fedor to get past the first round. He should have gave it his all in the ground and pound. Granted, he's slower than Fedor and seems to tire more easily. But these are barriers that can be overcome.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - an American will rise and destroy Fedor (if MMA continues to grow and the paychecks continue to rise). If not during Fedor's rein than somebody later on that everybody will agree is more of a machine than Fedor.

MMA is a young sport and Fedor is far from the best heavyweight. But he is very good.

Seriously, somebody needs to knock the Russian out. You know it's just a matter of time. They don't breed fighters anywhere better than in America.


Mar 6, 2006
I completely disagree from you. Fedor is one of the best pound for pound guys. He is getting older so I don't expect him to be on top of the MMA world forever and someone might knock him out one day. Then again Anderson Silva, GSP, Matt Hughes, BJ Penn have all lost before and they are all world class fighters and have come back from losses and learned from them.

About America having the best fighters, I think you are either american or have been watching too much Rocky? Not to disrespect you, just commenting on your post.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
You just saw it last night. A guy who was changing tires this time last year and who hasn't fought anybody worth crap and who just started training in MMA nearly put Fedor to sleep. He had no business being in the ring with the so called pound for pound best MMA fighter in the world, yet he stepped to the challenge.

He was too tentative - that was his mistake. He was clearly more powerful than Fedor. He never should allowed Fedor to get past the first round. He should have gave it his all in the ground and pound. Granted, he's slower than Fedor and seems to tire more easily. But these are barriers that can be overcome.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - an American will rise and destroy Fedor (if MMA continues to grow and the paychecks continue to rise). If not during Fedor's rein than somebody later on that everybody will agree is more of a machine than Fedor.

MMA is a young sport and Fedor is far from the best heavyweight. But he is very good.

Seriously, somebody needs to knock the Russian out. You know it's just a matter of time. They don't breed fighters anywhere better than in America.
Don't know which fight you were watching. What I saw was a game Rodgers get KO'ed inthe second round. Fedor was never in trouble and was far from being put asleep. You are showing a nationalistic bias.


Apr 7, 2005
Seriously, somebody needs to knock the Russian out. You know it's just a matter of time. They don't breed fighters anywhere better than in America.
Whatever you are smoking. Get me some it must be good stuff it's really affecting your perception of reality.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Don't know which fight you were watching. What I saw was a game Rodgers get KO'ed inthe second round. Fedor was never in trouble and was far from being put asleep. You are showing a nationalistic bias.
LOL, Fedor was in trouble in the first round, nearly got knocked the fuck out.

Second guessing himself is what got Rodgers KO'ed in the second round. Rodgers isn't even a great fighter. He's simply big and strong. Yet he can definitely beat Fedor. That was very clear.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Whatever you are smoking. Get me some it must be good stuff it's really affecting your perception of reality.
LOL, maybe you need to re-watch the fight and get back to me. The Russian's days are numbered.

Fedor is good but not great. He is dominating a division that has zero competition. The sport is young, doesn't pay well, and doesn't have many heavyweight contenders.

Rodgers was changing fucking tires at a Sam's shop last year. The dude is straight off the streets, raw, and nearly took out the "best of the best" of the sport. What a joke.

You guys really need to get off the Russian's cock already.


Mar 6, 2006
Rogers opened Fedor's nose with a good stiff jab. It looked bad with all the blood dripping but it was merely an annoyance to Fedor and did not hurt him.

The flurry when Rogers had on top of Fedor connected a few shots in but he was no where near knocking Fedor out. Feodr then calmy put Rogers in an armbar attempt and got out of that position. Remember this is the first time Fedor has fought in a cage. That is the only reason Rogers even had Fedor in that position. With some more time in the cage, Fedor will come up with some offensive and defensive cage tactics.

Fedor is one of my favourite MMA fighter but I definitely don't want anything to do with his cock.

LOL, maybe you need to re-watch the fight and get back to me. The Russian's days are numbered.

Fedor is good but not great. He is dominating a division that has zero competition. The sport is young, doesn't pay well, and doesn't have many heavyweight contenders.

Rodgers was changing fucking tires at a Sam's shop last year. The dude is straight off the streets, raw, and nearly took out the "best of the best" of the sport. What a joke.

You guys really need to get off the Russian's cock already.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
LOL, Fedor was in trouble in the first round, nearly got knocked the fuck out.

Second guessing himself is what got Rodgers KO'ed in the second round. Rodgers isn't even a great fighter. He's simply big and strong. Yet he can definitely beat Fedor. That was very clear.
Fark your pissing me off. Have you ever trained or fought a day in your life? Bet you started watching MMA on TUF didn't you?
Since you can't figure this out for yourself here goes. Fedor fights at 230lb. Last night Rogers weighed 265+. By comparison imagine GSP fighting Machida or since your a TUFer Rampage. How well do you think that would go for GSP. I'll tell ya,not well.
He routinely fights guys that are much heavier than him and always wins. I also guarantee that he would pass a drug test any day of the week. Which is more than I can say for most of the other fighters out there.
The guy never trash talks and is always humble. You never see him running around half cocked and spitting at the camera after a win. Think Lesnar here.He just calmly walks back to his corner and composes himself and that is his biggest weapon. His composure and calmnes.
So mister TUF which american is going to beat him exactly. Lesnar? He should he would be 50lb heavier than him come fight time and might have a chance.But noone could survive that overhand right, not even Lesnar. Carwin? Not a chance at this stage and the same for Velasquez. Mir? No way.Duffy? To green.
Someday he will get beat unless he pulls a Marciano. At this moment though he is as GSP told Michael Landsberg the top PFP fighter on the planet.
Now you can go back nuthugging Kimbo on season 10 of The Ultimate Fighter. Wait a minute. Is he the american you've be waiting for thats going to beat Fedor lol.
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Active member
Oct 9, 2002
LOL, Fedor was in trouble in the first round, nearly got knocked the fuck out.

Second guessing himself is what got Rodgers KO'ed in the second round. Rodgers isn't even a great fighter. He's simply big and strong. Yet he can definitely beat Fedor. That was very clear.
Rodgers got in a couple of shots, but wasn't anywhere near a KO.
its easy to say he's capable of beating Fedor, the guy's much bigger. anyone that's fighting an opponent 50lbs lighter has a big advantage.

what was quite clear was the end of the fight, who's the guy that ended up KO'd?


Oct 12, 2006
LOL, maybe you need to re-watch the fight and get back to me. The Russian's days are numbered.

Fedor is good but not great. He is dominating a division that has zero competition. The sport is young, doesn't pay well, and doesn't have many heavyweight contenders.

Rodgers was changing fucking tires at a Sam's shop last year. The dude is straight off the streets, raw, and nearly took out the "best of the best" of the sport. What a joke.

You guys really need to get off the Russian's cock already.
Did you get all of your info on the fight game from the broadcasters? Brett Rogers has not been training for a year, "working at Sam's club" until last year. That was some bullshit Strikeforce concocted to sell the cinderalla story angle.
He had a day job. Dude's been a pro fighter for 3 1/2 years (first pro fight was in may of 2006), training for much longer than that. He is hardly green. He knocked out Andrei Arlovski, who, while overrated, is a top tier fighter. He is top 10 in his weight class, and the top of the food chain put him to sleep last night.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Guys, don't feed the troll. Better yet, don't argue with the mentally disabled... :cool:

Fedor's record, decisive wins over everyone he's ever faced and universal respect by his peers speaks for itself.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Rogers opened Fedor's nose with a good stiff jab. It looked bad with all the blood dripping but it was merely an annoyance to Fedor and did not hurt him.

The flurry when Rogers had on top of Fedor connected a few shots in but he was no where near knocking Fedor out. Feodr then calmy put Rogers in an armbar attempt and got out of that position. Remember this is the first time Fedor has fought in a cage. That is the only reason Rogers even had Fedor in that position. With some more time in the cage, Fedor will come up with some offensive and defensive cage tactics.

Fedor is one of my favourite MMA fighter but I definitely don't want anything to do with his cock.
Sure, I like Fedor's composure too. Very professional. Fedor was in trouble on the ground. No way around it.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Fark your pissing me off. Have you ever trained or fought a day in your life? Bet you started watching MMA on TUF didn't you?
Since you can't figure this out for yourself here goes. Fedor fights at 230lb. Last night Rogers weighed 265+. By comparison imagine GSP fighting Machida or since your a TUFer Rampage. How well do you think that would go for GSP. I'll tell ya,not well.
He routinely fights guys that are much heavier than him and always wins. I also guarantee that he would pass a drug test any day of the week. Which is more than I can say for most of the other fighters out there.
The guy never trash talks and is always humble. You never see him running around half cocked and spitting at the camera after a win. Think Lesnar here.He just calmly walks back to his corner and composes himself and that is his biggest weapon. His composure and calmnes.
So mister TUF which american is going to beat him exactly. Lesnar? He should he would be 50lb heavier than him come fight time and might have a chance.But noone could survive that overhand right, not even Lesnar. Carwin? Not a chance at this stage and the same for Velasquez. Mir? No way.Duffy? To green.
Someday he will get beat unless he pulls a Marciano. At this moment though he is as GSP told Michael Landsberg the top PFP fighter on the planet.
Now you can go back nuthugging Kimbo on season 10 of The Ultimate Fighter. Wait a minute. Is he the american you've be waiting for thats going to beat Fedor lol.
That's the way it is in the heavyweight division. It hasn't stopped smaller heavyweights from defeating bigger ones and it didn't stop Fedor either, in this fight. Yes, Fedor is a great sportsman. He's lucky he didn't get KO'ed in this fight. His best weapon is his hard right hand. If Rodgers or somebody like Roger stays clear of that, Fedor is finished.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Did you get all of your info on the fight game from the broadcasters? Brett Rogers has not been training for a year, "working at Sam's club" until last year. That was some bullshit Strikeforce concocted to sell the cinderalla story angle.
He had a day job. Dude's been a pro fighter for 3 1/2 years (first pro fight was in may of 2006), training for much longer than that. He is hardly green. He knocked out Andrei Arlovski, who, while overrated, is a top tier fighter. He is top 10 in his weight class, and the top of the food chain put him to sleep last night.
Yes but aside from a beaten down version of Arlovski, none of his previous opponents' names are worth printing on paper.

Fedor got tested more in this fight than any other fight because this is the first fight where he actually was fighting a fighter. Thing is, Rodgers isn't even a great fighter.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Guys, don't feed the troll. Better yet, don't argue with the mentally disabled... :cool:

Fedor's record, decisive wins over everyone he's ever faced and universal respect by his peers speaks for itself.
Wins over hacks. There is no shortage of those in MMA heavyweight division. It's a circus and it's why circus acts like Lesnar are even in contention.

Kimbo slice was nothing more than an average street fighter. I've been saying that before he stepped into an MMA ring. He never stood a chance.

Rodgers can beat Fedor 50% of the time and he's not the best that America has to offer. Many of America's greatest would-be fighters are sitting in prison cells right now. Nonetheless, if the focus shifts to MMA and big money is to be made there, a fighter with the size of Rodgers with better skills will be found and developed. Rodgers learned his lesson last night. Fedor better get prepared to get clocked.


Le French stud
Feb 21, 2009
Fedor is good, actually very good. But the only way for him to be the best is to consistently fight the best. You can't pick and choose, fight the nobodies and have 40 consecutive victories and call yourself the best.
I give him props for fighting bret rogers, but he should fight the UFC guys and stop givng us shit about UFC contracts!
Fight Gonzaga, Congo, Carwin, Couture, Lesner and Valasqez. Then, you can best called the best.


Oct 12, 2006
That's the way it is in the heavyweight division. It hasn't stopped smaller heavyweights from defeating bigger ones and it didn't stop Fedor either, in this fight. Yes, Fedor is a great sportsman. He's lucky he didn't get KO'ed in this fight. His best weapon is his hard right hand. If Rodgers or somebody like Roger stays clear of that, Fedor is finished.
Was last night the first time you've seen Fedor fight? His best weapon is hardly his right hand. Fedor is a world champion at Sambo, and has the best ground game in the world at heavyweight. Why he stood with Rogers is beyond me, my guess is to put on a show for American fans.
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