Ha ha ha......what will modern technology come up with next.
How about the same thing fot the subway......ha ha ha.
Here"s the link you need........good pitch activated charcoal the key, same as the army uses to counter chemical warfare attacks.
How about the same thing fot the subway......ha ha ha.
Here"s the link you need........good pitch activated charcoal the key, same as the army uses to counter chemical warfare attacks.
. [NextRound]The Better Marriage Blanket Dampens Farts to Save Lives Relationships
Is flatulence ruining your love life? My friends, look no further than the Better Marriage Blanket, a fart-absorbing wünderspread that means you'll never again have to blame it on the dog. This is a real thing!
Remember, it's got activated carbon fabric: "the same type of fabric used by the military to protect against chemical weapons." You know, in case you're tooting mustard gas