Ever been so ashamed of yourself


Jan 31, 2005
If running into someone who needed change was rare, I would happily help them out. Problem is it's not rare. Sometimes you walk three blocks and four people ask you for change. Worse, you tend to see the same guys over, and over, and over again. They seem to have their spot. So once you start giving them change, it would become almost an obligation. It becomes your own personal welfare check walk, handing out a few bucks to every slob you pass on the street.

So we get jaded about it.

But back when I lived in a small town, where nobody ever asks for spare change, if anybody did I am sure I would give.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Well James, just because the young guy bought the older guy some food does not necessarily make your first thought wrong. Also, maybe he see the woman with the girl everyday and is trying to get to know her.
That said, your later reassessment is likely correct.

Now personally, I have two memories.
First I was having lunch in a park, sitting in my car eating a sub one summer day, years ago.
I saw this woman and, I assume her daughter, searching the garbage. It hit me that she is looking for food. I think about the car I am in and the sub I am eating. I get out and walk over and ask her if she would like something to eat. When I spoke up she took a protective stance in front of her daughter. She looked over at the car for a second and said no. Her daughter said 'Mommy ?' in that questioning tone. The mother whispered something back to her, the girl looked at me.
I said if you wait here I will bring something back. She just stared, as if she was thinking 'yeah what will it cost me ?'.
I went back to Mr Sub and got two assorteds.
She really looked surprised when I returned. She asked 'what do you want in return ?'. I smiled nothing. The little girl sat down and started eating the mother ... she both did and did not want to stop her. She gave in herself and started eating.
We talked, she lost her job about 18 month prior, savings went fast, and no one, government, friends nor family could/would help.
I did what I could at the time.

About 15 years ago I was heading to Northern Ontario to visit family. I stopped to get something to eat. As I was walking to my car I heard "What am I going to do ! .... FUCK YOU !" I looked over in time to see a young woman slam a pay phone down and stomp over to a picnic table. Now in my car I watched. Started the car drove over, she was near the entrance to the highway. I heard her crying. I asked her if she needed a ride, thinking about what she screamed into the phone. She yelled "NO ! Leave me alone."
I told her I am going north as far as North Bay so it is no problem if you need a ride or something.
She jumped up and said "Might as well let you fuck me too." and walked past me. I thought she was going to go in the restaurant, but to my surprise she got in the car and slammed the door. It was then that I thought 'what the fuck have you got yourself into'.
I drove for 20 minutes before she broke the ice. In a low voice "I'm sorry for yelling back there.", I told her not to worry about it. We talked, I asked her what happened. She just lost her job for being late, her boyfriend was being an ass. They had a fight and he intentionally dropped her at work a couple hours late. The manager got there a few hours later and fired her. Boyfriend would not come get her and manager would not give her any money for a cab. She cried a bit when telling me about her past few years. She said she is not from Ontario. Her first few years here were great until she met the idiot boyfriend, that is when things started to go bad. I said "Yes. Us guys can be idiots sometimes." Finally, a smile, then a little giggle.
We got to her place. I asked what are you going to do ? Will you be alright tonight ? She said I have no choice. No job, no where else to go. I put the car in gear and went back to the motel I passed. I said I can maybe get you three nights here. I did not want to use a card so they wanted $100 in-case of damage. I told them to give her the $100 after the three days. We went out and I told her I had to get going. She looked kind of surprised and asked in a sort of stutter ' you are not coming in ?'. I told her I really have to get going. She said "I though ..." her voice trailed off. Told her 'I cannot take advantage of you'. When she asked why I did what I did for her. I replied 'balance'.
I said as I began to leave 'if you want to do something to pay this back' I pointed to a sign in the window of the office of the motel 'Cleaning person wanted' get that job. I smiled and walked to my car. I heard her running up behind me. I turned, she had tears in her eyes, she hugged me and whispered in my ear.
When she broke the hug she said "I will get that job", I said I believe her, wished her good luck.
I was back on the highway in a few minutes.


Jan 21, 2010
It's wrong to judge people on the surface but it is human nature to do so. You're no worse than the average guy, in fact you're probably better because you clearly have a conscience. A lot of people just wouldn't give a shit.
+1 again. There's more introspection and thoughtfulness on this Canadian SP board with Kirk and others than people I'm surrounded with IRL. FML.


New member
Aug 6, 2005
Looks like we have another hitler on the rise....
Nope. I have an axe to grind against all of humanity, not just part of it. I don`t understand why folks don`t understand this key distinction. I wouldn`t use gas chambers either. We have the nukes, let them fly. Skynet had the right idea.


New member
Aug 6, 2005
Just for the record, (and to redeem my humanity or something like that), I`ve bought the down and outters a meal from time to time. They have interesting stories. One dude, had the same name as me (kinda weird) just moved into town, lost his job, lost his apartment. He had a job (temp work which was quite steady at the time), but couldn`t get it together enough to get out of homelessness.

There`s lots of people like this. It`s sad, but I suppose it is what it is.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
the road of life.....
Hey JTK:

Don't be so hard on yourself. Sounds to me like you handled the situation like most of us would. On any given day, you might handled the situation you faced in a different manner, right? Same with me. I know I get tired of the panhandling that I face downtown. Now that it's getting cold, snowing, and heading into the holidays, the begging is ramping up. Most times I pass, but sometimes I help. I've never had anyone come up to me in a restaurant and ask for money though...



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Thanks for the story jtk, we could likely most of us buy two McD's breakfasts if we thought to. Let's hope you've inspired more of us to think of doing it. And not leaving the spare change piling up on the bureau top, either.

Merry Christmas.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Actually talking about panhandling I saw a guy downtown with a sign which read "I won't lie, I need the money to buy boze"(that is the way he spelled it). I gave him some change for truthfulness.


Aug 12, 2008
I find myself doubting beggers and panhandlers stories. One woman started talking about her two cats before she asked me for a couple of bucks to get something to eat. WHY do you have cats if you can't even take care of yourself.

I'm more likely to help someone out when they're not asking/looking for it than those who go around hustling for a handout.

From a biology perspective...I can't think of any species that do charity. Occasionally, you see adoption of babies but I've never seen a lion give up part of its meal to a weaker lion who's down on his luck.

Just thoughts


New member
Aug 14, 2005
It's difficult to distinguish between who is genuine and who is dishonest. I pick and choose carefully, I don't want to give money to someone who is going to use it for drugs or alcohol. I look at their eyes because the eyes never lie.


Jan 22, 2010
I NEVER give money to anyone or any organization because I don't believe it will ever get to the people who truly needs help. That's right, I will never give money to Heart and Stroke, United Way, Tsunami relief ... etc. Instead, I volunteer my time at my local food bank and at a school for the disabled. I do buy food for the needed ones, and I would buy and drop off clothes for the homeless folks every year in December so they can be warmer.


Feb 2, 2005
Once I came out of a public washroom. saw a girl at some table trying to sell stuff. She's trying to get my attention, but I'm not giving her the time of day because I didn't want to buy whatnshe was seling ( I think newspaper subscription). She persists, gets my attention and points out that I'd walked out of the washroom with long stream of toilet paper hanging out th back of my pants. That was embarasing.:Eek:
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