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Ever been so ashamed of yourself


Love to fuck....
Dec 7, 2011
You should be ashamed of yourself. So you think that every minority that you see is a lazy, unemployed, loser out for a freebie in life? You are so white.
Nope. Chinese people are excluded. They come with money and a good work ethic. Actually, Indian people are excluded too because they come with sound knowlegde and a good work ethic. The rest are a mixed bag!

...just kidding around


On The Back 9
Jan 13, 2008
Don't sweat it JT.
BTW, if you bought every poor soul breakfast, you also would be needing it yourself.
If you give larger sums to charities,you are doing your part.
19 out of 20 ,you would be bang on.
Would you believe best 3 of 5? I would still love those odds. lol
While the theory is sound in practicality i would rather give my money directly to a person in need to buy a meal than a distant charitable org who may only use 50 percent for actual charity . i like the "buy the meal for him" application to ensure it
is used for life necessary items but to be honest i've given money to people no questions asked knowing it may be used for less necessary items but i've been blessed with money and truthfully imagine i'm but a few bad decisions from being where some of these beggars are.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
So how did the Latino guys wife look? Was she hot? Saw a similar couple on the TTC the other day and while the guy was nothing to look at, the wife was hawt. Perfect ass as though they had implants.

This guy kept her looking good too in all brand name from head to toe.

Believe it or not, lots of people think this way regardless of their race.

Really, you are on the right path to a higher level of lets say spirituality, if you can truly look at the man in the mirror and troubleshoot.


New member
Aug 6, 2005
Well JTK, I applaud you on your realization of your mere humanity and your disappointment in it.

That said, I usually feel like I should burn the whole goddamned world and all the fucking humans in it, because your first reaction is the dominant mode of us dealing with each other. I could go on and on, but why?

Burn them. Burn them all.

They are after all, merely human, worth little or nothing at best, so it would be no great loss. Yeah, I'd burn a Mother Theresa or two, but I'd burn a whole lot more Ted Bundies and other psychopaths. I'd sleep easy in my ashen state.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
So how did the Latino guys wife look? Was she hot? Saw a similar couple on the TTC the other day and while the guy was nothing to look at, the wife was hawt. Perfect ass as though they had implants.

This guy kept her looking good too in all brand name from head to toe.

Believe it or not, lots of people think this way regardless of their race.

Really, you are on the right path to a higher level of lets say spirituality, if you can truly look at the man in the mirror and troubleshoot.
The problem is that too many people are unwilling or unable to look in the mirror and always find someone or something else to balme.


As for JTK's post, I was in a food court mid or downtown and doing the looking around thing. There were 4 Muslim girls in their late teens or twenties sitting together in head scarves, having lunch. A homeless guy walked around the food court asking for change. Everyone ignored him, pretnded they couldn't see him.

Except for the Muslim girls. They all reached into their purses and each gave him some change.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Sometimes I give, sometimes I don't.

Don't worry about it.

(When I gave it to one at Tim Horton's for her to get something to eat at the Wendy's, she disappeared.)

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I felt like shit about judging the young guy there with his wife and kid. I was way off base there. This young guy could not have been more than 24 or 25 years old. There he is with his wife and kid at McDonalds and he has the common decency to buy some old down and out guy breakfest. When he was up at the counter, his wife was just bouncing their child around on her knee, didn't have any sort of look on her face as if to say, "what are you doing?". She just went about playing with the child as if it was no surprise to her that her man would do such a thing. By her reaction I'm thinking that she's thinking that that is just her husband being her husband. I was very wrong.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Sometimes the givers are tired of giving and the beggars are tired of asking. I saw an old guy rummaging through the trash at McDonalds, not begging or bothering anyone.
I went inside and just as I was ordering what I wanted, I asked for two trio meals instead of one. When I went out to my car I handed the meal with a coffee to the old guy.
I told him to go inside where it is warm. He grinned a faint smile. He was not even allowed inside to be warm if he was not a paying customer.


Active member
Aug 27, 2009
Well JTK, I applaud you on your realization of your mere humanity and your disappointment in it.

That said, I usually feel like I should burn the whole goddamned world and all the fucking humans in it, because your first reaction is the dominant mode of us dealing with each other. I could go on and on, but why?

Burn them. Burn them all.

They are after all, merely human, worth little or nothing at best, so it would be no great loss. Yeah, I'd burn a Mother Theresa or two, but I'd burn a whole lot more Ted Bundies and other psychopaths. I'd sleep easy in my ashen state.
Looks like we have another hitler on the rise....


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Well JTK, I applaud you on your realization of your mere humanity and your disappointment in it.

That said, I usually feel like I should burn the whole goddamned world and all the fucking humans in it, because your first reaction is the dominant mode of us dealing with each other. I could go on and on, but why?

Burn them. Burn them all.

They are after all, merely human, worth little or nothing at best, so it would be no great loss. Yeah, I'd burn a Mother Theresa or two, but I'd burn a whole lot more Ted Bundies and other psychopaths. I'd sleep easy in my ashen state.
Looks like we have another hitler on the rise....
I thought he was doing a take on the Donald Sutherland character from the movie 'Backdraft'.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Death from a crack overdose? Aids from an infected needle?
he chose his path. i give him change it's up to him to either feed his basic survival instinct or to go and get high. i am also going to assume that never every homeless person i give change to is an addict. i took a homeless guy for dinner one night at 2 in the morning and i sat and listened to his story. he was not out there for the booze or drugs, he was out there because he lost everything, including most of his sanity and sleeping on the street was safer than a shelter.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
I probably would have done the same as the OP, but one thing in his post that bothered me was that he automatically assumed that because he saw the Latin guy at 9AM,he must not work!
I was a shift worker for years and then worked midnights for 14 years, and i got so tired of the fact that because people saw me in the mornings or at other so called "unusual" hours, they assumed i didn't work!
Not everyone works the so called "9-5 grind" and then makes the "commute home from the office" people!
i worked night shift for a lot of years, my neighbors gave me dirty looks while i stood on the front lawn waving at them having a beer at 7 in the morning when i got home lol.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
I have often found in life that those who are the most generous are usually the ones who could least afford it.
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