Ever been so ashamed of yourself

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
So I'm in McDonalds this a.m. getting my No. 2 combo with a medium OJ. I sit down after I get my order and I start looking around, eating my 2 minute out the door breakfest. No where much to look. The TV, the people, back to the TV.

I see this young couple with a young girl. Girl was maybe 2 years old max. Cute kid. Parents both looked Latin. I look at the father, wonder why he's not at work. Assume he doesn't work. He's got a hoodie on and he's wearing it with the hood up in the restaurant. He's got sandals on. It's December. "Sandals in December, who wears fucking sandals in Decembger at McDonalds"

"He probably doesn't work" I figure.

Back to the TV.

2 seats along the way, an older black guy is staring at me. He looks a little zoned. (Don't make eye contact I figure. Don't need this at this time in the morning.)

Back to the Latin couple, "yeah, he doesn't work. Could offer him a job, he probably wouldn't want it"

Back to the TV. Some stupid shit on.

Look back to old black dude. He's looking at the Latin couple and smiling at the kid's antics. "Wierd" I figure. Then he's staring back at me. His eyes blazing right into mine. I look at him. He has a water bottle with no label on it and nothing else. No food.

It's McDonalds, it's 9 a.m. Who goes to McDonalds at 9 a.m. with no food?

He's probably hanging out killing time I figure. I'm surprised they don't kick him out.

He's still staring right at me.

He walks towards me, (I'm by the door) and says, "can you spare some change boss"

I hate when people call me boss. I really do. It seems like a lot of people call me boss.

I say no, even though I have a fist sized lump of change in my pocket.

"I just want to get some food, can you spare some change"

"Look I said no buddy" in a stern pissed off voice.

He asks the guy across the isle. He's an older white dude. He says no too.

Old black guy disappears. I thought he went out the door, but he just circled around. He approaches young Latin couple. "This should be good" I snicker to myself.

Young Latin guy stands up and says, "I'll buy you some food"

"Am I hearing right?"

Old black guy asks for money and says he can get breakfest for $2.99 down the street if the young guy wants to just give him the cash.

Young Latin guy with hood still on says, "no man, you'll just keep the money, I'll buy you breakfest here, but I won't give you money" Young Latin guy goes over to the counter and buys the old dude breakfest.

I'm so ashamed of myself.

I've been thinking of this all day.

I judged both those people completely wrong. I was the asshole. The guy just did want some food and the young Latin guy was probably working all night long and was sharing breakfest with his young wife and their daughter. He was a good man and bought a guy who was down on his luck breakfest this morning. I judged and I lied this morning. Fuck me.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
It's wrong to judge people on the surface but it is human nature to do so. You're no worse than the average guy, in fact you're probably better because you clearly have a conscience. A lot of people just wouldn't give a shit.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It's wrong to judge people on the surface but it is human nature to do so. You're no worse than the average guy, in fact you're probably better because you clearly have a conscience. A lot of people just wouldn't give a shit.



The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
James T Kirk Douglas.
It appears you've been through a Vulcan mind meld.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
Don't sweat it JT.
BTW, if you bought every poor soul breakfast, you also would be needing it yourself.
If you give larger sums to charities,you are doing your part.
19 out of 20 ,you would be bang on.
Would you believe best 3 of 5? I would still love those odds. lol


May 28, 2010
Old black guy asks for money and says he can get breakfest for $2.99 down the street if the young guy wants to just give him the cash.

The guy just did want some food
Not likely. The guy said he could get breakfast down the street because he wanted the cash for drugs/booze. Is this interpretation wrong? Maybe but the odds are heavy in favour of this being correct. As for the Latin couple, you still know nothing of their story other than the guy seemed like a generous chap. Next time, take a moment and sit with them to get their story.


New member
Jan 26, 2004
Not likely. The guy said he could get breakfast down the street because he wanted the cash for drugs/booze. Is this interpretation wrong? Maybe but the odds are heavy in favour of this being correct.
I agree with sidebanger. I know two people who have bought food in a similar situation. One just threw it right in the garbage and the other tried to sell it to another customer.
Don't beat yourself up about it.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i hand over change all damn day cuz i hate it in my pocket and it's better they have it then on the floor of my car. it's only change, whats the worst that happens your out 5$.


New member
Jan 26, 2004
i hand over change all damn day cuz i hate it in my pocket and it's better they have it then on the floor of my car. it's only change, whats the worst that happens your out 5$.
Death from a crack overdose? Aids from an infected needle?


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
I was at the Petro Canada on lower Sherbourne st, in the summer. Waiting to use the washrooms, and this homeless guy comes up to me and asks for some change,so i give him like 4 bucks in change. Then as im waiting, some guy drives up parks his truck and starts putting air in his tires. The homeless guy goes over and tells him he needs 5 bucks to go to subway and get himself a sub. So the guy gives him 10 bucks. Im thinking thats pretty kewl. As he was giving him the 10 he had another 10 left. And the homeless guy says if you give me the other 10 i can take a cab and get to where i need to be. I thought the guy was gonna flip out, hes like i just gave you half of my money and now you want the rest of it. And the homeless guy keeps persisting, and double talking, finally the owner of the truck says either get lost with the 10, or give the 10 back to him.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I was at the Petro Canada on lower Sherbourne st, in the summer. Waiting to use the washrooms, and this homeless guy comes up to me and asks for some change,so i give him like 4 bucks in change. Then as im waiting, some guy drives up parks his truck and starts putting air in his tires. The homeless guy goes over and tells him he needs 5 bucks to go to subway and get himself a sub. So the guy gives him 10 bucks. Im thinking thats pretty kewl. As he was giving him the 10 he had another 10 left. And the homeless guy says if you give me the other 10 i can take a cab and get to where i need to be. I thought the guy was gonna flip out, hes like i just gave you half of my money and now you want the rest of it. And the homeless guy keeps persisting, and double talking, finally the owner of the truck says either get lost with the 10, or give the 10 back to him.
Which unfortunately is the reason why so many of us are not as generous as we probably ought to be.


Active member
Sep 1, 2001
You should be ashamed of yourself. So you think that every minority that you see is a lazy, unemployed, loser out for a freebie in life? You are so white.


Dec 22, 2001
I probably would have done the same as the OP, but one thing in his post that bothered me was that he automatically assumed that because he saw the Latin guy at 9AM,he must not work!
I was a shift worker for years and then worked midnights for 14 years, and i got so tired of the fact that because people saw me in the mornings or at other so called "unusual" hours, they assumed i didn't work!
Not everyone works the so called "9-5 grind" and then makes the "commute home from the office" people!


You should be ashamed of yourself. So you think that every minority that you see is a lazy, unemployed, loser out for a freebie in life? You are so white.
Oh please like your a holy saint. Everyone judges eachother even if you may not admit it. I feel like James learned from his actions and will be a better human being because of it. I try to help people out if I can, I just hope they do end up using the money for food/clothing, and not for drugs or alcohol.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
You should be ashamed of yourself. So you think that every minority that you see is a lazy, unemployed, loser out for a freebie in life? You are so white.
Oh good, let's turn this into a race thingy.
Please focus on the correct topic.


New member
Oct 13, 2005
I was entering a Tim Hortons and a Older women asked me for $1, she said she wanted some food, I did not have any change, thought I would give a buck on the way out to help her out. As i stood in line I thought to myself, what the heck am I doing, I spend money on so many stupid things, the least I can do is buy her some food. I went back outside, asked her to come in, Told her order whatever you want, she was humble and only wanted a soup, I said not to worry get the soup sandwich combo, whatever you want, she did. she was very gratefull, I went back to work and felt good about myself. That was month ago that this happened, I to this day wonder how this lady is doing.


Active member
Aug 27, 2009
Touching story James. Is good to hear in this society there's still good man left, usally the working class.
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