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EU Set to criminalize "Criticism of migration will become a criminal offense "

Brexit is looking better by the day isn't it :)

Silly left wing politics instead of worrying about illegal immigration from problem countries is now focusing efforts on criminalizing those who complain about it
Bang up job guys
Like I said it is the path to Dictatorship .... AND United Nations openly admits it envisions itself to become the world UNELECTED Government ..... HELLO !!! We going to stand by & let them become Dictators?

Compact on Migration TRUDEAU is about to sign makes United Nations laws SUPERCEED Canada laws ... BYE BYE a Free Democratic Canada!! Any GUN owners here? Under UN law owning a Gun in Canada WILL BECOME ILLEGAL !! Rip up your P.A.L. !!! :crazy:


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001

UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner posted a transcript of a November 20 speech from Andrew Gilmour, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights

Commit2Dialogue: Partnerships for Prevention and Sustaining Peace

Plenary session 2, 20 November 2018: "Words Matter: Role and Responsibility of the media in shaping public perceptions about migrants and refugees and promoting inclusive societies”

I am happy to be here today

… [the full text is above]

Thank you for your attention.

Video by the speaker
Why post this irrelevant speech by someone with no connection to the EU?
Where's your evidence for saying that: "EU Set to criminalize "Criticism of migration will become a criminal offense "

Criticism of migration will become a criminal offense. Media outlets that give room to criticism of migration can be shut down.”


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
" Hate Speech " too often these days is SPEECH Democrats & Globalists don't like. Free speech should include hate speech .... & rebutels to those speeches /ideas. The foundation of Democracy is the debating of opposing ideas .. even hateful ones. Once you control the flow of ideas & truths you kill democracy. Through History the control of speech was the first real step to Dictatorship. We are slipping down a dangerous path!! As many wise Historians have said ... Loss of freedoms is ONLY a Generation away. We better stand up & fight before it is too late!!!
Hate speech would be considered to be free speech, if it did not instigate the violence that has occurred in the aftermath of these speeches. This is a fact, and many migrants were the victims as a result. So what would be your solution to prevent this violence??

We know what the Brexit effects and the implications that it faces:

"Police bracing for Brexit hate crime spike against EU citizens and migrants in March":

Officers fear a repeat of the wave of xenophobic attacks around the 2016 Brexit referendum, which saw numerous physical and verbal assaults on European citizens, including a student who was stabbed in the neck for speaking Polish.

Superintendent Waheed Khan, the Metropolitan Police’s deputy lead for hate crime, said officers would be carrying out proactive work with community groups and awareness campaigns in an attempt to deter potential offenders.

“After what happened with the EU referendum we would expect some kind of response in March, whatever the outcome of Brexit,” he told journalists.

“We will do what we can to provide support to community groups, and make sure people know that hate crime will be reported and it will be acted on.”

The EU referendum was the biggest spike in hate crime on record in England and Wales, and was surpassed only in the wake of last year’s terror attacks.

“Anecdotal evidence suggests that there was an increase in these types of offences around the time of the EU referendum,” the Home Office said. “Around this time there was a clear spike in hate crime.”

Maike Bohn, a founding member of EU citizens’ group the3million, said it had received reports of hate crime and wider discrimination.

Number of racially or religiously aggravated offences recorded by the police by month, April 2013 to March 2018 (Home Office)
“Some of it is very subtle and some of it is people being yelled at on a bus,” she told The Independent last year.

“I would never compare what’s happening to fellow EU citizens to what’s happening to other minorities – they are the main victims.

“But what is clear to me that during the referendum and afterwards everything has been lumped together – refugees, Muslims, people who are ‘not us coming here’

Student stabbed in neck for speaking Polish describes brutal assault
“That’s been the rhetoric of Vote Leave and the current government has allowed this to happen.”

A damning report released last year accused the government of fuelling “toxic” anti-immigrant sentiment just as it emerged that ministers have for years vastly overestimated the number of foreign students staying in Britain.

The inquiry from a cross-party group of politicians said Theresa May’s discredited target of cutting net migration to under 100,000 was particularly to blame for “stoking anxiety” that has accompanied unprecedented hate crime following the Brexit vote.

Calling on fellow politicians to tone down their language, the group warned that rhetoric used during the EU referendum led some people to feel “they could act on racist attitudes which had previously gone unexpressed”.

The phenomenon has increased yet further in 2017-18, with religiously-motivated offences rocketing by 40 per cent, transgender by 32 per cent, disability by 30 per cent, sexual orientation by 27 per cent, and race 14 per cent.

Police and monitoring groups believe that social media is also fuelling the crimes, while the statistical increase is also being driven by improved reporting and recording practices.

Phil Adlem, of LGBT+ anti-violence charity Galop, said the algorithms used by web giants can trap people in extremist echo chambers.

“If it knows you like something it sends more stuff your way and that has a snowball effect on hate,” he said.

Dr Dave Rich, head of policy for Jewish charity the Community Security Trust, said: “Social media gives people the confidence to be incredibly rude and aggressive on the street, in a way I think people become desensitised to it because they see it happening so much online.”

Louise Holder, of disability equality group Inclusion London, added: “The concern we have is the links between ordinary people and groups stirring them up.

“There has always been hate crime, there have always been people who don’t like people who look different. But social media creating an atmosphere where people might have thought something but wouldn’t do anything about it, and now they will.”

Hate crime is not an offence in itself, but is used to describe other crimes “motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on a personal characteristic”, such as attacks and vandalism.

Violence against the person, public order offences, criminal damage and arson made up 96 per cent of hate crime-flagged offences. There were 1,065 online hate crimes in the year.

Nationality or xenophobia is not a specific category for data collection but guidance released by the College of Policing said crimes driven by a victim’s perceived national or ethnic origin should be recorded as race hate, as should attacks targeting asylum seekers and refugees.

The overall conviction rate for hate crimes has increased to 84.7 per cent, but only a small proportion of reported incidents – 12 per cent – end with someone being charged or summonsed to court.

The government has announced a wide-ranging review of hate crime laws, which will consider whether to add new “protected characteristics” including age and gender.

The migrants even include those who have entered the UK from other EU nations like Poland. So is that acceptable to you that these people also have to bear the brunt of the violence based on your definition of "Free Speech"??

Read that disgusting incident where he was stabbed in the neck for speaking in Polish:

Try and understand the reason that the EU want to address the rise in hate crimes!!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
OTB stands by post #8

I like hate speech laws because I always have a good chuckle when the local Canadian righties are sent to jail for a couple of years for breaking them.

Why would you deny me my fun?
Ashley Madison
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