Vaughan Spa

escorts calling u? --


Super Hero / Bad Boy
Nov 30, 2001
planet earth
this is a question for the ladies, and/or any clients who have had a similar experience.

Recently i've had two different SPs call ME!... Now before you get confused this isn't like a cold call from some telemarketing SP. But these are independent ladies who I've seen, like 3 or 4 times, and they have my number because i've left them a message (with my number) from past appointments asking them about their availability, etc... then out of nowhere (weeks later) i get a message just to "see how i'm doing". Is this strange? Any other Johns have this happen? Any other escorts call clients out of the blue?

I been trying to figure this out. Maybe they see me as a guy they could be friends with, or perhaps they just know I'm a total sucker and are seeing if they can get appt. from a sure loser. I don't know, but its killing me to find out.

ps... before this experience i've had two other SPs from agencies give me their real name and home phone #... Each time its to see "if I want to go for coffee or see a movie sometime", etc. does this happen to you guys?
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Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
my thoughts

i think its inexcusable for an sp to call a client out of the blue ... unless the guy has made it clear that it is welcome!

no wonder the men are so fucking paranoid about their phone #'s!

in my opinion, there are too many sp's who use their business to meet their social life needs.

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May 25, 2002
Very Close

I would like to contribute to these thread but if, I do post thier names it will ruin their business. So , I decided to pass however this a very good thread.I am not just saying Indy or Agency both are guilty parties .....but I have dealt with them politely so far so good.It is like client Attorney priv.........Many times i have been called even the high end so called SP np ......

It happens , but I have no fear since ........... Chiao
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Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
I've been called

There's lady I've seen at various times over the past few years. She called me out of the blue after I hadn't seen her for some months.

A different lady I only saw a few times called me to say she moved out of town and left me a number in case I passed through her new abode.

These calls were to my cell and I was able to handle it. I was a bit surprised since I wasn't particuliarly friendly with either of them.

I guess they do that when things are slow. Personally, I don't mind. You can always say you'll call them back if it's not a convenient time.

Years ago, I used to have a lady call me at my office. She always said she was from the Royal Bank.

I don't think it's that unusual if you're a regular hobbyist.


Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
craziness ...

there is no reason for an sp to keep extensive detailed phone lists of her clients ...

if she has an established relationship with certain clients - fine ... go ahead - call the guy if you please ...

but she should make sure that the guy is comfortable with the idea of getting a call from her in the future ...



Super Hero / Bad Boy
Nov 30, 2001
planet earth
syndy. thanks i agree completely. in one case i'm almost positive i never even left her my number but she just saved it from call display... fortunately it was a cell number.

btw, i'm not exactly winning any brad pitt look-a-like contests for those who are wondering. syndy can a test to that (as i've seen her and i must say she is FINE)... Damondean, thanks. its good to know i'm not alone here.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
Numbers off call display

Both of the first calls I got were from call display. I didn't leave a number with either of them. I usually block it now (*67). Some complain about that and we don't end up doing business.

I like contact by e-mail but all too many ladies don't have it yet.


May 25, 2002
Very Close

QUOTE]Originally posted by Damondean
Both of the first calls I got were from call display. I didn't leave a number with either of them. I usually block it now (*67). Some complain about that and we don't end up doing business.

I like contact by e-mail but all too many ladies don't have it yet.

There is always a solution to something.Please do this to your cell or land line to have a number or displayed l *82 416 808-XXXX if she really wanna answer and talk to you then this is line for you .If am wrong , then do a search about CRTC Canada . About fees and options .


May 25, 2002
Very Close

It is 2:30 am now, this SP keeps calling to my house not that I owe her money or she loves me or not that I love her as far as I know her. The best practice is put your # phone away offline in order to sleep.Or to unplug the phone from the landline and the rest knew whole routine to these situation . I knew who is she is .My question is to the SP's (Only)In these business is it really slow or great ? Yes or No,If no why is it taht some are so agressive in these biz. Is it just a desperate marketing ?I am sure you can't speak in everybodys behalf ........

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Miss Calgary
Aug 3, 2002
BoyWonder, yes I've heard about this a couple of times before--ladies checking in. First I thought they were kidding!

I totally agree with syn. This just breaks the whole dynamics of fantasy and excitement both parties create...

It's quite amazing that some ladies think it's professional to let you know they haven't forgotten you...yes, it's nice to be remembered, but they're just crossing the line.

My first rule of thumb has always been to clear guys' email addies and phone#s once we confirm appointments/I respond.

When guys contact me more than once, all I'd do is remember their voices or names (or special situations--like I have one guy calling me regularly to tell me he still has my cardigan left in his place)--that's flattering enough to you guys, right? :)


New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
Re: my thoughts

syn said:
i think its inexcusable for an sp to call a client out of the blue ... unless the guy has made it clear that it is welcome!..............
Since I live alone I fel that my situation is somewhat different than most. In my 12 years of this hobby I have received many calls, both from agencies as well as from SP's. It has been a concern for me only once.

I once used an agency and became known as an afficianado of their "new" girls and the agency, who knew that I lived alone would call to advise me of a "new" girl. In fact, since I was known as a kindly old gentleman, when a new girl was somewhat reluctant to start with her first call, I would be called to ask if I would see her first, knowing that the girl would be treated delicately.

I have been called by several agencies when a girl, who I had called repeatedly for, and who was unavailable to me, had become available or maybe had returned to work again after an absence.

I have been called by some of my "regular" girls who have left the agency where I had called them before and gone independant or who had switched to another agency.

I have been called by girls who wanted (honestly) to "talk" about their situations or problems.

II once have had a girl appear at my door unannounced after we had been out of contact with for some time. This developed into a lengthy true friendship.

I have been called by agencies with whom I have developed a rapport to enquire as to the performance of a girl, to ensure my satisfaction.

I consider these approaches to have been to my benefit!

I had one girl appear at my door in an attempt to scam me - once!.

She did not receive a warm welcome and she did never return.


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
BoywonderBB said:

ps... before this experience i've had two other SPs from agencies give me their real name and home phone #... Each time its to see "if I want to go for coffee or see a movie sometime", etc. does this happen to you guys?
While I have never had an SP call me out of the blue, a number of escorts from agencies have also given me their names and numbers. I generally take this gesture as a way for the SP to bypass the agency fees, and an opportunity for the SP to make a little more money. I have not followed up on many of these, and of the few that I have, I ironically found they were more reliable and easier to schedule an appointment with when I worked through the agency than when I tried to call them directly.

There have been also a handful of SP's who made it clear they were available and interested in socializing with me outside of "work". Over the past years, I had lunch and dinner dates with escorts, and there was one escort I took clothes shopping a couple of times. It is always flattering for a young, pretty woman to offer to spend time with you (and I am no Brad Pitt lookalike either!), but I have always felt a little disillusioned with these kinds of interactions.

At the core of it is the fact that you have had a business transaction with this woman, i.e., you paid her to sleep with you. That is the undercurrent that surrounds all of your interactions, and it is clear she would not be sitting there having this dinner with you if it weren't for that business relationship. I start thinking stuff like, does she really like hanging out with me, or am I just a dollar sign to her? I can't help but thinking that this is the equivalent of salesmen socializing with your client to win future business.

I have decided I prefer to keep my relationships with SP's purely professional and not personal. But that is just me.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Re: Re: Re: my thoughts

10"Meat said:

Ok what is that supposed to mean? Ensuring her safety by giving her your number? I don’t use sp’s but that statement doesn’t make sense. Enlighten us professor!
I suppose the professor could tell the "student" to go to the TERB library and do some research on the issue of disclosing phone #'s to SPs as it relates to their safety. There's lots of information there that should provide enlightenment for the few who require it.
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Jul 8, 2002
coffee etc...

As I believe I have posted before, in my opinion it is perfectly natural that a surprising number of sp/client encounters generate chemistry at a minimum, and often considerably more.

I typically see women, when I am in a hobbying phase :), that are very intelligent and would appeal to me on more than just a physical level - if the lights are on but nobody's home, it's not going to work for me.

If you have a one-hour physical encounter with someone and then give her your home number, well, that's asking for trouble. But if you've seen someone a few times and for a few hours, by that time there's been a good opportunity to figure out if you genuinely like each other enough to chance trying some sort of other relationship on. For me, this has generally (not like it's happened all that many times) meant a friendship and an end to the "lovers" aspect of the relationship. It's just too hard to switch from paying for sex to having a healthy sexual relationship - most of the time. I would never suggest it myself now though - too many losers/stalkers out there trying to live their fantasies, I don't see how the client trying to initiate something like that could be anything but extremely unsettling to a lady.

But yes, I have X number of friends that I've seen as sp's, who have my cell number (not my home though I'm listed and they know my real name) - and why should it be any different than any of my other friends calling me? Hi ______, how are you doing, sure - lunch later this week? Cool, see you thursday then" - not too hard, and no reason to avoid it.

Maybe that's what these people are trying to do with you - give it a chance to see where it goes.

You gotta take chances in life and a number of the ladies I've met through their business are a hell of a lot better people than most of the people I meet through mine - of course I'm a lawyer...

If you give off an "I'm approachable and trustworthy" vibe, respect the chance these women are taking and see what happens.

If you're being solicited for business, indicate clearly that you don't appreciate the call, and terminate the relationship.

back to work...
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Jul 8, 2002
thank you

10" Meat

For continuing to try to lower the bar for everyone. Why is the lowest common denominator always so loud?

They should make it more complicated to access the internet maybe. Maybe some sort of a skill-testing question, like "Please use the word 'your' in a sentence with the contraction 'you're' in a way that shows you know the difference".

Ripped - why do you bother? In order to win an argument, you have to be dealing with someone who is capable of understanding he's losing!


Aug 25, 2001
Here we go again!

You could see this coming a mile away!
Ripped has another Newbie to play with!
They never learn!
It's like the cat teasing the mouse before he finishes it off!



Jul 8, 2002
Re: Re: Question for the professor

10"Meat said:

30 years ago! Did you park your horse and carriage out front too?

I've figured it out. You’re such a knob because you're stuck in the old days when girls still danced on barrels and it only cost 10 cents.

I suppose you also voted for Mackenzie King?

Maybe I’ll open a sc for senior citizens. Then old crusty guys will have a place to hang out with people their own age and us young “twonks” won’t have to listen to your dribble.
That's "drivel".


Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
No idle boast

Ripped, Prodigal,

When I first saw the handle 10"Meat, I thought it was just another dumb-ass boast.

After reading his posts, I realized it's actually a perfect description of his head!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well, first of all, I think "syn" has to relax, it's not totally wrong for an sp to call a client for whatever reason whether it be to drum up business or to catch up or like one poster said, to let him know she's leaving town......

If the client is married (and informed the SP of this) then it is unappropriate at best. But when one gives out their number, you should expect someone to actually use it more than once. If you don't want them to use it ever again, tell them so.

I personally have had sp's call me for various reasons. Some of it is personal difficulties, some of it is to "catch up" and some of it has been about business. To me, and it has been expressed on this board before, the act between an sp and a client can be very intimate and rewarding for both. Often a basic friendship can develope and no matter what anyone here says, one can never have enough friends IMHO.

If an SP called me up and asked me out for a coffee, not only would I gladly accept, but would probably pay for it too. A movie? why the hell not? If you are offended by these invites, or have no need for another friend, then politely tell her.

I don't know, maybe I am strange, or weird or whacked, but having a beautiful woman ask me out, is NOT and never will be, a BAD THING.
Ashley Madison
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