Escort Rant on Craigslist


New member
Jan 19, 2006
JessiMae said:
I thought it was comical and she was meaning to be that way. I laughed. A lot of what she said is true. Although I think she could have had the same effect with less foul language (or more colourful foul language) and she took it a tad too far.
Anyone who hates what they are doing, and those they deal with as much as the woman in Denver should find a new way to keep body and soul together regardless of whether they are a firefighter, office worker, lawyer, banker, seaman, stockbroker or SP.

SPs on this and other lists have posted about how this is a choice you have made and that in general you enjoy doing it (I don't have photographic recall and so won't say that you've posted the same JessiMae) if, however, the woman in Denver accurately expresses the opinion of the majority of SPs then Canada's action in legalizing outcall was a tragic mistake. I fail to see how it can be both ways

The author also obviously has a extreme dislike (hatred) of men and of those with physical abnormalities, would her rant be quite so "comical" if a high ranking executive or politician made the same comments?

Finally I apologize if this sounds like I’m making a personal attack on you JessiMae that is not my intention.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I think there's a distinct possibility that this woman does not have many people she can vent about work to.

Everyone has bad days at work and obviously she's had a few.

While some might like to assume she's an awful person. I'd say she's honest.

Her main points are that she does it for money, doesn't care if she cums, doesn't want to practice unsafe sex, doesn't want to be roughed up, doesn't want to be asked for services she doesn't advertise, demands hygiene.

I think a lot of guys could learn a lot from those main points.... which are basically found in a sticky on this board except written a little more nicely. But maybe for some the anger will help get the point across that x, y and z are just gross and uncouth things to do.

As for her comments about deformities hey I can understand that.... the scene she describes about the guy with a stubby arm with misformed fingers is a bit creepy and let's not pretend that we don't do a double take when we see someone with a deformity.

Clearly some people are sensitive about the things she said but IMO they are fairly on point.

Anyways at the end of the day all people have pet peeves about their job so why should an escort be any different? Especially when her comments are fairly reasonable.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
I think it needs to be said that too many men don't understand or care about the points she raises and they would probably be the ones she's talking about.

I myself know that bad breath in someone makes me want to kill, so I can't imagine what it would be like to have some crazed horndog coming at you with some putrid breath for the full hour. The life would just drain right out of me.

I'll say it again: escorts are worth every penny and more of what they're paid. And it's amazing how much more you can get out of a session with just a little more green on top and some proper hygiene.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
frankcastle said:
Her main points are that she does it for money, doesn't care if she cums, doesn't want to practice unsafe sex, doesn't want to be roughed up, doesn't want to be asked for services she doesn't advertise, demands hygiene.

I think a lot of guys could learn a lot from those main points.... which are basically found in a sticky on this board except written a little more nicely. But maybe for some the anger will help get the point across that x, y and z are just gross and uncouth things to do.

As for her comments about deformities hey I can understand that.... the scene she describes about the guy with a stubby arm with misformed fingers is a bit creepy and let's not pretend that we don't do a double take when we see someone with a deformity.
Frank if that were all she said and she phrased it in a calm manner I'd entirely agree, however anyone who writes that she is
a bit obsessive compulsive when [it] comes to flesh to flesh skin cells rubbing off on me. I SCRUB myself every night with sugar and anything else I can find that is abrasive enough to make my skin raw. This is to get your distgusting (sic) skin cells and germs off me. Every time you touch me I think I will be expecially (sic) scrubbing that area extra hard tonight……your ‘‘soft’’ touches make my skin crawl ya dirty old fucks.
I believe can be safely described as “having issues.”

A.J. Raven

New member
Sep 17, 2007
frankcastle said:
I think there's a distinct possibility that this woman does not have many people she can vent about work to.

Everyone has bad days at work and obviously she's had a few.

While some might like to assume she's an awful person. I'd say she's honest.

Her main points are that she does it for money, doesn't care if she cums, doesn't want to practice unsafe sex, doesn't want to be roughed up, doesn't want to be asked for services she doesn't advertise, demands hygiene.

I think a lot of guys could learn a lot from those main points.... which are basically found in a sticky on this board except written a little more nicely. But maybe for some the anger will help get the point across that x, y and z are just gross and uncouth things to do.

As for her comments about deformities hey I can understand that.... the scene she describes about the guy with a stubby arm with misformed fingers is a bit creepy and let's not pretend that we don't do a double take when we see someone with a deformity.

Clearly some people are sensitive about the things she said but IMO they are fairly on point.

Anyways at the end of the day all people have pet peeves about their job so why should an escort be any different? Especially when her comments are fairly reasonable.
Finally! It's a shame so many were focused on her "attitude" than the very valid points she was making. You seem to actually understnd the post. Sorry to burst any bubbles guys, but you all do things essentially the same way! Just because someone gets pissed off for a few minutes about certain things doesn't mean they are an angry person. My guess is the moment she finished her rant she went right back to being the lovely person she probably is. I'm guessing this because I have experienced every single issue she mentioned - numerous times. Enough times to get really pissed off about it. And someone already mentioned that we have no outlets to vent our frustration... so good for her for doing it in such a way as to not directly hurt anyone. We escorts know our role, and we do a pretty good job of rolling with the punches - and doing so naked and on display.

I've heard mention that we're all here for the "easy money". Are you kidding me?? I am so sick of hearing this! (warning... little rant ahead) Do you really think this is an easy way to earn a living? Do you think any of us wanted to grow up and be escorts when we were little girls? Many of us do this job because health issues keep us from being successful in other vocations. Did you read the part in the Denver escorts rant about having Irritable Bowel Syndrome? In women, this condition usually exists with other equally painful & irritating conditions. And often the way we are treated in this job leads to additional health issues - and this is on top of the assumed STD and violence risks. For those of you who try to get us on the cheap, perhaps some thought should go into all the points she made and how we shoulder all the risk & responsibility for this activity. Also, men generally do not associate emotional & societal(spelling) implications in their sexual behavior, whereas women have to carry those consequences for their entire lives - even years after once doing what she may have done. Our relationships with friends, family and love interests are forever altered by this job.

YES. I KNOW. We did choose this. Keep in mind you come to us. Perhaps a little more understanding on your part... even just simple human compassion, would make this easier on all of us.


New member
Apr 21, 2007
Porn probably teaches men many mistakes and escorts aren't there to correct them.
I'd guess most guys don't really know how they're seen by women in bed, everyone can't be above average with sexual skills. Daty is tougher to judge for us, are we doing it right or is she faking it?
Do some of us think all chicks enjoy having their nipples pulled and twisted? :eek:

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Seems like most escorts I see are happy young ladies...might be 1 more reason I like to see ladies who are 25 years old and younger.

It does seems like after that age they start getting like "burned out". Not as up beat, not all, KWI seemed at the party like she was 1 happy lady ;) and was really enjoying herself.

If you really start feeling like this is a job that you are starting to dislike, do us guys a favor and take a break and try something else.

I don't like seeing somebody who is like doing this because she has too. This is more than working on a assembly line building cars. Guys see an escort not only for sex but to get cheered up. To feel good about them selfs. I could jerk off if all I wanted was a release.

This SP who wrote this needs to stop seeing guys for awhile. Shes can not be that much fun to be with.

Sorry but us guys might not be perfect, why do you think we call you?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
trisket said:
Porn probably teaches men many mistakes and escorts aren't there to correct them.
I'd guess most guys don't really know how they're seen by women in bed, everyone can't be above average with sexual skills.
Anyone who believes that sexual relations aren't complicated (save perhaps for long term and happy couples) is either much younger and better looking than I, indifferent to their partners feelings, or both.

I don't claim to be either Drs Kinsey, Masters or Johnson but the deep secret of most men is that we are basically insecure about our sexual competence, there is tons of comment that among the most hurtful thing a woman can say to a man is that he is "lousy in bed."*

*I’m not referring to “it feels better if ___” statements


New member
Jan 19, 2006
A.J. Raven said:
Finally! It's a shame so many were focused on her "attitude" than the very valid points she was making.
There are great many job fields and careers where "how you say it" is at least as important as "what you say". From the outset I've agreed that many of her points are valid, however, the tone with which they were made, drowned out a lot of what she wrote.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Aardvark154 said:
There are great many job fields and careers where "how you say it" is at least as important as "what you say". From the outset I've agreed that many of her points are valid, however, the tone with which they were made, drowned out a lot of what she wrote.
You get more flies with honey...

Are guys generally receptive to being instructed in bed? No escort can tell you how *every* woman likes it (and dear god, neither can porn!!!), but there have been plenty of times when I could tell a guy was trying very hard, but missing the mark a little. I don't want to make someone feel insecure during a session, but I wouldn't mind offering clients who are obviously concerned about their performance a tip or two on how to last longer/pace themselves/lick more effectively/whatever, if I thought they'd be open to it.

I do think that if she is not comfortable seeing a client with a disability, she should say so, instead of letting him waste his money. Creepy or not, his arm is part of his body, and he pays her to treat his body with intimacy and respect.


I honestly couldn't relate to anything she was complaining about in this rant lol... I guess I'm a special client or something... Because never said/did anything she was bitching about... Ok, maybe the big dick thing but that's retarded to complain about.... she can't handle a cock? Go home! Escorting is not for you...


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Aardvark154 said:
Frank if that were all she said and she phrased it in a calm manner I'd entirely agree, however anyone who writes that she is
I believe can be safely described as “having issues.”
If you want to focus on how she phrases it then it's a shame because you are missing her points.

This wasn't an assignment to be graded just someone venting. So perhaps you might want to consider context.

It's too bad people want to dismiss what her message is due to how she said it.


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
she could get a job as an actress instead of escorting. She can manage to act like she's having fun enough for a guy to willingly shell out $500 for an hour to have sex with her.... while he never realizes what a hateful bitch she truly is. I'd rather burn $500 than spend it on someone like her.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
wow..i thought i had issues...jajajaja i feel so good about my job and life now....jajajajajajajajajja


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
good read, smartly written. Sums up probably what many of us think: how the heck do you girls survive?

Regarding her last point, all but one independant I saw told me her real name, including one mishap with an OHIP card. I just assumed it was because I'm such a nice guy!, but also thought discretion varies.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
frankcastle said:
If you want to focus on how she phrases it then it's a shame because you are missing her points.

This wasn't an assignment to be graded just someone venting. So perhaps you might want to consider context.

It's too bad people want to dismiss what her message is due to how she said it.
Frank I'm not denying that many of her complaints are valid. I still say that anyone who writes "I SCRUB myself every night with sugar and anything else I can find that is abrasive enough to make my skin raw. This is to get your distgusting (sic) skin cells and germs off me. Every time you touch me I think I will be expecially (sic) scrubbing that area extra hard tonight……your ‘‘soft’’ touches make my skin crawl ya dirty old fucks," is not just writing of clients with poor personal hygiene! (my highlighting).

I wonder whether the Craigslist post is a "put-up job" the above sounds like the ranting of the worst 'I hate men' activist.

p.s. The tone in which the Craigslist post was written does matter, just imagine a business meeting in which a report was delivered in a profanity laced misogynistic diatribe - do you believe many of us would remember the excellent content of the report or instead the manner of its delivery?


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Aardvark154 said:
I wonder whether the Craigslist post is a "put-up job" the above sounds like the ranting of the worst 'I hate men' activist.
Women's advocates don't hate men, and feeling "dirty" after sex is a product of the guilt attached to women's sexuality by a sexist society, not "man-hating activists."

I would call a sugar-scrub that causes raw skin more than a little excessive, and harming herself because she feels dirty is definitely not a sign of a healthy attitude toward sex... but there's a good chance she's exaggerating the need we all feel to wash thoroughly after a hard day's work.

Shortly after I started working, I experienced a client who must have shit his pants in the hallway before seeing me. I didn't touch it, but I felt like I could smell it every time I thought about it. I think I showered four times over the next 12 hours, and seriously considered quitting. So dirty guys do have quite an effect.

It never hurts to put valid points in a calm request for change, or to vent anger without generalizing, though.


New member
Feb 14, 2004
Aardvark154 said:
p.s. The tone in which the Craigslist post was written does matter, just imagine a business meeting in which a report was delivered in a profanity laced misogynistic diatribe - do you believe many of us would remember the excellent content of the report or instead the manner of its delivery?
How does it matter? It was posted on an anonymous website for a reason- so that she could get it out. No one knows who she is.

I think the writer simply exaggerated in an effort to be funny.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
context...... this was not meant for the boardroom.

Sometimes profanity and extremes are used to get a point across. When used it can be a powerful tool e.g. a mild coach who wants to fire up his team

or perhaps hyperbole to help get the point across was the reason for the profanity

Whether this person is crazy, hates men or whatever is irrelevant. But again if that's what you choose to focus on then so be it.

Look I'm not looking for you to say I'm right I don't need that. All I'm saying is that there are more important and interesting things to focus on.
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