Oh wow. I can actually contribute to this one. In my case, I called the escort because I recognized her.
Back in about 2005-06 (my mind's way-back machine doesn't work up to manufacturers specs anymore) I had a buddy who had a finance job in London with one of the national insurance companies. He had a fiance who had her own small, slightly unprofitable, women's clothing store. Well, eventually one of her suppliers started sending a new sales rep. This new sales rep was a good-looking dude in his late-20's. I'm sure you can all guess where that went. Well, my buddy found out and ended their relationship, and since he was no longer doing her day-to-day financial stuff her store eventually closed as well. About two years after the relationship ended, a mutual friend mentioned that apparently fashion-girl was "working". So, I hop on Craigslist and lo-and-behold, it's true.
Being the asshole I am, I get myself a room at the Delta Armouries and give her a ring. Three hours, $500, several "rounds" (including an anal creampie) later, as she was getting dressed after our session. At this point I say to her, "So, did you hear buddy is engaged again?" At this point, I think she finally recognizes me. What I took as a look of horror washes over her face. She answers, "No." Then asks if it's anybody she knows. I respond that it was Friend B's cousin. Fashion-girl then asks, "the med student?" I reply in the affirmative and a look of utter defeat washes over fashion girl. You see, med student cousin was really pretty. Cute pretty, not sexy pretty. She's an absolute sweetheart too. Every dude in our friend group shot our shot with her, other than buddy we all failed.
Next time we all got together, I said aloud. "So, mutual friend, you were right fashion-girl is working as an escort. She charges $250 an hour." Mutual friend did a spit take and burst out laughing. Everyone else asked me what I was talking about and I recounted my encounter. Med student cousin thought what I did was really mean to fashion-girl. Everyone else was laughing so hard I'm surprised we all didn't need hernia surgeries afterwards.