Emily Victoria Viegas, 13, is one of the youngest people in Canada to die from COVID-19


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
Let me see if I can dumb this down for you....

if you have a .999999% risk of dying of Covid, and obesity raises that risk by another .0000006%, YOU STILL DIED FROM COVID. The actual virus is still the main factor, no matter how much you want to try to make it weight. If she had not gotten Covid, she would have lived. Period.
Deny physical health to your own detriment. Health is wealth but you do what you want with your life.
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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009

People on terb are stupider than i thought.
They dont even know what the vax does and doesnt do lol.

Even with obvious facts like obesity being a killer they flat out deny its severity.

All over a 99.98% virus. Facts dont matter to these sheep no wonder Canada is doomed.



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
People on terb are stupider than i thought.
They dont even know what the vax does and doesnt do lol.

Even with obvious facts like obesity being a killer they flat out deny its severity.

All over a 99.98% virus. Facts dont matter to these sheep no wonder Canada is doomed.
Stop denying science at the peril of your health and the health of those around you.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
This young lady passed and that is the point.
But you amigos didn't leave it at that point. You started bringing up her weight to divert from the covid.

Rebuttal of that point is now fair.

What are the chances that she would she have died now if she didn't have covid?
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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
The chain of infection is telling here.
Father who went to work tested negative.
Mother who stayed home got sick first. She then spread to the daughter. After mother went to hospital it was the father who took care of the kids yet he still tested negative.

Lesson of the day? Staying home on your fat ass isnt healthy for you and a healthy immune system is everyone’s best defense contrary to what msm preaches.


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
You just contradicted yourself in 5 words.

First you said that obesity killed her.

Then you said that covid kills, not obesity.

You just lost the debate.
Jasmina posted that covid killed the kid and I replied "yes it did". I didn't say that obesity killed her. Covid did. It becomes lethal for obese people.
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
But you amigos didn't leave it at that point. You started bringing up her weight to divert from the covid.

Rebuttal of that point is now fair.

What are the chances that she would she have died now if she didn't have covid?
My question is would she have passed if her BMI was in normal range? That's more relevant to the circumstances at hand.

I think we can dispense with the amigo comments can't we?
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Oracle, just based on your dogma statement tells me you're out to lunch when it comes to fitness as well. Yes, of course eating good food is a great way to getting all your minerals and vitamins but in the end, it is always calories in calories out to maintaining, gaining or losing weight but hey, if once again science and biology mean nothing, make up your own shit. Hey, hint, sarms or testosterone shots can help! LMAO
The energy balance theory accepts the first rile of thermodynamics. Which is true in a closed system. The problem is our bodies are not closed systems. Our metabolism is influenced by our hormones which are directly affected by our food choices. The primary hormone being insulin. Which is our fat storage hormone. Thus we have ketogenic diets. Ketogenic diets do not restrict calories and therefore there isn't a metabolic compensation to starvation. Zoe Harcombe Explains all this in detail in her book ""The Obesity Epidemic''. Gary Taubes most recent book '' A Case For Keto'' is another must read to understand how the calories in calories out theory fails long term. Toronto's own Dr. Jason Fung backs all this up and more in his latest work " the Obesity Code''. Fung is also the foremost expert on intermittent fasting which has been a watershed moment for many people who have struggled with their weight in the past.


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
Pretty harsh. Almost Nazi-like to want us removed from society.

Are you recommending mass murder or internment camps?
She is.

Its a police state and totalitarianism regime now and the sheep are too stupid to realize it when its on your doorsteps.

Stats suggest workplace transmission as the number one cause and the reality is as long as society exists covid zero is unrealistic. But that doesnt sell news. Blaming gatherings does though!

We are not supposedtravel.
We are not supposed to have people over.
We are not supposed to protest.
We are not supposed to use gyms.
We are not supposed to play outdoor sports where transmission is close to zero.

Sounds like a dictatorship yet 14 months later, we keep locking down expecting different results that were unrealistic to begin with. That is the definition of insanity.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Obesity did not kill her, Covid did. Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?
Jasmina posted that covid killed the kid and I replied "yes it did". I didn't say that obesity killed her. Covid did. It becomes lethal for obese people.
It is impossible from your post to know whether "yes it did" is in response to "obesity did not kill her" or "covid did".

Since you like to downplay covid, it seemed logical to conclude that you were refuting her comment.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
She is.

Its a police state and totalitarianism regime now and the sheep are too stupid to realize it when its on your doorsteps.

Stats suggest workplace transmission as the number one cause and the reality is as long as society exists covid zero is unrealistic. But that doesnt sell news. Blaming gatherings does though!

We are not supposedtravel.
We are not supposed to have people over.
We are not supposed to protest.
We are not supposed to use gyms.
We are not supposed to play outdoor sports where transmission is close to zero.

Sounds like a dictatorship yet 14 months later, we keep locking down expecting different results that were unrealistic to begin with. That is the definition of insanity.
1) He wants to remove us from society and we're the Nazis? You are twisted.

2) That is not the definition of insanity. It is not even a definition of insanity. Look up any psychiatric or psychological publication and you will find nothing of the sort.

This post is an epic fail. Wrong on every single account.
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