Dysfunctional father issues.


Jul 27, 2011
... My Father is a control freak. In some ways you remind me of him.
So tell me more... In what way do I remind you of Daddy Dearest?
Apparently Closer needs attention and wants to drag this up. I just decided to move it to its own thread so uninterested people can ignore it.

I will start by apologizing to the board and the mods for foolishly launching an auto response to Closer's persistent posts aimed at me. I had no idea he would keep sending over a dozen times to it.

Since Closer seems driven to discover what my Father was like, I might as well answer :)

My Father was never a dad. He provided the sperm that created me, and tried to force me to be what he wanted. He was well read, superficially charming, and completely self centred. He loved to goad people in an attempt to prove he was superior. He was above average IQ, coupled with a below average emotional intelligence and did have an animal cunning at manipulation. He had a nodding relationship with truth. He had a very low opinion of women in general. He cheated on mom. I think he deluded himself into thinking she did not know, but she cried herself to sleep often. He was disliked by many people, yet he was driven to seek fake superficial approval. I eventually I ran away form home and went to live with my aunt.

You remind me a lot of him. It really is not a compliment though :).

For the record, yes I have father issues. YYes the reason my husband is old enough to be my father is at least partially because I have father issues. Yes I know he is partly a substitute father figure, but he is also a wonderful lover and will be a great dad for my kids. Yes I was raised by my Father as a substitute son and it had a huge impact on me.

My oh my, that was cathartic. :)

Now with any luck Closer can go annoy someone else.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
you got daddy issues.

I guessed that a long time ago.

Carry on


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
I hate my father. A person who would add insult to injury, and think he is right all the time. Always manipulative and twist the truth to his side.

It's not a father issue. Deep inside, we all hate our parents. It is normal, but I am a better man. I continue to support them in their old age. It is not something you need to do, but it is something I am doing to prove I am better.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I hate my father. A person who would add insult to injury, and think he is right all the time. Always manipulative and twist the truth to his side.

It's not a father issue. Deep inside, we all hate our parents. It is normal, but I am a better man. I continue to support them in their old age. It is not something you need to do, but it is something I am doing to prove I am better.
no deep inside you might hate your parents, maybe you are still young.

personally I wish I had more time with mine.




Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
My Father was never a dad. He provided the sperm that created me, and tried to force me to be what he wanted. He was well read, superficially charming, and completely self centred. He loved to goad people in an attempt to prove he was superior. He was above average IQ, coupled with a below average emotional intelligence and did have an animal cunning at manipulation. He had a nodding relationship with truth. He had a very low opinion of women in general. He cheated on mom. I think he deluded himself into thinking she did not know, but she cried herself to sleep often. He was disliked by many people, yet he was driven to seek fake superficial approval. I eventually I ran away form home and went to live with my aunt.
That is a perfect description of my father. By my choice I never saw the man after the age of 19. I was lucky that he did not really have a great impact on my life. My Mum and her two sisters were great women and theywere my influence growing up.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Oh no! I see Simon coming this way and he is gritting his teeth, making two fist and stomping his way towards us! Quick, run!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
no deep inside you might hate your parents, maybe you are still young.

personally I wish I had more time with mine.


Again Loki assumes the way he thinks is the same as everyone else.

I'm not super close with my parents but they've always looked out of me unconditionally. Now that they are older and their health is starting to fade I'm expecting at some point they might need my help and I'll be ready.

On a serious note, Loki your behaviour is not far off from your father's "goading" and need to be right.


Well-known member
I hated my father for the longest time.I let it go.It eats you alive....slowly.He had a disease.alcoholism.Truly forgiving someone is the best medicine you can ever take.


Dec 26, 2005
Apparently Closer needs attention and wants to drag this up.
Interesting, but let's not make this about me..... or even you.

Have you ever said one nice thing to anyone on this board? Have you ever once told someone they were right? You don't come on here to have intelligent discussions or to trade ideas in any meaningful way. Your MO is to taunt people, talk shit, and put people down. Well, two can play that game, and if you keep it up, so will I.

Nobody gives a shit about your father.


Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
Closer68 sounds like an ass in many threads, mrscaloki.
I'm glad you learned to understand your father and moved on, hope you're able to forgive him as well.


Jul 27, 2011
Again Loki assumes the way he thinks is the same as everyone else.

I'm not super close with my parents but they've always looked out of me unconditionally. Now that they are older and their health is starting to fade I'm expecting at some point they might need my help and I'll be ready.

On a serious note, Loki your behaviour is not far off from your father's "goading" and need to be right.
I refuse respond to this ass hole till he drops is delusion about my having a penis. Too stupid and silly for me to try and reason with.


Jul 27, 2011
Interesting, but let's not make this about me..... or even you.

Have you ever said one nice thing to anyone on this board? Have you ever once told someone they were right? You don't come on here to have intelligent discussions or to trade ideas in any meaningful way. Your MO is to taunt people, talk shit, and put people down. Well, two can play that game, and if you keep it up, so will I.

Nobody gives a shit about your father.

Then why did you ask a dozen times about him, why did you badger me about him. And yes you are just like him in that as well.


Dec 26, 2005
Then why did you ask a dozen times about him, why did you badger me about him. And yes you are just like him in that as well.
Who is your favorite TERB poster?

Who is your favorite SP?

Who is your favorite MPA?


Jul 27, 2011
Why can't you ignore it and move on.

forgive, or just live your life well without them
I miss my mom terribly, and could not afford to visit till recently. My Father tries very hard to keep her under control and under his thumb. So I have to see him if I want to see her. But to be candid, he is no longer part of my life except as part of the baggage I put up with to see my mom.

But you are right, we all need to learn to move on.


Jul 27, 2011
Closer68 sounds like an ass in many threads, mrscaloki.
I'm glad you learned to understand your father and moved on, hope you're able to forgive him as well.
I must disagree Buick, Closer68 does not sound like an ass, is an ass :) But thank you for the kind words. That was very courageous of you.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I refuse respond to this ass hole till he drops is delusion about my having a penis. Too stupid and silly for me to try and reason with.
Actually you did respond. And if you re read my original post there was nothing foryou to respond to so......


Jul 27, 2011
Once more C-Loser tries to murky the water and not look like the misfit he is:

Interesting, but let's not make this about me..... or even you.

Nobody gives a shit about your father.

Then why did you ask a dozen times about him, why did you badger me about him. And yes you are just like him in that as well.
Who is your favorite TERB poster?

Who is your favorite SP?

Who is your favorite MPA?
What you cannot remeber badgering me and the auto responder?

Why don't you start an Asian Massage Parlor? You could be the Mama San.. Your father's dreams of financial conquest would live on through you...
So tell me more... In what way do I remind you of Daddy Dearest?
It's true... I am your Father on this board, after all...
I guess you have Daddy issues :)
I'm flattered... You must love your Father very much...
No wonder you're so obsessed with me ;)
I guess this is your way of resolving these longstanding issues with your Father.... :)
Awww... Was he mean to you? Poor baby :(
How do I remind you of him?
Does this partial list help you remember?

Note C-Loser likes to take things out of context. But you can tap on the quotes I post to go back and see the unabridged comments. :)


Jul 27, 2011
Actually you did respond. And if you re read my original post there was nothing foryou to respond to so......
I refuse respond to this ass hole till he drops is delusion about my having a penis. Too stupid and silly for me to try and reason with.
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