... My Father is a control freak. In some ways you remind me of him.
Apparently Closer needs attention and wants to drag this up. I just decided to move it to its own thread so uninterested people can ignore it.So tell me more... In what way do I remind you of Daddy Dearest?
I will start by apologizing to the board and the mods for foolishly launching an auto response to Closer's persistent posts aimed at me. I had no idea he would keep sending over a dozen times to it.
Since Closer seems driven to discover what my Father was like, I might as well answer
My Father was never a dad. He provided the sperm that created me, and tried to force me to be what he wanted. He was well read, superficially charming, and completely self centred. He loved to goad people in an attempt to prove he was superior. He was above average IQ, coupled with a below average emotional intelligence and did have an animal cunning at manipulation. He had a nodding relationship with truth. He had a very low opinion of women in general. He cheated on mom. I think he deluded himself into thinking she did not know, but she cried herself to sleep often. He was disliked by many people, yet he was driven to seek fake superficial approval. I eventually I ran away form home and went to live with my aunt.
You remind me a lot of him. It really is not a compliment though .
For the record, yes I have father issues. YYes the reason my husband is old enough to be my father is at least partially because I have father issues. Yes I know he is partly a substitute father figure, but he is also a wonderful lover and will be a great dad for my kids. Yes I was raised by my Father as a substitute son and it had a huge impact on me.
My oh my, that was cathartic.
Now with any luck Closer can go annoy someone else.