A theoretical concept for courts instead of science? Your arguments are as sketchy as an ambulance chasing lawyer so I guess it's an appropriate term.
There is zero evidence of a lab leak and evidence contrary to your claims that the virus was manipulated in the lab. On the other hand, the original covid strain has been found in the same species that were in that wet market.
As with any conspiracy theorist, you seem to base your whole argument on the belief that the entire scientific community is part of some plot.
p.s. Most scientists don't give a shit about politics; they want their name on a significant discovery and to prove themselves smarter than their peers. If there was any hint of actual evidence, someone would be pushing it everywhere.
What was so special in the Wuhan wet markets to cause zoonotic transfer as opposed to thousand of other wet markets across China and Asia ? The only thing in Wuhan that was special was that the WVI at the time of the Covid-19 outbreak in that city working on human cells that had coronavirus introduced into them.
Again I do not speak in absolutes and never said that the “ entire “scientific community is part of some plot. For the record, are you denying that the PRC and other actors have been entirely forth coming with what happened in Wuhan lab
and would you expect them to be ? Dr Birx et al., the CIA, MI5, the Mossad, and others have reason to believe that a lab leak occurred with an ensuing elaborate cover up which may or may not be moot at this point. The pandemic still rages on.
p.s. Most scientists that are associated with public universities like those in Canada or China necessarily depend on government funding driven at the end of the day by politician lobbied by industry which have their own goals and machinations such as national security, health care along or classified interests. NSERC in this country is one of them which also accepts foreign funding. Actually many scientist are involved in research projects which are merely parts of a huge plan with several moving parts with ultimately goals that are covert. These scientists often do not know the ultimate goals of those that are funding their research for many reasons.
Then there are the scientist working for private universities world wide, particularly in America or corporations where research results are necessarily skewed towards driving profits.
If necessary convenient conclusions can and have been financed.
Few scientists actually succeed in becoming famous anyway and gaining any distinction.
It is somewhat disingenuous and primitive of you to attempt to decouple scientific research financed by governments and industry from politics, whether it be in Canada, China the USA. or just about any else.!