Dr. Birx now says it was likely a lab leak


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Except when it comes from scientists it seems.
Scientist like Dr Birx et al. and those at the forefront of Coronavirus research at the world renowned Wuhan Virological Institute (perhaps now infamous in some circles) agree that Covid-19 was absolutely not a result of zoonotic transfer.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
“Res ipsa loquitur” as per the past and present behaviour of the PRC , Covid-19 was from a WIV lab leak in all probability, not from a zoonotic transfer at a Wuhan wet market which never happened at the thousands of other wet markets across China.
Where are you getting these probabilities from?
The fact there are so many markets is why it is more likely it occurred at one.
Law of big numbers.

Wouldn’t the Zero Covid policy in China necessarily involve the closure of the wet markets if the cause was zoonotic transfer ?

The international scientists that have concluded that zoonotic transfer occurred are not supported by Chinese virologists. Is this because the Chinese researcher are beholden to the tyranny of the PRC and cannot freely speak or that they know a lab leak probably happened, or both ?
Or most scientists don't work together?
Why would a Chinese virologist have to be on the research team?

The conclusion of the so called international scientific community Is tainted and somewhat politically motivated to exonerate the PRC from causing this pandemic which is a dangerous precedent going forward. Currently there is no advantage and actually several disadvantages in holding China accountable as the apologists in these posts are tacitly aware of but choose to remain obtuse lol.
Why would scientists want to exonerate the PRC?
What are these disadvantages you speak of?

I have much more of a science background than a legal one, I am not a virologist but not exactly a “layman “ either. As there is fear in the police totalitarian state of the PRC to speak out against the party line so too is there a desire to speak out against the political motivated conclusion that zoonotic transfer caused this pandemic.
Why do you think it is a "political motivated conclusion"?

The hypothesis and conclusion have long been adulterated.
You think the concept of zoonotic transfer itself is fake/adulterated?

Let us move on and forgive the PRC but not forget what is the probable cause of this pandemic being an accidental lab leak and to encourage China to never let this disaster ever happen again.
For someone who wants to "move on" you are *really* focused on making sure everyone says you are right and stops trying to find evidence for things.

I have spoken to a Goverment of Canada epidemiologists ( off the record)
Are you a journalist?
Why are you saying "off the record"?

another guy working in Wuhan in December 2019 who was evacuated suddenly and “layman” people who reside between the GTA and China who acknowledg that a lab leak most probable happened.
Your friends agree with you, that's cool.

Any of you who are not “laymen”, perhaps scientist, please indicate your backgrounds.

It is naive to think that any evidence of the scientific research support a lab leak had not been destroyed by the PRC and indeed other foreign actors by now.
The entire world has conspired to make it impossible to prove you were right all along.
You must be very important.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
The most knowledgeable group with respect to how Covid-19 came to be would be the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Why would you think that?

Further more the conclusion from the findings from International researchers that believe that zoonotic transfer occurred resulting in Covid-19 is not only being ignored by the PRC but by other world governments who are not putting pressure on the PRC to ban the wet markets that they claim gave rise to this pandemic. Now why is that?

No one is bringing it up at all.

But cool - which markets do you want to shut down?
And do we only shut down "wet markets" in China? Or everywhere else they exist?

The Biden administration, the UK government and the EU all have asked the PRC, to date to no avail, to cooperate in providing information from the Wuhan Virological Institute towards the likely possibility of a lab leak but they are being stone walled.
Yes, authoritarian regimes are dicks.

Dangerous research involving infected human cells with Coronavirus should be discouraged by the scientific international community and research towards exonerating the lab leak theory , like the article that you referenced above should be defunded and discouraged.
Hang on.
You not only want to discourage gain of function research (which is discouraged and constantly debated over how much is ethical and in what forms), but you want anyone studying the origin of SARS-CoV-2 to be defunded?


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
A theoretical concept for courts instead of science? Your arguments are as sketchy as an ambulance chasing lawyer so I guess it's an appropriate term.

There is zero evidence of a lab leak and evidence contrary to your claims that the virus was manipulated in the lab. On the other hand, the original covid strain has been found in the same species that were in that wet market.

As with any conspiracy theorist, you seem to base your whole argument on the belief that the entire scientific community is part of some plot.

p.s. Most scientists don't give a shit about politics; they want their name on a significant discovery and to prove themselves smarter than their peers. If there was any hint of actual evidence, someone would be pushing it everywhere.
What was so special in the Wuhan wet markets to cause zoonotic transfer as opposed to thousand of other wet markets across China and Asia ? The only thing in Wuhan that was special was that the WVI at the time of the Covid-19 outbreak in that city working on human cells that had coronavirus introduced into them.
Again I do not speak in absolutes and never said that the “ entire “scientific community is part of some plot. For the record, are you denying that the PRC and other actors have been entirely forth coming with what happened in Wuhan lab
and would you expect them to be ? Dr Birx et al., the CIA, MI5, the Mossad, and others have reason to believe that a lab leak occurred with an ensuing elaborate cover up which may or may not be moot at this point. The pandemic still rages on.

p.s. Most scientists that are associated with public universities like those in Canada or China necessarily depend on government funding driven at the end of the day by politician lobbied by industry which have their own goals and machinations such as national security, health care along or classified interests. NSERC in this country is one of them which also accepts foreign funding. Actually many scientist are involved in research projects which are merely parts of a huge plan with several moving parts with ultimately goals that are covert. These scientists often do not know the ultimate goals of those that are funding their research for many reasons.
Then there are the scientist working for private universities world wide, particularly in America or corporations where research results are necessarily skewed towards driving profits.
If necessary convenient conclusions can and have been financed.
Few scientists actually succeed in becoming famous anyway and gaining any distinction.

It is somewhat disingenuous and primitive of you to attempt to decouple scientific research financed by governments and industry from politics, whether it be in Canada, China the USA. or just about any else.!


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
The evidence for the lab leakproof has long since been scrub, the work done by the WIV classified, the cover up accomplished. This is CIA, MI5 and Mossad etc levels of intelligence and counter intelligence with the “science” being adulterated beyond recognition.
So all evidence that would support you has been scrubbed, and all evidence that contradicts you was planted by intelligence agencies or otherwise is "adulterated" science.

It is not impossible for Covid-19 to have been the result of iatrogenic negligence.
No, it is not.
But I also wouldn't call your "laboratory escape" iatrogenic negligence anyway even if it happened.

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 outbreak emanated from Wuhan, home of the WIV which produces a very inconvenient coincidence the zoonotic cabal of apologists.
Out of curiosity, do you think HIV and Ebola were also lab escapes/research gone wrong?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
So in other words, no matter what any expert in the field tells you otherwise, your mind is made up and that's that. :rolleyes:

ps..I have the most beautiful cock because an escort told me so. I can't prove it but hey, I really believed her so it must be true.
I gotta believe it.
There are CIA, MI5 and Mossad etc levels of intelligence and counter intelligence things going on to try and fool people into thinking it might not be true.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Scientist like Dr Birx et al. and those at the forefront of Coronavirus research at the world renowned Wuhan Virological Institute (perhaps now infamous in some circles) agree that Covid-19 was absolutely not a result of zoonotic transfer.
Show me Dr Birx's statement to that effect.
In fact, show me the WIV's statement to that effect.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Where are you getting these probabilities from?
The fact there are so many markets is why it is more likely it occurred at one.
Law of big numbers.

“It occurred in a city that is actively involved in coronavirus research involving human cells which not the case in other cities with wet market . This cannot be ignored as an insignificant coincidence.”


Or most scientists don't work together?
Why would a Chinese virologist have to be on the research team?

“All scientist working in China are under the control of the PRC and cannot freely and independently contact foreign interests.”

Why would scientists want to exonerate the PRC?
What are these disadvantages you speak of?

“Angering the world supply chain master known as China for one”

Why do you think it is a "political motivated conclusion"?

” Global economic interests”

You think the concept of zoonotic transfer itself is fake/adulterated?

” Zoonotic transfer is a reality but most likely did not create Covid-19 as evidenced by the actions of the PRC”

For someone who wants to "move on" you are *really* focused on making sure everyone says you are right and stops trying to find evidence for things.

“ I am in favour of finding evidence of all possible causes of this pandemic towards mitigating the risk of another such pandemic “

Are you a journalist?
Why are you saying "off the record"?

“I am not a journalist”

Your friends agree with you, that's cool.

” Friends and enemies agree and disagree with me “


The entire world has conspired to make it impossible to prove you were right all along.
You must be very important.

” No absolutes, please, nothing in entirety “


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Scientist like Dr Birx et al. and those at the forefront of Coronavirus research at the world renowned Wuhan Virological Institute (perhaps now infamous in some circles) agree that Covid-19 was absolutely not a result of zoonotic transfer.
Making up bullshit while blindly ignoring the thousands of researchers around the would who have worked on and reviewed studies about the likely source of the outbreak and the extremely unlikely chance of the virus having been manipulated in a lab. Might as well be watching flat Earth videos.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
What was so special in the Wuhan wet markets to cause zoonotic transfer as opposed to thousand of other wet markets across China and Asia ? ...
???? Is this supposed to be an argument? China has hundred of wet markets which have been open for thousands and thousands of days and have had billions of animals pass through them. If it didn't happen there, it would have happened in another market, any of the millions of farms or villages in areas where that species of bat or any other carrier animal can be found. It's like asking what was special with Camp Funston, Kansas for the 1918 flu or the particular farm in Alberta for BSE.

For a guy who says he doesn't speak in absolutes, you have sure made a lot of definitive claims about lab leaks and genetically manipulated viruses.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So all evidence that would support you has been scrubbed, and all evidence that contradicts you was planted by intelligence agencies or otherwise is "adulterated" science.
The fact that there's no evidence supporting his claims shows that the claim is true and 'they' are hiding the evidence.
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
???? Is this supposed to be an argument? China has hundred of wet markets which have been open for thousands and thousands of days and have had billions of animals pass through them. If it didn't happen there, it would have happened in another market, any of the millions of farms or villages in areas where that species of bat or any other carrier animal can be found. It's like asking what was special with Camp Funston, Kansas for the 1918 flu or the particular farm in Alberta for BSE.

For a guy who says he doesn't speak in absolutes, you have sure made a lot of definitive claims about lab leaks and genetically manipulated viruses.
The fact that there's no evidence supporting his claims shows that the claim is true and 'they' are hiding the evidence.
Maybe zoonotic just coincidental happened in the Wuhan markets where just down the street a Internationally renowned, storied and esteemed lab just happened to be working with human cells infected with coronaviridae, who knows ?
The WVI research scientists and the PRC maintain that absolutely no zoonotic transfer occurred in Wuhan resulting in the pandemic causing Covid-19, nor did a lab leak
Why don’ t you email the WVI and ask then to elaborate on why their statements and actions are in stark contradiction to the findings of their fellow colleagues around that you so passionately reference and champion and post the response.
It is more than disrespectful and arrogant of you to assume that the current position of the PRC is merely an elaborate hoax to save face as their actions and lack of actions have really been a game changer for the rest of the planet.

You intentionally or unintentionally are backing a conspiracy through your propensity to be obtuse and not read between the lines, lines that are dire, glaring obvious and grave and unfortunately make the chance of covering up an other pandemic causing lab leak by a totalitarian regime even more likely. The West is far from perfect but would have found it much more difficult to pull off what the PRC did and continues to do.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Maybe zoonotic just coincidental happened in the Wuhan markets ...
Yes. If the outbreak had happened anywhere else, you would still be deep in tinfoil territory with just slightly tweaked anti-scientific claims.

But sure, keep up your make believe stories about Brix and the WVI asserting it was not zoonotic transfer.
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The Fox

Feeling Supersonic
Jun 4, 2004
“Errrrrm there’s a deadly virus leak where did it come from.”

“Well there’s a lab a couple of miles away where they are known to experiment with all kinds of viruses.”

“Nahhhh. Can’t be that.”

“it’s those fuckers eating bat soup.”

“Of course”

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
“Errrrrm there’s a deadly virus leak where did it come from.”

“Well there’s a lab a couple of miles away where they are known to experiment with all kinds of viruses.”

“Nahhhh. Can’t be that.”

“it’s those fuckers eating bat soup.”

“Of course”


This is a lucid synopsis, a nice knee capping of the nonsense 🦇
Last edited:


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Yes. If the outbreak had happened anywhere else, you would still be deep in tinfoil territory with just slightly tweaked anti-scientific claims.

But sure, keep up your make believe stories about Brix and the WVI asserting it was not zoonotic transfer.

Read the post below, and wake up and smell the coffee. From the onset, the conclusion from “scientific community “ with respect to the origins of Covid-19 , the spread and the vaccines has been changing and in constant flux, the local and global politics of the pandemic not with standing.
However, common sense, at least for most of us remains rock steady.

“Errrrrm there’s a deadly virus leak where did it come from.”

“Well there’s a lab a couple of miles away where they are known to experiment with all kinds of viruses.”

“Nahhhh. Can’t be that.”

“it’s those fuckers eating bat soup.”

“Of course”

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