I dont think this applies strictly in these times.Now you are just quibbling. I had this discussion with another member who declared he knew the U.S. simply because he worked here two weeks a year.
You have third hand accounts of what is going on. First hand is what I see. Second hand is what my friends, family and neighbors see and discuss with me. Third hand is simply something you read written by someone who might likely didn't see anything who often has a predetermined bias and angle. The reporter of the third hand account can ignore the accounts and opinions of people that do not agree with their bias.
My limited posts on Canadian politics try to stay at a very high level because I don't know what is happening on the ground in Toronto. I don't know how the local people feel about them. I really don't expect that the CBC is going to give me real insight into how these Canadians feel.
We aren't that isolated.
I travel regularly to the US for work and I have been all over the place.
The cities that I usually travel to the most, are blue cities - San Francisco, LA, NYC, Chicago.
So what I see is that, yes there are lots of immigrants and migrants and I did not see any overwhelming issues.
I have also never heard people (colleagues, friends and clients) in those cities express MAGA level hostility, even if they were to complain about the state of certain things.
This is evidenced by the fact that they still vote blue.
What I see, what I hear and what I read/observe shows that this "migrant crisis" is blown out of proportion by MAGA.
They have blown it so out of proportion that actual issues have been sidelined and taxpayer money is being irresponsibly spent in targeting people groups that have no impact on the majority of Americans.