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DOJ completes FISA Warrant Review and discovers...a giant Nothing Burger!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It isn't that I don't think Russia put up propaganda. It's that I don't think it was effective.
What was very effective was their hacking of Clinton and the dems and the release of those emails within hours of Trump's pussygate tape.
Stone's work with Assange and Putin's team to release those was very damaging to Clinton's campaign just when Trump needed it.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So cheating is fine as long as it isn't effective? Interesting.
As far as the smoking gun... you read the Mueller report and have decided that wasn't enough for you?
(That's ok, we know you didn't read the Mueller report.)

But this is good to know. Unless something rises to the level of provable crime beyond a reasonable doubt, you don't think it counts.
Which is why you agree Hillary Clinton is completely innocent of wrongdoing in her foundation.
Oh.. Wait...
No it wasn't right. It also wasn't right when Clinton as SOS did the same in 2010 by interfering in Russian Elections. Or the hundreds of times the USA has interfered in other nations domestic politics or outright overthrown govts.

In other words it's par for the course. The USA holds no moral high ground on this. The only question was whether Trump actually colluded. I believe no. The rest is just tit for tat espionage. It's been happening for decades.

And one has nothing to do with the other.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The only question was whether Trump actually colluded. I believe no. The rest is just tit for tat espionage. It's been happening for decades.
Stone talked to Assange, Assange got the emails from Putin and released them when Trump and Stone wanted.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
And remember FBI sat down the Trump team after he got nomination and told them to be on the lookout for foreigners reaching out to them. They all lied and denied and then failed to report any of it.
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