Do you think some men should enjoy their 30's like some women enjoyed their 20's? (Sexual liberation?)


Well-known member
May 8, 2008

I seriously don’t get the point of this thread.

So what? Men have the same. Gay men, bi, ladyboys, etc. What is your point?

If women are fucking in thier 20ies, they have to be fucking someone and sorry to burst your bubble but it is mostly other younger men. Just sayin
people fuck other people. nothing new. I was responding to another posters reply. so whats your point?

your point is not news to me. it makes no difference to me who fucks who. its of no consequence to me. people have the choice to fuck whoever they choose.

however, there are consequence for those life choices, and not every man will want to be with someone who makes those choices.

as far as you not getting this thread. youre a woman and have not had the lived experience a man has. you cannot fathom what men experience. thats why you dont get it.
you will never understand it because you are a woman and live a much more privilaged life. what man can sell his dick to a woman for $200 and up per hour. have meals and drinks paid for free? have countless social programs to support their lives and choices? have autonomy over their reproduction? assumed guilty before he has been tried in court?

Im here to provide a point of view and please feel free to challenge me, but your attempt to goat me is not helpful and doesnt add to the conversation.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
And the excuse that less attractive men have a harder time getting laid is just dumb. Women (and most men) tend to be attracted to whomever makes them feel good about themselves. Looks are less important. Which is why we can sniff out the jaded incel vibes a mile away, women haters literally put that scent out there (pheromones).
so those who are disfigured, or insert whatever physical abnormality here would find it easy to get laid? there are some escorts on here that wont fuck certain races and say it their preference. its also their preference to not fuck people who they are not attracted to. would you be inclined to fuck joeseph merrick aka the elephant man? most women would not.

attraction for men is first physical and everything else come later. as for fucking men will fuck women based on a sliding scale of attractiveness. a relationship is a whole other ballgame. not every woman is relationship potential, some are just for sex.

ahh the shaming men by calling them incel because they cant get laid. I guess the elephant man would have been an incel wouldnt he? how about a mentally retarded man? how about a schizophrenic man? how about someone with aspergers who has extremely poor social skills?


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
@angrymime666 @Indiana
What I think is going on:
Average Western Woman: Usually path is to party in their 20's then settle down in their late 20s and early 30s.
Average Western Men: No life experience, gets married the same as women, his marriage only lasts a few years. Only when he is in his 40's he starts travelling the world, delving into escorts, stripclubs.

I think most guys should skip the getting married/have children and instead focus on getting that dating and sexual experience n their 30s. This would make them pick better and no what they want. You see this more with some dating gurus in that they had their fun and then settled out of really like one woman, they came from a place of "abundance."
you make some interesting points, quite a few of them I agree with.

agreed on skipping marriage. its a losing scenario. I have seen successes but its rare and are they really in a happy marriage or is it just cheaper to stay?

some men want kids and unfortunately at this time the only way to conceive . if I was going to have kids in would not be in a western country. horrible family laws and fucked up legal system.

Im on the fence with dating. its really not worth the effort and the return is poor. pump and dump by all means.

I do agree that if you have your shit together and have goals and grows as a man you can reach that place of abundance with caveats of course. while settling down does sound like a movie romance, its just fiction. especially in todays market. if as a man you do have your shit together and are growing personally and financially, you have so much to loose. so vet your prospective partner over years and choose wisely


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
people fuck other people. nothing new. I was responding to another posters reply. so whats your point?

your point is not news to me. it makes no difference to me who fucks who. its of no consequence to me. people have the choice to fuck whoever they choose.

however, there are consequence for those life choices, and not every man will want to be with someone who makes those choices.

as far as you not getting this thread. youre a woman and have not had the lived experience a man has. you cannot fathom what men experience. thats why you dont get it.
you will never understand it because you are a woman and live a much more privilaged life. what man can sell his dick to a woman for $200 and up per hour. have meals and drinks paid for free? have countless social programs to support their lives and choices? have autonomy over their reproduction? assumed guilty before he has been tried in court?

Im here to provide a point of view and please feel free to challenge me, but your attempt to goat me is not helpful and doesnt add to the conversation.

Women in their 20ties are not strictly fucking lesbians or men in their 30s and 40s. That is not goating at all. That is fact. So clearly there are lots of men in their 20ties who are fucking as well.

LMAO - I don’t need to challenge you. The facts support that so chill out there angry man. No need to get all pissy. Sounds like you have either some hate or jealously of women with all the shit you rattled off there which nothing is relates to the topic of sex and age groups but hey - why stay on topic ... LOL
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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Women in their 20ties are not strictly fucking lesbians or men in their 30s and 40s. That is not goating at all. That is fact. So clearly there are lots of men in their 20ties who are fucking as well.

LMAO - I don’t need to challenge you. The facts support that so chill out there angry man. No need to get all pissy. Sounds like you have either some hate or jealously of women with all the shit you rattled off there which nothing is relates to the topic of sex and age groups but hey - why stay on topic ... LOL
never said strictly but they are fucking lots of people.

just saying... thats goating.

what facts have you presented?

you assume Im angry. wrong. again shaming language that I hate or am jealous of women. I| couldnt care what women do with their life. Im concerned about my life.

correct nothing to so with the post topic, but as the thread evolves so does the conversation. just like when you attempt to shame me is not related to the original topic.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
never said strictly but they are fucking lots of people.

just saying... thats goating.

what facts have you presented?

you assume Im angry. wrong. again shaming language that I hate or am jealous of women. I| couldnt care what women do with their life. Im concerned about my life.

correct nothing to so with the post topic, but as the thread evolves so does the conversation. just like when you attempt to shame me is not related to the original topic.
it is my observation that you are angry, not shaming at all. It is an opinion simply based on your responses here. You listed off a bunch of things you despise about women and what you think is unfair in relation to men when the OP was asking about sex lives in men and women in 20ties vrs 30ties. That seems pretty angry to me. The fact that you take it so personally suggests it as well. Why the fuck are you commenting to me about women and what you think is unfair when we are talking about sex. When the only comment I made was pointing out a fact about men. I actually said the exact same thing as you. Just replaced women with men. So why the need to get into shit you don’t like about women? It is for that reason that I have the personal opinion that you are one angry dude.

Also saying “just sayin” is not goating. Not in my world. It simply means I am pointing out a fact.

And if you need some type of Stats Can report on whether guys in their 20ties are getting fucked by girls in their 20ties, then we have bigger issues. It is not hard to call that a fact without providing some survey link.

Now if you want to back up your claim and prove me wrong - go ahead. I’ll gladly say I am wrong, but you can’t. I know. I was 20. I was fucking other 20 year old men. My friends were as well. Hell so were my enemies. I will even bet money that I’m not the only one who knows girls in their 20ties who have fucked men in their 20ties. So I stated a fact. Why are you so pissed off at that? Why can’t you simply accept that fact and move on with the topic?
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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
Dude, that isn't what this thread is about. You are reaching, ridiculously. Work on yourself and perhaps women would want to fuck you, it is that simple.

so those who are disfigured, or insert whatever physical abnormality here would find it easy to get laid? there are some escorts on here that wont fuck certain races and say it their preference. its also their preference to not fuck people who they are not attracted to. would you be inclined to fuck joeseph merrick aka the elephant man? most women would not.

attraction for men is first physical and everything else come later. as for fucking men will fuck women based on a sliding scale of attractiveness. a relationship is a whole other ballgame. not every woman is relationship potential, some are just for sex.

ahh the shaming men by calling them incel because they cant get laid. I guess the elephant man would have been an incel wouldnt he? how about a mentally retarded man? how about a schizophrenic man? how about someone with aspergers who has extremely poor social skills?
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Apr 21, 2019
PS: I don't mean to offend anyone. I only want to share my personal experience.

Female cousin
: She's now in her late 20s and looking to settle down. However, ever since she was 18, she's had tons of boyfriends, did tons of parties; I celebrated that she got to enjoy her 'party years." No judgment on my part.

Male cousin:
My cousin was unattractive throughout high school and college. He stayed in his dorm playing video games while everyone was partying. Now that he is in his late 20s. He has a small business(location independent), bought a condo(doesn't have to worry about rent, inherited some money from some family, had savings), and plans to rent his condo to make a side income. He told me he wants to spend his 30s traveling to Europe, hooking up with women, and going to nightclubs and concerts. We were learning French and German together. He met a professional woman; she was a straight gal, not a party type, and saw her for a few months before breaking it off. She wanted to be more serious, but he didn't want to.

Who am I tell my cousin, 'No, don't do it? You should settle down!' My cousin is a guy who I feel needs to enjoy his life!

Acquaintance: I have an acquaintance who got married in his late 20s and has a kid. He's now in his mid-late 30s. His marriage ended up in divorce after 6-7 years. It did not end 'acrimonious' instead; it ended up amicable**. However, once children are in the picture, priorities change. My acquaintance has to work even harder to support his child.** I highly doubt that he can use that money for himself, to have fun.

These are just some thoughts I feel for some people there's a narrow way life should be like. But my view is that people should do their own thing.
Honestly, it's really up to you if you wanna try it out. It's not everyone's cup of tea.

For me, as I was growing up, I'm definitely not that outgoing or successful with women even though I'm decent looking guy and have an average Canadian height (5' 9.5" = 177cm). However, I'm complete reject and friend-zone by women throughout elementary, high school and university. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 24 yrs old with my first girlfriend. I have three serious relationships - which all ended badly - all my ex-girlfriends find someone else to married within less than a year later after our break-up. My last relationship really put a nail into my dream to start-a-family life, so I felt like I lost everything at 32 yrs old.

I've been single for three years and within those time - I learn to see escort/sp, keeping myself healthy, making a killing in my career, making tons of money during covid 19 et cetera. All this happen when I'm in my mid-30s (35 yrs old) because I learn, "How to take care of myself (physically and emotionally) and don't give f---king about what other people think about me." Overall , it's not about my appearance, it's about my mentality on how to deal with other human beings.

So, to answer your question is it worth it? It is definitely worth it for me. And it depends on are you comfortable to venture out and experience this lifestyle with an escort or with a civilian. Also, it doesn't matter what other people say or think about how you should proceed with your life - it's your choice and your business. You need to think about what you want in life. So go get it. Don't over think about women or men. Just do the things that you enjoy with your time, within reasonable matter. Also, never beg for anything or anyone. If s/he doesn't value you as a person - move on. Period.

Good luck buddy.
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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Dude, that isn't what this thread is about. You are reaching, ridiculously. Work on yourself and perhaps women would want to fuck you, it is that simple.
correct. its not what this thread about but apparently the OP has no issue with my posts. if the OP wishes me to stop then I will.

I am responding to your comments. you initiated. you didnt have to reply to me but you its an exchange. you can stop replying to me and the exchange between the two of us is done. your choice....

Im not reaching but being physically attracted is a sliding scale from quasimoto to brad pitt. you fail to realize that depending on what you look like the ability to get fucked(some men who approach women are scored as creepy because they dont meet the physical requirements by the woman) limits your options as a man. some men no matter how they work on themselves(which Im a huge fan of) depending on their genetic lottery have a serious disadvantage. sure men can earn more, improve their game, therapy, buy nicer clothes cars jewelry, plastic surgery if they want. reality, joeseph merrick wasnt going to get fuck by anyone even an escort no matter how much he improved himself. while most men arent at joeseph merrick level there is always the lower end of the spectrum. its a sliding scale and some men wont have to put in as much work as others. considering that okcupid and tinder released findings that women swipe left(not like 80% of the time on photos) this more than qualifies women expectations as far as attractiveness. 80% are not attractive and 20% are. joeseph merrick imo is the 1%.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
it is my observation that you are angry, not shaming at all. It is an opinion simply based on your responses here. You listed off a bunch of things you despise about women and what you think is unfair in relation to men when the OP was asking about sex lives in men and women in 20ties vrs 30ties. That seems pretty angry to me. The fact that you take it so personally suggests it as well. Why the fuck are you commenting to me about women and what you think is unfair when we are talking about sex. When the only comment I made was pointing out a fact about men. I actually said the exact same thing as you. Just replaced women with men. So why the need to get into shit you don’t like about women? It is for that reason that I have the personal opinion that you are one angry dude.

Also saying “just sayin” is not goating. Not in my world. It simply means I am pointing out a fact.

And if you need some type of Stats Can report on whether guys in their 20ties are getting fucked by girls in their 20ties, then we have bigger issues. It is not hard to call that a fact without providing some survey link.

Now if you want to back up your claim and prove me wrong - go ahead. I’ll gladly say I am wrong, but you can’t. I know. I was 20. I was fucking other 20 year old men. My friends were as well. Hell so were my enemies. I will even bet money that I’m not the only one who knows girls in their 20ties who have fucked men in their 20ties. So I stated a fact. Why are you so pissed off at that? Why can’t you simply accept that fact and move on with the topic?
I would say other wise.

its not despise but reality. I am used to unfair and its normal. fairness is the bullshit. a concept that suits people when it convenient for them.

if the OP doesnt want me to post I will stop if he wishes me to. mods can ban me or lock out the thread. the exchange has evolved because of other posters. a poster posts and others reacts. defending your point sometimes requires going out of the original post. when you reply to my post I will answer. you are continuing the conversation by your own choice. you choose when you wish it to end. your choice...

why would I take something personally when my life has not been like other men who have made choices with women? what would I be angry about when I havent lived the experiences of other men? you assume to much from my point of view.

I dont, but anecdotal experiences are not facts. statscan are facts. which Im not asking for, nor any link to prove your point.

you assume Im pissed off when I said your anecdotal experience was not a fact.


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
correct. its not what this thread about but apparently the OP has no issue with my posts. if the OP wishes me to stop then I will.

I am responding to your comments. you initiated. you didnt have to reply to me but you its an exchange. you can stop replying to me and the exchange between the two of us is done. your choice....

Im not reaching but being physically attracted is a sliding scale from quasimoto to brad pitt. you fail to realize that depending on what you look like the ability to get fucked(some men who approach women are scored as creepy because they dont meet the physical requirements by the woman) limits your options as a man. some men no matter how they work on themselves(which Im a huge fan of) depending on their genetic lottery have a serious disadvantage. sure men can earn more, improve their game, therapy, buy nicer clothes cars jewelry, plastic surgery if they want. reality, joeseph merrick wasnt going to get fuck by anyone even an escort no matter how much he improved himself. while most men arent at joeseph merrick level there is always the lower end of the spectrum. its a sliding scale and some men wont have to put in as much work as others. considering that okcupid and tinder released findings that women swipe left(not like 80% of the time on photos) this more than qualifies women expectations as far as attractiveness. 80% are not attractive and 20% are. joeseph merrick imo is the 1%.
It's amazing how a woman can interact with men as part of her job, on an intimate basis, yet know next to nothing about men and male/female relations. Lots of women would commit suicide if they became men overnight realizing how profoundly different sexual relations are between genders. As a male it's 100 times the sex drive but with 100 times the limitations in options. There's a reason why a female can get rich off OnlyFans or escorting but a straight man cannot. However, men have other strengths and advantages. We're different but equal and complimentary when all things are weighed together. But from a purely sexual or relationship standpoint, obviously a typical women is at an enormous advantage compared to an average man. It's not even in the same league or stratosphere. How can this be difficult to understand or accept?

As for the OP's question... only his cousin can answer that question. He has to do what works for him. Express your opinion, expose him to all the options as you see them, and he'll decide what works best. From the outside looking it, I'd say it couldn't hurt to have some fun in his 30s but I'm not him. His personality, libido, interests, and goals may be completely different.

Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
It's amazing how a woman can interact with men as part of her job, on an intimate basis, yet know next to nothing about men and male/female relations. Lots of women would commit suicide if they became men overnight realizing how profoundly different sexual relations are between genders. As a male it's 100 times the sex drive but with 100 times the limitations in options. There's a reason why a female can get rich off OnlyFans or escorting but a straight man cannot. However, men have other strengths and advantages. We're different but equal and complimentary when all things are weighed together. But from a purely sexual or relationship standpoint, obviously a typical women is at an enormous advantage compared to an average man. It's not even in the same league or stratosphere. How can this be difficult to understand or accept?

As for the OP's question... only his cousin can answer that question. He has to do what works for him. Express your opinion, expose him to all the options as you see them, and he'll decide what works best. From the outside looking it, I'd say it couldn't hurt to have some fun in his 30s but I'm not him. His personality, libido, interests, and goals may be completely different.
Well written @Mr.Know-It-All. I do agree with both @Jenesis and @angrymime666 as they both have excellent points as well. I personally didn't hit my sexual peak until now as I am finding out. This hobbyin' lifestyle has opened my sexual fire - like that feeling when Bradley Cooper takes that mysterious pill in Limitless.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
You keep playing spin doctor with every post you make. Completely changing the subject and passing it off as points relevant to the OP. That isn't engaging, that is gaslighting.

The point is, the majority of dudes in their 20s are having full sex lives, no one is repressing them (but perhaps themselves). That said, if the argument is that some don't hit their peak until 30s, fine great, go off and explore, fuck away. No one is stopping you. But the comparison to women and their sex lives is false and totally irrelevant.

correct. its not what this thread about but apparently the OP has no issue with my posts. if the OP wishes me to stop then I will.

I am responding to your comments. you initiated. you didnt have to reply to me but you its an exchange. you can stop replying to me and the exchange between the two of us is done. your choice....

Im not reaching but being physically attracted is a sliding scale from quasimoto to brad pitt. you fail to realize that depending on what you look like the ability to get fucked(some men who approach women are scored as creepy because they dont meet the physical requirements by the woman) limits your options as a man. some men no matter how they work on themselves(which Im a huge fan of) depending on their genetic lottery have a serious disadvantage. sure men can earn more, improve their game, therapy, buy nicer clothes cars jewelry, plastic surgery if they want. reality, joeseph merrick wasnt going to get fuck by anyone even an escort no matter how much he improved himself. while most men arent at joeseph merrick level there is always the lower end of the spectrum. its a sliding scale and some men wont have to put in as much work as others. considering that okcupid and tinder released findings that women swipe left(not like 80% of the time on photos) this more than qualifies women expectations as far as attractiveness. 80% are not attractive and 20% are. joeseph merrick imo is the 1%.
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