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Do you discuss hobbying with your friends/co-workers?


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
Hell no. WHAT possible benefit would there be to do so? I wouldn't even tell the MP I'm with. Absolutely no upside to doing so.

If you feel compelled to talk about it, write about it here.

Fred Flinstone

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2020
I have, with only a select few. One won't talk to me anymore, won't even look me in the face, his loss. as I have zero guilt. It's sad that the stigma still and most likely will always exist. I have found that women are far more curious and understanding than men, for the most part..

Hedley Lamar

The name's Hedley
Dec 23, 2022
A few select friends know.

In front of their SO's, I'm a worthless pile of worm fodder, but it will always be a little bug in the back of their mind "What's it like?" and almost always, they ask about one of the ladies when I show them their agency profile pic and I can see the wheels turning.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
That's why this site is nice. You can yabber on about it here.
You never know if you tell someone else. Something happens someone gets shirty and then boom that trusted mate dobs you in.
Knew a lady in the biz a few years back. She told her best mate about working as an escort (agency) then recruited her best mate to work at same agency. They enjoyed the fast cash.
Then, a few months later, they have an argy bargy, they're upset at each other, no longer friends. A few months later first lady breaks up with her partner, they now a child custody situation, and into this legal matter jumps the former friend who takes upon herself to get back at her former friend by writing the court that her former bestie is working as a prostitute. Cost her custody.
So yah never know.

Hedley Lamar

The name's Hedley
Dec 23, 2022
That's why this site is nice. You can yabber on about it here.
You never know if you tell someone else. Something happens someone gets shirty and then boom that trusted mate dobs you in.
Knew a lady in the biz a few years back. She told her best mate about working as an escort (agency) then recruited her best mate to work at same agency. They enjoyed the fast cash.
Then, a few months later, they have an argy bargy, they're upset at each other, no longer friends. A few months later first lady breaks up with her partner, they now a child custody situation, and into this legal matter jumps the former friend who takes upon herself to get back at her former friend by writing the court that her former bestie is working as a prostitute. Cost her custody.
So yah never know.
I see this all the time. Ladies who promote each other. Duos. Social media posts out having dinner or fun blah blah blah. Then all of a sudden, nothing.

Women can't have arguments and shake hands and agree to disagree without being absolute cunts to each other. Men can have literal fist fights and then shake hands and let it rest
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
oh yeah, we discuss it at the water cooler everyday right after the weather and last nights sports. Let me put this politely, NO FUCKIN WAY!
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Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
As a respected man I mingle with upright and decent folks.
When discussing the hobby I make no bone about my disdain
towards the immorality and perversion of those who partake.
If someone mentions the need of seeking out RMT massage
for stiff muscles I'll warn him about certain deceitful type of
places where he will end up having certain spot rubbed and
tugged by the therapist. I'll tell him I avoid that kind of places
like the plague.
Isn't this hypocritical?

You're better off presenting no sort of opinion.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
Isn't this hypocritical?

You're better off presenting no sort of opinion.
It is but it also provides The best defense. It's why republicans usually come Being gay and what not If they are major Into Being a tigay.

It's also why marketets Had Britney spears Wear purity ring. Be a total slut on camera But deny that you like sex So So your school girl Officially can have nothing to do with sex.

Maybe she was totally Innocent. The storyline It's shown In the TV show the boys With star light up Brittany spears Style marketing campaign.

Woke people Or another example. The more woke somebody is publicly the more racist you can know they are.
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On the go

Nov 29, 2020
Of course.....
Nope....Nope there is no hope in HELL I'm telling any friend(s) most defiantly not anyone from work.....Nope. The liquid courage has a way to cause a slip up then your done there is no good reason to fill anyone in with your hobbies. There are guys (locker room talk)and believe it gals that discuss it openly ....... yup not this puppy, just not happening not getting suckered in that conversation not even a little bit...... NO and that's all I'm going to say about that!!!!!!! This is coming with me to the grave.
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A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
I've never told my family or friends.

I think they suspect I may have a casual relationship or I'm FWB with someone, which isn't too far from the truth, but I've never told them I see providers and never will.

With that said, I do wish we lived in world where it was perfectly acceptable for people to be open about seeing sex workers. (I'm not going to say "society" because that will make me sound like a jackass "incel")

I've accepted that I'm never going to get married or at the very least be in a LTR, some things happened in my life that made me realize the universe was trying to tell me something and I've decided to listen. I have ladies who I'm quite fond of and who I like to think enjoy my company so that's just fine with me!
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Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
As a respected man I mingle with upright and decent folks.
When discussing the hobby I make no bone about my disdain
towards the immorality and perversion of those who partake.
If someone mentions the need of seeking out RMT massage
for stiff muscles I'll warn him about certain deceitful type of
places where he will end up having certain spot rubbed and
tugged by the therapist. I'll tell him I avoid that kind of places
like the plague.
And the first thing I would ask you is, How do you know so much about these places??!!


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Not married, don't have even prospects of a serious job or entering the world of politics. Why not.

I don't go marching down the street chanting "What do we want! Prostitutes! When do we want them! Often! nor do I bring it up every 5 seconds like some vegan. I've never told my father but I talk about the hobby with him and he isn't special needs, my mother's been dead for 20 years and never told her. However I don't struggle to keep it a secret either.


Active member
Dec 4, 2008
It’s best to keep to yourself
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