Do all Sp's feel this way?


International User
Jan 14, 2003
Planet Earth
I know 1000 posts are a mere pittance compared to many on this board but being a 5 year member [Fred and Sheik - where are my free passes to see some SP's on Terb :)] I thought I would post something out of the norm.

I saw the following on another affiliate Board to Terb. Her name will remain anonymous (and for that matter, it doesn't matter). This is her post in response to many that wanted to know when she will be back. I saw her when I was in her home town and she was wonderful - funny, sexy, spicy not to mention she was a real hottie.

"Hi guys,
Yes, I'm out of this job forever, and for good. I'm now living in Mexico and I work for a huge hotel as a human ressources manager and I love it!
Thanks to all the kind men I've met, fu** you to the others.
And to be honnest, I did this job to refund my studies debt, not to meet people. So yes, it was all about the money. Is it bad? Maybe. Or not.
I can say that it's one of the worst job of my life and the biggest secret I'll keep for myself. Yes, I had good moments, but at the end, if you were nice to me, it was ONLY for my ass and to have sex. Is it bad? Maybe, maybe not.

I just wanted to shut down your hope of seeing me back, it's never gonna happen.
Bye and have fun with your dirty hobby."

There are always exceptions, but I presume most if not all SP's hate this job as she does. I read posts here and on other boards stating that the SP had a great time with me and she came like a race horse and blah blah blah .........

Again, not saying it never happens, but on the average it is a job to most SP's and they hate it. One could argue most people hate their jobs so what is the difference. I don't deny that would be a good argument but many think when they meet with a SP that what they say and do are real. It is illusionary. I have had my own experiences with SP's and dancers that confirm they hate the guys they are with and just do it for the money.

Here is a question for the group. Knowing the SP hates the job and doesn't want to be with you for sex, how does it make you feel being with them?

Just a discussion question - not directed at anyone so don't beat up PL too much!
Last edited:


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Certainly ...

If an SP, and this goes for MPAs and dancers as well as escorts, "hates her job" and it shows, then it's a total turn off. Your SP's sour grapes nothwithstanding, there are certainly ladies that genuinely enjoy their work - or at least many aspects of it. If there are those that are good enough actresses to convince clients that they enjoy their work as well, more power to them. If an SP cannot meet either of those two citeria, however, I find her company unpleasant and will not repeat or otherwise contribute to her livelyhood. By the way, 1000 posts is not that big a deal, so get over yourself :p

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Hey PL, congrats on 1000 posts.



Well-known member
Apr 14, 2007
petitelover said:
I know 1000 posts are a mere pittance compared to many on this board but being a 5 year member [Fred and Sheik - where are my free passes to see some SP's on Terb :)] I thought I would post something out of the norm.

I saw the following on another affiliate Board to Terb. Her name will remain anonymous (and for that matter, it doesn't matter). This is her post in response to many that wanted to know when she will be back. I saw her when I was in her home town and she was wonderful - funny, sexy, spicy not to mention she was a real hottie.

"Hi guys,
Yes, I'm out of this job forever, and for good. I'm now living in Mexico and I work for a huge hotel as a human ressources manager and I love it!
Thanks to all the kind men I've met, fu** you to the others.
And to be honnest, I did this job to refund my studies debt, not to meet people. So yes, it was all about the money. Is it bad? Maybe. Or not.
I can say that it's one of the worst job of my life and the biggest secret I'll keep for myself. Yes, I had good moments, but at the end, if you were nice to me, it was ONLY for my ass and to have sex. Is it bad? Maybe, maybe not.

I just wanted to shut down your hope of seeing me back, it's never gonna happen.
Bye and have fun with your dirty hobby."

There are always exceptions, but I presume most if not all SP's hate this job as she does. I read posts here and on other boards stating that the SP had a great time with me and she came like a race horse and blah blah blah .........

Again, not saying it never happens, but on the average it is a job to most SP's and they hate it. One could argue most people hate their jobs so what is the difference. I don't deny that would be a good argument but many think when they meet with a SP that what they say and do are real. It is illusionary. I have had my own experiences with SP's and dancers that confirm they hate the guys they are with and just do it for the money.

Here is a question for the group. Knowing the SP hates the job and doesn't want to be with you for sex, how does it make you feel being with them?

Just a discussion question - not directed at anyone so don't beat up PL too much!
Congratulations, Petitelove for reaching your 1,000 posting mark. Thanks for your continued contribution to the community.

To answer your question (a very interesting question), most of the time we won't know if the SP or MPA hate us or not, if she is a good actress.
We do, however get the drifts of things by the mileage provided due to YMMV. For those who fake orgasms or fake moaning, it is also not easy to detect them. The obvious fakes we know and we won;t give them repeat business.

Let's see what other terbites have to say about this topic.

Keep up with the good work and keep on posting, or I am going to catch up with your post count, one day.




Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Don't Misunderstand ...

petitelover said:
Thanks K

Y2k - knowing she is faking it (as long as she was good) would be ok for you?
If she's doing a good acting job you won't know. All women are different, so any guy with the "I can always tell for sure" is just fooling himself. With certain women, after you get to know them, sure.

By the way, judging from other posts apparently the 1000th post is some sort of a big deal (can't think why, though) so congrats on #1001 (better late than never!)


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2007
y2kmark said:
If she's doing a good acting job you won't know. All women are different, so any guy with the "I can always tell for sure" is just fooling himself. With certain women, after you get to know them, sure.

By the way, judging from other posts apparently the 1000th post is some sort of a big deal (can't think why, though) so congrats on #1001 (better late than never!)
Congratulations, Y2KMark for hitting the 1,000 post milestone.
With a Y2K handle, the bar is higher for you. You need to keep posting until you reach 2,000. LOL



Jul 17, 2008
It's all perception, if she hates her (past) job so much, we could assume all SPs hate their jobs, but that's quite a leap in my opinion. Yes it's an easy way to make a fair bit of money with little or no training, experience, supplies, etc. And the social stigma keeps most of these ladies anonymous, but to assume they all hate what they do? I think the risk and stigma are barely compensated for by the money they earn. To hate it too would just be too much for most girls.

We all hate some aspects of our jobs, and dealing with asshole customers could be too much for some. I'm not saying we're all assholes, but look at how some people treat waitresses, store clerks, stewardesses, etc. I bet they hate PARTS of their job too, but not the whole job.

I think PL just found a particularly jaded and bitter ex SP.

just my 2c

And hey look, post #11, do I get something too?


Turgid Member
Sep 10, 2005
lets see...

guys like to get laid and will pay for it. they are in it for sex.

girls like to get liad and get paid for it. some are in it for the money. some are in it for sex. the lucky ones are in it for both.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I had an SP tell me once that some guys are just nice to her until they "come"..then its like "good bye whore"...:( guess that might be true with some guys...I hope I never come off like that.


Well-known member
What an angry lady.I'd hate to be the poor basturd that's tries to date her in civilian life next....BITTERMUCH the drink of the jaded ex escort(yes i know..not all)
Jun 19, 2007
LOL...........this doesn't suprise me one bit. If you have ever hung out with dancers and SP's, you'd be suprised at what they have to say about their customers.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Like everything else, it depends on the person. And how they feel after they quit might be different than how they feel during. And as always, a few bad apples, in this case customers, can spoil someone's overall impression. I generally like my job, but I would like it more if I did not have to deal with the 10% who spoil it, for an SP, that must apply even more so.

I have been fortunate enough to know several providers who were born to do that work, they knew right from when they were kids what they were going to do, and they have natural aptitude that can not entirely be faked. But even they dislike dealing with jerks, just like anyone else. The reason why sex workers generally get paid more than other people with similar education, is because if you offer most people the same money for sex work, or not sex work, would prefer not. So it is reasonable to assume that most sex workers are tolerating it to make money, not because they love it. I much prefer to be with women who seem to be relatively into it, and I try and treat them as well as I can. What else can you do? You could not hobby, but then they would have less good treatment, and therefore have to accept more bad treatment, to make the same money.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
I feel sorry for her.

She had to suck and fuck numerous grotesque guys (not everyone on TERB for you insecure types) to land a job in HR.

I only had to work two jobs in the summer for the same thing.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
I knew this all along.

Its why I don't indulge in the industry too much.

and try to get myself a girl that I dont have to pay to be with me.

Same would go for me or any guy - if I was in her shoes - working in the industry and had to see some girl who couldn't land a guy unless she had to pay him to be nice to her - and I had to do all the things she wanted - pretend I liked her - same deal. I wouldn't enjoy it either.


May 27, 2005
tired old perv said:
LOL...........this doesn't suprise me one bit. If you have ever hung out with dancers and SP's, you'd be suprised at what they have to say about their customers.
Yup....mind you there are some that dont mind or even kinda like their job ( but that usually goes on a client by client basis). I know a few SPs ( never a client..always just friends) and their opinion about thier job depends on how their day was or who they saw or are going to see.

Certain regulars they love, others they cant stand. As for new clients...if your the type of guy that is considered a good "catch", they aint complaining...if your the type thats considered not such a good "catch" then dont expect much in the way of their real opinions about seeing you.

But make no mistake boys....its all about the money


New member
Mar 14, 2007
petitelover said:
"Hi guys,
Yes, I'm out of this job forever, and for good. I'm now living in Mexico and I work for a huge hotel as a human ressources manager and I love it!
Thanks to all the kind men I've met, fu** you to the others.
And to be honnest, I did this job to refund my studies debt, not to meet people. So yes, it was all about the money. Is it bad? Maybe. Or not.
I can say that it's one of the worst job of my life and the biggest secret I'll keep for myself. Yes, I had good moments, but at the end, if you were nice to me, it was ONLY for my ass and to have sex. Is it bad? Maybe, maybe not.

I just wanted to shut down your hope of seeing me back, it's never gonna happen.
Bye and have fun with your dirty hobby."
SPs will be over the place. Just read the reviews here and you will find the attitudes of SPs are unique to the SP. Some SPs treat the trade as something distasteful and that extends to their reaction to their clients. Some SPs given the right client and conditions enjoy themselves and extends to how they treat and respond to their clients. I expect most are in the middle where I have come across some SPs who would say 'don't bother trying to make me climax as it isn't going to happen," but were still very enthusiastic about making the session excellent.

I expect some clients are pretty naive about the expectations but that is going to happen. Last SP I dealt with said she felt that most her clients just walked in and dropped their pants and expected to be blown so the negative construct can be fueled by both parties.
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