Discussion: The state of Durham reviews


Active member
Feb 12, 2008
Hey fellas,

I have a question about the state of the Durham review page but wanted to provide some background first before the ask. If you want to skip ahead of my short 2020-2025 story that will ultimately lead to the question, then look for the bolded header called "the question".

So pre-covid I was very active on the durham forum and had been for 15 years or more. Some of you may even recognize me! Probably not, but that's ok. Since covid a lot has happened in my life, mostly for the best, but two major things happened that brought my forum participation to basically zero until somewhat recently.

1. I left Durham and moved to east of Peterborough. Yes this is also a Ptbo forum, but we all know Ptbo is a wasteland aside from Kingsway.
2. I kind of stopped hobbying. For a while there I was really into having non-professional hookups! The irony of this is I was spending as much money on first dates as I was on professionals, so did I really come out on top? Probably not.

Well now I'm back, sort of. My hobbying phase has taken me in new and interesting directions. I almost exclusively see MPs and strippers now. I dunno. The heart wants what the heart wants.

The Question: If the hall of fame providers disappeared tomorrow, how fucked would Durham be?

I want to preface this by saying that I AM NOT taking a shot at reviewers or providers on this board. I love our community here in whatever form it takes, as long as it's active. I've just noticed a change from 2019 to today and I'm curious about it.

I've noticed the forum has become a lot of circling on the same, say, 5-7 providers + designated threads on the big MP locations. Rarely a TOFTT, rarely a provider outside of these 7. And, funny enough, I think all of the 5-7 providers who make frequent appearances in reviews have been in the business as long as I have! So it looks to me like the Durham forum is now relying heavily on its hall of famers and there aren't many in the "up and comer" category. Thinking about the future of the hobby, are we in a situation? Has the Durham provider quality averages plummeted or is Terb Durham filled with reviewers who just prefer to review our best?

PS. Need to reiterate, I'm NOT taking shots at anyone here. The hall of fame providers in durham were inducted into the hall for very good reason, I can vouch for some of them first hand. I want them to have all the success for as long as they want it. And repeat reviews are still helpful! Keep it up! But I also want my brothers here to have lots of good options for many years to come, I want them to be safe from the providers who pose risks, and I want undiscovered good providers to get the boosts they deserve; so I'm hoping up-and-coming talent is just not making the boards as much as they could be and, if so, I'd like to encourage the hobbiers to drop their reviews! Reviews help everyone, and I want to see this place thrive forever.

Thanks for listening ilu


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2022
I personally feel the same since 2019, it's a wasteland as w whole.

But I feel since then, all the "new" girls coming in..
They are coming in at like 200 to 300hh, as an unknown..
So not a lot of people may want to take a chance especially since the percentage of fake/scammers has drastically increased.

Then if you do go take a chance eon said new person once you get there.. it's like I don't do that, even though in texts it was agreed..
Or they offer super terrible service that it's like... I should of just looked at some porn.

I have heard there are some other reviews platforms, the only one I know of is the blue form, but it's deader then dead. So I don't know, but I feel a lot don't share the really good girl, because they don't want them to get too busy, again just speculation there.

I haven't seen anyone new for a while, it's... Just hard to justify it now a days so such a high probability of the unknown, bad service factor.

I am have seen them is one girl for like 4 years on and off.. she doesn't post much of at all, so can't really review her.

I feel it's the cost to service factor that is here in Durham region.


Active member
Feb 12, 2008
I personally feel the same since 2019, it's a wasteland as w whole.

But I feel since then, all the "new" girls coming in..
They are coming in at like 200 to 300hh, as an unknown..
So not a lot of people may want to take a chance especially since the percentage of fake/scammers has drastically increased.

Then if you do go take a chance eon said new person once you get there.. it's like I don't do that, even though in texts it was agreed..
Or they offer super terrible service that it's like... I should of just looked at some porn.

I have heard there are some other reviews platforms, the only one I know of is the blue form, but it's deader then dead. So I don't know, but I feel a lot don't share the really good girl, because they don't want them to get too busy, again just speculation there.

I haven't seen anyone new for a while, it's... Just hard to justify it now a days so such a high probability of the unknown, bad service factor.

I am have seen them is one girl for like 4 years on and off.. she doesn't post much of at all, so can't really review her.

I feel it's the cost to service factor that is here in Durham region.
This is good insight, since I’m somewhat out of touch with today’s prices.

Pre-Covid the prices were a little more risk averse. $100-120 for a hh was easier money to put down on a TOFTT. Even an $80 BNG could give you the measure of things. Not sure prices like that exist in Durham anymore


This is good insight, since I’m somewhat out of touch with today’s prices.

Pre-Covid the prices were a little more risk averse. $100-120 for a hh was easier money to put down on a TOFTT. Even an $80 BNG could give you the measure of things. Not sure prices like that exist in Durham anymore
With the way rates have gone and Leolist I only see well reviewed providers. If I'm going to spend 350 plus today I want to be safe and have a good time. Seeing someone new is a gamble that I don't want to take.


Active member
Feb 12, 2008
With the way rates have gone and Leolist I only see well reviewed providers. If I'm going to spend 350 plus today I want to be safe and have a good time. Seeing someone new is a gamble that I don't want to take.
$350 holy shit! I totally feel you on this and why reviews are so valuable. If they’re charging $350 you want peers to tell you it’s worth it and that you won’t get screwed. Hell I’ve always wanted that when it cost $120 too
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Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2023
Bowmanville, ON
Lots of girls don’t have ties here and won’t stay for the low rates and lack of luxury hotels and amenities. Toronto is so much more appealing to them, I think. If I was in Toronto I could get a nice condo and a pro photoshoot and charge near double, edited to add, so why wouldn’t the younger girls? And social media is ruining the game. Too many people know too much and they use it to scam. It was kinda better in some ways to be more underground.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2018
This is all really accurate. @ashlee. provides a good point as well.

We do have our number of stellar providers. There are some good providers that have been reviewed once or twice but by the looks of it, they fall just a little short of being part of the greats. It looks like @Blairxoxo is on her way up there though! She's wonderful!

Personally, I have had a lot of good experiences more than bad recently but maybe that is just my luck.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2022
Lots of girls don’t have ties here and won’t stay for the low rates and lack of luxury hotels and amenities. Toronto is so much more appealing to them, I think. If I was in Toronto I could get a nice condo and a pro photoshoot and charge near double, edited to add, so why wouldn’t the younger girls? And social media is ruining the game. Too many people know too much and they use it to scam. It was kinda better in some ways to be more underground.
It's not the lower rates that's the problem I feel, it's the quality of service, why would I spend 200+ for a half hour..
When I could stay home and just masterbate, and it feels 10 times better then going to see them, that's the problem I have, and I feel a lot of others have.

We have seen that there are some high rates on a few of the regulars we see reviews, but they are know entities.

Agreed social media, has messed up a lot, namely super entitled girls getting 50k dms and this king they are hot shit..
Really messes up the dating world to for someone that's not a 10, but I digress.🤷
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Lots of girls don’t have ties here and won’t stay for the low rates and lack of luxury hotels and amenities. Toronto is so much more appealing to them, I think. If I was in Toronto I could get a nice condo and a pro photoshoot and charge near double, edited to add, so why wouldn’t the younger girls? And social media is ruining the game. Too many people know too much and they use it to scam. It was kinda better in some ways to be more underground.
With the way rates have gone I wouldn't see any Indies that have no reviews. As I mentioned I want to have a good time and be safe. The only way I would see someone with no reviews is threw an agency. The rates are way better but prefer the circle of Indies i see.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2003
Central Ont. between here & there
Thanks for the thread topic
Yes things have changed drastically in the last 5-8 years & not for the better IMHO.
Formally from S/W Ontario but retired to north of Peterborough. Before, driving 30-60 mins to see my favorite SP was a none issue. Now it's 2-3hrs, that's a day trip. Durham is blest with some fine SPs. Kingsway is a great clean MP. Peterborough is very quiet, but kinda expected giving it's population size. SP who used to tour got ticked as some who wanted to haggle or negotiate. Hotel rates have skyrocketed. There are a couple of nicer hotels in Peterborough but the others are low to low-middle that i would not want to go see a SP at.
The invisibility on social media & fake posts hurt us all.
Personally I only see SP who advt on Terb or have on & off. I've never trusted LL. The blue board became like social media & I've not logged on in 9yrs or more.
I trust terb & do my research looking for someone I can connect with. I much prefer 1-2 regulars over a bunch of 1 & done. I can count on 1 hand in over 20yrs I did not enjoy myself or walked out thinking what a waste.
Today's prices have reduced the # of visits + elderly family needing extra help or my own health issues.
I hope to be active & posting reviews again real soon.
Thanks again to the SP advts & those who hobby + post reviews good & bad visits.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
You raise a good point and one that has been asked over the years as well.

Durham used to have a very vibrant scene, with lot's of choice, with Indy's, agencies, touring girls and some just passing through. @ashlee. brings up some very good points, that tell the tale in an ever changing scene. It's tough to compete, as a new girl, when you're right next door to the biggest market in Canada. These ladies you speak of, aren't in competition with Toronto girls.

I say appreciate the fine ladies that we still have now.

No sense in worrying about something that hasn't happened.
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Active member
Mar 19, 2024
The same issues persist in the GTA since covid. Durham is just a microcosm of the same symptoms. I use to only look for sps from montreal who’d visit the airport area. Since covid the same 3-5 travel here and traffic came to a near halt. The only ones who come here are vets i have no idea where the new girls went.

My solution was visiting agencies.


Well-known member
We..The Clients have to shoulder some of the blame here.
Time and time again I read about why is So and So charging this rate or that rate..this The D/R...well food cost the same..accommodations..make up and othe sundries aren't any cheaper here than anywhere else..Ashlee points are valid ...the client base here is a shit load smaller than T/O..
Prices out here are right where they should be based on services offered and other intangibles.
As long as costs keep going up for e erything so will these prices.
I'd love to see gas go down to sub $1/litre..
This never was an inexpensive hobby..


Active member
Feb 12, 2008
We..The Clients have to shoulder some of the blame here.
Time and time again I read about why is So and So charging this rate or that rate..this The D/R...well food cost the same..accommodations..make up and othe sundries aren't any cheaper here than anywhere else..Ashlee points are valid ...the client base here is a shit load smaller than T/O..
Prices out here are right where they should be based on services offered and other intangibles.
As long as costs keep going up for e erything so will these prices.
I'd love to see gas go down to sub $1/litre..
This never was an inexpensive hobby..
We wield some power here, fellas. Power to lift new providers up and power to sustain our best. But people need to post!

We need incentive badges - superlatives - to incentivize posters.

- Poster of the month/year
- Most TOFTTs
- Purple heart (for getting ripped off)
- Best story teller
- Provider with best thread participation


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2018
We wield some power here, fellas. Power to lift new providers up and power to sustain our best. But people need to post!

We need incentive badges - superlatives - to incentivize posters.

- Poster of the month/year
- Most TOFTTs
- Purple heart (for getting ripped off)
- Best story teller
- Provider with best thread participation
I think this is a great idea but it is fully dependant on the mods if they wanna make those things or leave it up to us to make them ourselves.

And to @thumper18474's point, it is cyclical. But I do agree we do have a few up and comers who we should try to elevate to the likes of the greats.

Though, there are far less of us who are active reviewers here post-pandemic than there were even when I joined in 2019 and before. Not only are there a lot less of us who actively post reviews, but for many of us who already didnt hobby frequently to begin with, have to hobby even less due to tightened living expenses and increased rates. Which then makes it more difficult to review.

This goes for providers and clients. Expenses go up which means so do rates, but then ultimately business goes down.

Then on top of that, the risk of doing TOFTT has gotten higher because of the increased rates. So many of us who would every so often, no longer feel comfortable taking the gamble which makes finding new providers difficult. To compound the issue, with most people on here only willing to see our greats, there are even less reviews because if our greats do keep getting reviewed it just turns into an echo chamber which ultimately defeats the purpose to an extent.

Unfortunately, I don't see this changing anytime soon unless the economy stabilizes again. Which is doubtful. So while, I agree with these suggestions and think they are good. I don't think digital, and ultimately meaningless, community awards are enough incentive for people to hobby and review more based on how complex the problems in this hobby are.

(On a side note) Not only that, but in more recent years, providers have begun to have a more negative perspective on places like terb. Many providers now either won't see you if you mention you have a terb handle or have NRPs (no review policies) as well. I think this mostly pertains to newer ladies in the industry and is mostly caused by a lot of members who speak disrespectfully and crudely about the ladies. But they fail to see the benefits that being well-reviewed can have for ultimately reaching whatever goal they have for being in this industry in the first place.

I remember years ago, I saw Adrianna (who used to work with Nikki J & Xina) and I wrote a review. Sent it to her and she had asked me politely to take it down. This was a year or so before she retired.


Well-known member
We wield some power here, fellas. Power to lift new providers up and power to sustain our best. But people need to post!

We need incentive badges - superlatives - to incentivize posters.

- Poster of the month/year
- Most TOFTTs
- Purple heart (for getting ripped off)
- Best story teller
- Provider with best thread participation
As long as those powers are used for good and not evil..LOL..
There are far too many POS on here who use their reviews for self serving purposes.
The..If I give you a good review do I get a discount guy
Gimme extras or I'll give you a bad review guy
The ever present..hey let's give So and So a bad review to ruin her business Fucktards.those are usually the ones who don't even see escorts but are bored and just do it for shits and giggles.
And last but not least the escorts themselves who either pop up with fake handles to stir shit..or get their pimps/BF/Own clients to harass other escorts.


Active member
Feb 12, 2008
As long as those powers are used for good and not evil..LOL..
There are far too many POS on here who use their reviews for self serving purposes.
The..If I give you a good review do I get a discount guy
Gimme extras or I'll give you a bad review guy
The ever present..hey let's give So and So a bad review to ruin her business Fucktards.those are usually the ones who don't even see escorts but are bored and just do it for shits and giggles.
And last but not least the escorts themselves who either pop up with fake handles to stir shit..or get their pimps/BF/Own clients to harass other escorts.
I hear you on this. Bad actors are gonna act badly and there needs to be checks and balances in place. I don’t have a solution for that off the top of my head but I’m sure Terb already has some policies in place. If badges (this hypothetical thing I thought of that may very well never exist) ups the rate of bad actors then I’d hope it just means Terb rules are put into effect in the same way, just more frequently.

(On a side note) Not only that, but in more recent years, providers have begun to have a more negative perspective on places like terb. Many providers now either won't see you if you mention you have a terb handle or have NRPs (no review policies) as well. I think this mostly pertains to newer ladies in the industry and is mostly caused by a lot of members who speak disrespectfully and crudely about the ladies. But they fail to see the benefits that being well-reviewed can have for ultimately reaching whatever goal they have for being in this industry in the first place.
This is interesting, not to mention it kind of adds credence to my point that we have power here. It’s also something I’ve kind of experienced first hand.

I put out a detailed review of a bunch of the dancers at Go Go’s in Belleville. The review got back to some of them (not by my hand) and I was told that one of the dancers I didn’t review said “I don’t want to give him a dance now because what if he gives me a bad review?” Kind of insane because she’s one of the most beautiful women on the planet but the point stands. Others might not want reviews because if they’re positive they might get inundated in a way they don’t prefer.

There’s a lot to dissect here about ethics and consumer rights (as much as you can have rights in hobbying) but ultimately I’m on the side of - you should review. For the betterment of our hobby you should review.
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