dirty devon


New member
Apr 22, 2008
Did you happen to look at the pictures?


Apr 7, 2005
calloway said:
To each their own... he obviously loves BBW's.
Sure but.........

*Please note that all early morning appointments require a gift of coffee from the local Tim Hortons or McDonalds.

Yikes! :eek:


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Hey Jessica, sure there are no fuzzballs in the crotch area? oops, you are right, I was thinking dust balls. :eek:


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Devon Devil said:
you guys have no sense of humour and are plain mean. If you aren't interested, don't contact me. No need to be critical about it. Are YOU perfect?
I happen to be perfect too :p but that aside, not sure who you were saying was being mean, everyone on terb is so warm an inviting at all times and... ok I'm laughing too hard to continue that one.

Devon, this board is horridly mean most the time, both to SP's and fellow Johns. Don't take it too hard. On the plus side, like they say - 'any advertising is good advertising' and although some of the comments made may have been a little harsh there was no negative review and a lot of people have likely been viewing your site to see what it's all about.

Devon Devil

New member
May 21, 2009
To be honest, I've seen a lot of men from this site. They are jackasses on here, but very nice in person. It's easy to hide behind your username but not so easy when you're naked in front of me.

To each their own, but guys, it's not nice to bash someone because of their weight. Not only does it make you a dick, but it stigmatizes women, creates the "must be thin" mentality, and insults those men who happen to enjoy someone a bit heavier.


Meat Manager
Mar 12, 2009
Waterloo, ON
LOL I'm so mixed right now...I am heavier but when ppl poke fun at my size I don't take it to heart. I know what you're saying Dev, but aren't you being a bit mean in saying that the rest of guys who don't like bigger girls are then dicks because they happen to voice their opinion? If guys don't like my body, FINE - they don't book with me and it's no real loss.
I think you are great, don't change a thing! Lots of guys love more...

Devon Devil

New member
May 21, 2009
Jess, no I don't think it's harsh. you can express your opinion without being a jerk. the whole "dust balls" on the crotch thing, and "Have you seen the pics?" Come on, that's just rude.

I am heavier than you, but I agree, if someone doesn't like it, I don't care. Lots of men do. The men I have met are decent respectable gentlemen. I have been very fortunate to have made some great friends with my clients and other sp's I have met.


Meat Manager
Mar 12, 2009
Waterloo, ON
Junk mail

Hey Dev,
You thought YOU got nasty comments, check out this email some asshole sent me today:

"No sex?...Nobody is going to pay good money for a massage from a fat chic when u can get full service for an extra 20-40 bucks with a skinny chic..You should put out or get out...sheesh..

Heck any guy can pick up a fat chic anywhere...You best be saving your food stamps..."

To this I sent a very typical response about how the industry REALLY works, to which he sent THIS response:

"Wow I will guarantee you don't make more money then me..If you have that many clients then they must be retarded because no sane man pays for happy endings which is basically what you do..You figure you have morals and yet you allow a stranger to bust his nut on your face for a few bucks?...Don't understand how you think your better then a hooker..Sorry lady I really don't get rejected by fat chics...You should put out...Its pathetic really...Bust one on my face but no sex?....Stupid!..Send me to area 69 ?..Its a free world babes..They can't do shit.."

I get this crap all the time but this guy seemed different because he was TELLING me to be fs, as opposed to guys telling me they grossed out at what I already offer (you know, as a fat chick and all...)


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Hey Jess set up an appointment and send him to my place I'll show him how much of a 'retard I am' lol.

I'm sure the rest of your regulars would love his address as well.


Diva of Double D's
Nov 2, 2008
LOL. That guy is nuts. Good for you for telling him how the industry works. Some men don't understand it. what an idiot.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Devon Devil said:
To be honest, I've seen a lot of men from this site. They are jackasses on here, but very nice in person. It's easy to hide behind your username but not so easy when you're naked in front of me.

To each their own, but guys, it's not nice to bash someone because of their weight. Not only does it make you a dick, but it stigmatizes women, creates the "must be thin" mentality, and insults those men who happen to enjoy someone a bit heavier.

Nope I think you're wrong on that Devon I'm pretty much an ass all the time. Could be why I've never been married long. Though I do have to admit most that have met me realize quickly that 95% of what I say is in jest and not to be taken too seriously.

As to the weight comments about you. I think you look fine, but then, I generally prefer bigger women, I've found on average they're more into what they're doing, and generally more practiced at it.

We could go into a complete psycho-eval about it but it's easy enough to just leave it at: if a less stereotypically attractive girl isn't a better preformer then her super-model counterpart, she's not likely to get people in the door. A hot girl can rely on her looks to 'rope in the newbies' and stay pretty busy.
Same holds true for repeats, some will get repeats on looks alone whereas someone who's less attractive (or thinks they are) will put alot more effort into making sure their customers have a reason to come back :).

This is more a rule of thumb then an etched in stone thing to be sure, however it has seemed to hold true for me both in the hobby and in my personal life. I also find that on average most 'super - model' types to be less fun to converse with.

I know I'm likely to get some hate mail from skinny people on this one... but just piping in my 2 cents.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Oh and for those of you who don't believe me. Next time you go to a massage parlor, pick the least attractive, least busy girl and see how your mileage compares to your ussual pick.
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