Except that isn't what is happening.There's no way for a Trump Administration to enact slow, pedantic reforms. Unlike 1993, there will be no bipartisan support for such reforms. It's a pity but the Progressive and dominant wing of the Democratic party simply see any government spending as integral to expanding government. I think most rational people would think reform and efficiency can be leveraged to achieve government and societal objectives.
American businesses are adept at cutting here and adding there changing focus for changing circumstances. This is not something that the Washington behemoth is remotely capable of doing from within. I could bore the forum to tears discussing how many Federal agencies have overlapping functions. They also do not employ the latest technology to drive efficiencies. Most people realize the Federal redundancies are jobs programs. What many of the jobs actually do and perform is questionable.
As I said, I don't have to like Trump and Musk to understand and give them some time to cut through layers and decades of bureaucracy.
I don't see a measured plan to cut civil service excess.. I don't see an effort to even bring the GOP on board with the details of the plan and invite discussion and consensus. And I don't see any vestige of trying to do any of this constitutionally and competently.
I see a senile old fucktard and his drug addled buddy simply cutting whatever they don't like because they dgaf and doing it illegally and stupidly.
So you can spare us the "big government is bad" bullshit speech. That's not what's taking place here.