Massage Adagio

Deportation of Muslim Extremists ?

George OTJ

George of the Jungle
Nov 12, 2003
North York
Who's talking about Islamic nations idiot!

This thread was about deporting terrroists from Canada. If you want to start a religious debate, why don't you start your own thread instead of hijacking this one.

P.S. I still think you're full of BS but I've no interest in arguing religion - Islam, Christianity, Budism, or any other.


99% Retired
Apr 6, 2005
George OTJ said:
Who's talking about Islamic nations idiot!

This thread was about deporting terrroists from Canada. If you want to start a religious debate, why don't you start your own thread instead of hijacking this one.

P.S. I still think you're full of BS but I've no interest in arguing religion - Islam, Christianity, Budism, or any other.
Bottom line....pack these losers up and send them to a desert far-far away...or for all you bleeding hearts....let them camp in your basement

George OTJ

George of the Jungle
Nov 12, 2003
North York
Blackheart said:
send them to a desert far-far away...
LOL That's my point - aren't most of the Islamic nations already "in a desert far-far away"?

The discussion on this thread started out with addressing terrorists activities in this country - not sure if they meant Canada or the US - and should we be taking steps to make it easier to deport them.

For those who want to harrange Muslims and Islamic nations or debate the religous teachings, is it too much to ask you to start your own thread to address those topics? Instead of detracting from the serious issue of protecting our civilians.


99% Retired
Apr 6, 2005
George OTJ said:
LOL That's my point - aren't most of the Islamic nations already "in a desert far-far away"?
and speaking about deserts.........

In Iraq…why don’t why teach Drivers Ed and Sex Ed all on the same day?......the camels cant take the strain:eek:


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
John 8: 2-11 It's in the book

Cinema Face said:
A well written post OJ. However, I disagree that Mulsims in an Islamic country have the choices you talk about.

In most Islamic countries, Muslims are compelled to submit to Islam under penalty of death. Theirs is a life of ignorance, despair, tyranny and mind-numbing ritual. Yes, there are some exceptions. You mentioned Turkey. There's also UAE. However, there are far too many examples of religious intolerance in countries like SA, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and many others.

Non-Islamic people in an predominantly Islamic country are killed and persecuted. Look at the Coptics in Egypt, consider that Mulsims in Sudan have killed more than 3 million Christians and other Muslims in the last 20 years, look at the Islamic violence in Indonisia, remember what happen during the Miss Universe pagent in Nigeria when rioting Muslims killed hundreds of Christians.

Here's some more examples of Islamic "freedom" of religion:

“The government of Iran is one of the only states in the world to put someone on trial for his life solely for his religious belief,”

Qur’an 33:36 “It is not fitting for a Muslim man or woman to have any choice in their affairs when a matter has been decided for them by Allah and His Messenger. They have no option. If any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a wrong Path.”

Qur’an 3:131 “Fear the Fire, which is prepared for those who reject Faith: and obey Allah and the Messenger.”

Qur’an 3:19 “Lo! religion with Allah (is) Surrender.”
When our hands are clean, we can point them at the sins of others.

What makes racism evil is labelling all who share that race as if they also shared the worst attributes of its worst members. Same goes for the bloodsport name-calling that has passed for political debate in America for so long, or looking at the 'real' religion as if all who professed it were as repellant as its worst precepts might demand. If it wasn't the Christian holy book, the bible would face banning under hate literature and obscenity stautes, and would certainly never be allowed in schools unexpugated.

And, of course, if one believes it is reasonable to think that way, then one enacts discriminatory laws against people based on their religion, or other beliefs or their skin colour, or …

No bombs were going off when we outlawed the Jehovah's Witnesses and seized their property because we knew how evil their religion was. But that was Quebec you say? Aahhh, all Canadaians are the same.

Blair and the Brits may think the bombs justify behaving like jackbooted thugs, but they're wrong. That's the terrorists winning another victory, turning us into them.


Well-known member
May 25, 2002

A few thoughts come to mind...

Someone (don't know who) said, "I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it".

Of course we do have to balance that with "the public interest" ie: you can't yell "FIRE" in a crowded theatre.

I do think that if someone is inciting(sp?) hatred, or violence against our way of life then they should be removed. If your way is SOOO much better then why did you come here???

As to any particular religion being bad or good - More people have been killed in the name of religion than anything else. Perhaps ALL religion should be banned and people should just follow the LAW. Live a good life and don't hurt anyone and most Gods should accept that - no?


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Truncador said:
Whoever refuses to recognize the people of Canada, and the Parliaments they appoint, as the supreme and final sovereign source of authority on Earth should be expelled as soon as a prison-bus or barge can carry them out. I don't care what religion they follow or how long they've been here.
Good. Let's start by identifying the right-wing fundamentalist Christians who want a government based on the Bible and get rid of them first. OK?


New member
Mar 21, 2005
oldjones said:
What makes racism evil is labelling all who share that race as if they also shared the worst attributes of its worst members. Same goes for the bloodsport name-calling that has passed for political debate in America for so long, or looking at the 'real' religion as if all who professed it were as repellant as its worst precepts might demand.


Blair and the Brits may think the bombs justify behaving like jackbooted thugs, but they're wrong. That's the terrorists winning another victory, turning us into them.
When you lump all public safety measures together with the worst excesses of petty-minded arbitrary power, and conscientious leaders with tyrants and dragoons, aren't you doing exactly the same thing you accuse racists and bigots of doing :confused:


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Quest4Less said:
Someone (don't know who) said, "I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it".
Voltaire. No doubt some of the republicans on this board won't like you quoting a Frenchman :)


New member
Mar 21, 2005
TOVisitor said:
Good. Let's start by identifying the right-wing fundamentalist Christians who want a government based on the Bible and get rid of them first. OK?
If you can actually find any.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
I realize that in this world where understanding is sacrificed on the altar of politically correctness, it is quite a radical idea to condemn an entire religion. I expect a certain amount of resentment from the Islamic terrorist “excuse makers” and others who think we should all give each other a big group hug and get along.

It’s not racism to turn a critical eye to a religion and expose its dogma. It’s no more racist than discussing any other ideology whether it be communism or fascism or the US policy which so many people enjoy doing these days.

What I’ve done is brought forth sufficient material to blow away any misconception that Islam is a peaceful religion. I am currently studying the Islamic scriptures as revealed to us by Islam’s sole prophet, Muhammad, and I have just scratched the surface. I encourage everyone to do their own research and make up their own minds. Our society requires a better understanding of what we’re dealing with.

Anyone making an equivalent comparison of Islam to Christianity is not dealing with reality.

Christians don’t kill people who criticize their faith and make movies showing how they mistreat women. Any minister who advocates violence would not be tolerated in any church anywhere.

Also, anyone making an equivalent comparison of Islamic terrorism and the war to try to contain it is not dealing with reality.

Yes, Christianity has had a bloody past. Christians have done a lot of nasty things in the name of God. However, they’re not even close to what Muslims have done and are still doing.

I would like nothing better than someone to come up with a compelling argument proving me wrong. I have yet to hear a single bit of evidence to the contrary.

Saying I’m wrong, calling something racist, saying, “Christianity is just as bad,” aren’t convincing arguments and prove nothing.


New member
Dec 21, 2004
The "unclean hands" argument is an defense in equity that requires a balancing of the activities of the participants. Part of the confusion in dealing with a war against terrorists is that wars generally are fought between nation states or movements that are easily identified. This war however is fought on one hand by cowards who prey upon women, children and others who are not able to defend themselves. The nations that are the coward-terrorists' enemies are then forced to act in ways that are otherwise ignomious to the some of the freedoms that had largely been taken for granted in such countires. The coward-terrorists desire to limit our freedom of travel, our freedom of association, and our freedom of expression. What can we do without losing what we hold dear?

One thing that seems clear - this is the "Fire in a crowded theater" analogy in 2005 - if someone within our borders advocates the use of suicide bombs against any target within our borders, they should not be deported but rather tried for sedition. If such persons advocate the use of suicide bombs against any target of our allies, our governments should do whatever is justiciably permissable to have such persons prosecuted in the appropriate country. This, of course, would apply as well to those who advocate the use of terrorism.

Deportation is not enough.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
Cinema Face said:
A well written post OJ. However, I disagree that Mulsims in an Islamic country have the choices you talk about.

In most Islamic countries, Muslims are compelled to submit to Islam under penalty of death. Theirs is a life of ignorance, despair, tyranny and mind-numbing ritual. Yes, there are some exceptions. You mentioned Turkey. There's also UAE. However, there are far too many examples of religious intolerance in countries like SA, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and many others.

Non-Islamic people in an predominantly Islamic country are killed and persecuted. Look at the Coptics in Egypt, consider that Mulsims in Sudan have killed more than 3 million Christians and other Muslims in the last 20 years, look at the Islamic violence in Indonisia, remember what happen during the Miss Universe pagent in Nigeria when rioting Muslims killed hundreds of Christians.
Fortunately we only have to concern ourselves with Muslims in Canada. Whether Muslims in the so-called intolerant counties you've mentioned have freedom of religious choice and freedom from prosecution over their religious practices is not the point. We've had almost zero Islamic terrorism here in Canada. We do have Islamic Fundamentalists living here but their orthodoxy hasn't yet translated into acts of terror so WTF is the problem? We seem to think we will be attacked just because other countries have been attacked. We are not those other countries.

We should be monitoring all extremist groups and arresting those who cross the line by advocating hatred and violence. We have laws against inciting hatred and violence and laws against conspiracy to commit terrorist acts etc. Rather than deporting suspects without firm evidence, we should be monitoring and even infiltrating those groups we have reason to suspect of terrorist leanings. If there is a conspiracy afoot, we should act accordingly to stamp it out and imprison those found guilty. But to deport people from selected minority groups without proper evidence is a form of religious / racial persecution which should try very hard to avoid.


Feb 15, 2004
Truncador said:
When you lump all public safety measures together with the worst excesses of petty-minded arbitrary power, and conscientious leaders with tyrants and dragoons, aren't you doing exactly the same thing you accuse racists and bigots of doing :confused:
Kind of like the way you say liberals need reeducation camps because they help terrorists.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Truncador said:
When you lump all public safety measures together with the worst excesses of petty-minded arbitrary power, and conscientious leaders with tyrants and dragoons, aren't you doing exactly the same thing you accuse racists and bigots of doing :confused:
Perhaps, had I said anything remotely like that. But your 'paraphrase' is made of whole cloth and has nothing to do with what I actually said.

BTW: "…tyrants and dragoons"? My dictionary says:
n : a member of a European military unit formerly composed of
heavily armed cavalrymen

seems you've got a different image in mind. Do tell


New member
Mar 21, 2005
irlandais9000 said:
There are a few million, but we'll let you have the head start since you think you might have a hard time finding them.
Probably more like a few dozen.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
oldjones said:
BTW: "…tyrants and dragoons"? My dictionary says:
n : a member of a European military unit formerly composed of
heavily armed cavalrymen

seems you've got a different image in mind. Do tell
Canada also has dragoons (e.g. The Royal Canadian Dragoons) but in the modern age they are armoured units.
Toronto Escorts