Delgado is a Marlin


New member
Jul 23, 2003
Carlos Delgado has signed with the Florida Marlins.
Terms were announced as four years for $52 million.

I guess he'll be a LOT closer to his native Puerto Rico now.


Aug 1, 2002
Good luck to Carlos he was nothing but a class act when he was here and in the end if the blue jays would have made a reasonable offer he would have stayed, there offer of a 75% cut from 18 mill to 6 was a joke if they would have even bargained in good faith at some point he still might be here finishing his career as a jay. Anybody sick of JP and Paul Godfrey whining all the time about how poor they are.


Aug 29, 2004
Good luck to Carlos in Florida. It's a shame the Jays were not able to sign him, so he could have finnished his career here. I'm sure gonna miss all those clutch, game-winning homeruns. Our loss is definitely Florida's gain.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Bush League said:
Looks like the Mets are going to plan B, signing Doug Mientkiewicz.
Maybe he'll bring his baseball with him.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
He was definitely a class act from day 1 and an outstanding player for many years, however, he is 32 years old now and his knees are progressively getting worse to the point that he would end up DH'ing sooner than later.

Regardless, the Jays under Rogers and J.P.'s regime aren't looking to be competitive anytime soon anyways.
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Jul 9, 2002
Up Here,ON
Good luck to him. True he is a class act, but he is nearly done. The Marlins way overpaid for him, the 'Jays did the right thing letting him go.In another year or two he'll be a mediocre player with a huge contract. Ultimately Carlos is like the rest of them, in it only for the cash.


Discombobulated Member
Dec 28, 2003
I liked Delgado.

He was a quiet leader for the Jays. He is a classy guy always with a smile on his face -- much like Pinball Clemons. He's been knocked for not being vocal enough, but then, so was Yzerman until Detroit won the cup.

Unlike other athletes, his first choice was to stay in Toronto (if the Jays made him a reasonable offer). The Jays however decided otherwise.

Delgado and other free agents are too expensive for the Jay's liking. Despite what Riccardi keep telling us, Toronto is NOT a small market. Although attendance will never return to the level of the championship years, people will go and watch the Jays if they can field a winning team. This will not happen if the roster is comprised of 2nd and 3rd string players.

Best of luck to Carlos.


New member
Feb 28, 2003
The Hammer
Marlins definitely overpaid for him. Wouldn't be surprised if he struggles this season because he is making the switch to the NL. And he should have stayed in the AL, he has DH written all over him, like Mike Piazza.


Dec 16, 2004
depends how drunk I am
Like many on this thread, I too wish Delgado good luck. He had so many great seasons for the Jays- all while maintaining the utmost professionalism and class. He will be missed- especially in the Jays batting order.

Having said all that, I agree with those who think the Marlins overpaid for his services. Carlos is a good hitter...but $13 mil a yr. at this stage of his career? Well, I guess good for him if he can get it.

Saw an interesting segment on Sportsnet on how his agent was able to create a 'bidding' war thus driving up his 'perceived' value. Carlos said "Show me the money"...and his agent REALLY delivered.

Toronto Passions

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Supporting Member

I'll be interested in seeing what he does when any "pro American" national anthem is played before or during a ball game. He was close to reaching John Rocker status in the big apple. And now he is off to the baby "Bush" state, of all places.

Regarding his talent, his knees may be going a bit, but he should continue to be fine as a first bag man. I don't however, think his bat speed has dropped at all. He has always been a great fastball hitter, and the NL is by tradition, a fastball first, deep in count, power pitching league. The only thing I wonder about as far as that goes, is that the Blue Birds have worked with him since he was a kid. They have just about sculpted his hitting mechanics. They opened up his stance, they determined his crouch, they took him away from being a dead pull hitter, ect...If I'm not mistaken, I think Billy Robinson is the Marlins hitting coach (I think). Perhaps he can pick up where the Jays organization left off.

This should be interesting in many aspects to say the very least.


Nov 5, 2001
He was a class act but I only wish that he would've waived his no-trade clause so that the Jays could've got something for him. He knew he wasn't going to be back. He did it to spite Riccardi and hurt the organization.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
keenez said:
He was a class act but I only wish that he would've waived his no-trade clause so that the Jays could've got something for him. He knew he wasn't going to be back. He did it to spite Riccardi and hurt the organization.
The Jays made the same mistake with Alomar as well in that they knew he wasn't going to resign and didn't manage to trade him to get something back in his last year.


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
13 a year for 4 years....hmmmm...good for Delgado. I think that's a little steep but if they're willing to pay - then take it. The Jays couldn't possibly have any reason to whine...they lost a good player. Period.

Toronto Passions

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Supporting Member
to-guy69 said:
The Jays made the same mistake with Alomar as well in that they knew he wasn't going to resign and didn't manage to trade him to get something back in his last year.
You're right. And I mean it's not like they could have thought they had a chance at making the playoffs by the trade deadline either. That was a bad move.

I've stated before that there main problem in my books are the players not "meshing" with the city of Toronto and the people that live here like they did 15 or 20 years ago. They need to work on a way of getting the kids in Toronto schools talking and caring about them again. To me, that's the root of generating revenue and fan interest again in one shot.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
keenez said:
He knew he wasn't going to be back. He did it to spite Riccardi and hurt the organization.
That's wrong. Carlos' first choice was to stay with the Jays. He was hoping they'd make him any kind of decent offer to stay. He would have accepted less from the Jays than other team.
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