Yeah Northern Gateway, lets load tankers with Tar and sail them on the coast of Nothern BC. 1 tanker accident and you wipe out the livelihoods of tens of thousands of indiginous people. Would Alberta accept the UNLIMITED LIABILITY for cleanup? Of course not. They don't even clean up their own abandoned wells that are spewing poison into the air. Good ol Uncle Trudooo had to pay for it. Maybe it was a way to keep more money in AB and get some Fed transfers. Poison the people so that the Liberal twit that is dumb enough to care about people and the environement will charge in and send AB billions. Well played!! INGENIOUS!!!there wre 4 privately funded pipelines ready to go when the moron came to power
he killed three and overpaid for the fourth because he had painted himself into a corner
like all things govt, a 4.5B pipeline turned into a 34 B taxpayer money pit
any you think this is an accomplishment
every thing he touches turns to shit, really expensive shit
energy east would have given Canada leverage over Trump
The moron killed that
he is unbelievably stupid
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