Laws changed. It is no longer outcalls are safe and incalls are not.
Cupids and any other agency can be charged for selling the sexual services of a third party. One of the lawyers here can give you the exact terms.
Also, the purchase of sexual services is now illegal. The selling of sexual services is not.
You may not understand why a girl would not go to the police, but you don't have to. There are plenty of reasons why a woman would not. It was already stated by Cupids, via twitter, they girl does not want to be re-victimized by police. Which is a very very real possibility.
We also don't know this girl's private personal life and how LE involved would affect that. Many of these girls work for an agency to keep this shit out of their personal lives.
This is why women in this industry are so preyed upon. Because even now, when we are not criminals for selling sex, we still can't really go to the police for many reasons. And since many, as you see here, are of the opinion that if you didn't go to the police then it didn't happen, who wants to deal with that? Really? On top of being raped, we are going to say it never happened because you didn't go get treated like shit by the police as well.
Sadly, while I understand the frustration of Jillian and many other women who suffer this way on a regular basis, the outing of his name has done nothing but set us and our attempts at remaining safe in this industry, back a few in the struggle. This thread shows it. Everyone is so much more concerned about the clients rights then the girl who was allegedly raped.
No one is going to bother remembering the girl that was raped. All they are going to remember is the very real fact that clients can and do get outed.
Very sad.
But this avoids the obvious question of mistakenly (or deliberately) outing a guy who did nothing wrong. It may sound harsh, but unless an owner and SP is willing to go the LE route, then incidents like this should be considered just one of the dark risks of the business and any info should be shared only privately, if at all. Cupid’s outing of this guy has accomplished absolutely nothing positive. As I’ve stated, this guy is still free to book anywhere he wants under a fake name. Now many people (including me) are questioning the trend of the industry (where formerly private information has the potential to be delivered with one keystroke to an unlimited audience). She has actually hurt her own business and has not made it any better for anybody involved, provider or client. This guy’s still on the street. And now the spectre of being “outed” on social media is one more reason for fake names and ID’s. so how has this helped?