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Cost of Gillette's political correctness


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Well of course. Religious people are the biggest hypocrites out there. The bible says all sorts of stuff that people don’t follow. Most religious people tend to pick and choose. They use religion to justify things they do, but when religion gets in the way of things they like or asks for self-sacrifice, they largely ignore it. It’s all bullshit, it’s just a convenient excuse to be assholes, really.
Use the Koran as your default religious example next time. Stop being a PC coward.
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Active member
Jun 5, 2009


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2004
This is related to the acquisition and there is a big difference between earnings and stock price, never mind at the parent company level. This just seems like a bad acquisition.

It is worth noting the 1.37B for the acquisition is a small fraction of the 8B write-off Gillette took. P&G overall is quite healthy though, it is their razor division that sucks.
The article links to a lot of information about the conditions of Shick and Gilette prior to the ad campaign. Gilette's sales have been declining for years. Edgewell tried the acquisition of one of the competition in order to protect market share.

I'm not surprised. People can buy a double-edged razor handle costing $40 to $50 bucks that lasts forever, and can then shave for an incremental blade cost of about 20 cents a week, and get a much better shave than any of these.

"Gillette has been forced to cut prices and spend more on marketing to compete with online startups. Edgewell said Thursday its second-quarter sales fell 10% to $546.7 million, below the FactSet consensus forecast of $562 million."

2017: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/p...iness-dinged-by-online-shave-clubs-2017-04-26

Gillette has been forced to cut prices and spend more on marketing to compete with online startups. Edgewell said Thursday its second-quarter sales fell 10% to $546.7 million, below the FactSet consensus forecast of $562 million.

2018: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/pg-navigates-difficult-markets-for-sales-growth-2018-04-19
The company announced rare across-the-board price cuts on its Gillette razors last year, which it hopes will help it better compete with cheaper alternatives like Dollar Shave Club, now owned by Unilever PLC.

Organic sales, a closely watched metric that strips out currency moves, acquisitions and divestitures, rose 1% in its third quarter, driven by organic volume growth and more customers buying premium-priced beauty products. The Gillette price cuts continued to weigh on sales.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001

And if we are going to arbitrarily pick a point where it is legally allowed to terminate the human growth cycle, just for someone's convenience of not having to take some responsibility when having sex. Why have it at 24 weeks?
Since we're well off topic: You make an excellent point about the irresponsibility of having sex that could result in an unwanted child. Since men have always made the laws, they force 'irresponsible' women to bear and mother the children they irresponsibly father, then walk away from or deny outright. It's easy to see that's no prescription for making good, productive citizens.

DNA testing is conclusive, and no more invasive than spitting, it's high time men took equal responsibility for their casual encounters. If the law forces a woman into motherhood, it should similarly force the man she names to prove by DNA that he was not the father. If the 'accidental' child is to grow into a contributing member of society and not a burden on it, then both proven parents should be required by law — and enforcement — to provide equal support.

If women made the laws, we'd have had something similar long ago, and with enforceable fatherhood, it's likely abortion would never have become any issue at all.

Shall we get back to razor-blades?


Apr 17, 2011
Going out on not much of a limb here to say I loved the ads.
I'm quite queer and love seeing commercials that show a wide range of human experiences. Personally I lazer my hairs (what hairs I do have left) and would gladly buy a lot of their razors if i need them because I think its brave of them to step out of the generic ad model and have real people with real experiences sharing that with the entire world.
I loved it and would definitely support this brand normalizing a human experience.


Apr 17, 2011
The woman who directed that ad for Gillette is an extreme batshit crazy man hating feminist. Gillette could not have hired a more evil bitch. You can read more about her here along with her previous works, which carry the same tone that all men are pigs and rapists.

This doesn't take away from the actual ad, the spirit of the ad and the good will it has generated amongst those who were not traditionally marketed to but who use razors.
quite honestly this might not be your cup of tea but I am a joyful woman who perpetually sees the cup half full :)

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
My guess is the putzes who authorized this marketing campaign have been given their pink slips.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Yeah I stopped using Gillette razors shortly after the ads started coming out to be honest.

I just don't agree with woke politics and won't support their company for their political stance.

I also won't be buying Nike anymore either. Haven't in a while so no big deal there. Love my Skechers.

The endorsing of Kapernick turned me off them. I'm not a fan of his brand of identity politics in the least.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
I make donations to a church group that cares for the homeless and the impoverished around the world. Something as simple as a bed for kids in Africa. When you look at what they have done, they put the rest of us to shame.

I get it is easy to talk shit about religion, and people of faith, but in faithless times, these are people of the highest integrity. They have shown time and time again they are rock solid and have my back. I do not agree with them on many things, but more decent, hard working, and reliable people you will never find. The problem is the people who abuse religion to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. The bible is also pretty clear that Jesus was very accepting of escorts. :)

As for the Gillette campaign, I actually like the trans male ad. I think people struggling with sexuality and identity have a brutal time (and the suicide rate supports this). Their core anti-white-male ad was a mess though. The pronoun wars and the anti-white-male climate have all taken it too far, and I am glad to see Gillette is paying the financial cost for going down that road. This is serious money. It is the price you pay for ignoring fundamentals when you have a high cost, inferior product.
I've heard from a trans person that alot of trans folks are being pushed out of the trans movement by people that do not have gender dysphoria aren't really trans at all. So things like the pronouns wars occur, Denise Riley BS occurs, attempts at getting Gender Dysphoria delisted from the DSV which would fuck actual trans people for medical services and so on occur. And trans folks pay the price in terms of lost services and backlash that could have been avoided.

Anyways I almost participated in the Boycott, but decided not to because it felt too much like censoring views I don't like, and that violates my values.

Still I don't blame people for getting fed up with men hating and white people hating.
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