Cost of Gillette's political correctness


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Very rarely do I care about what a company advertising target is.If I like the product I'll buy it regardless. I get more pissed off at politicians who feel if they can get votes they will support it while they shun there parties true values or keep flip flopping depending on how the polls go.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
Well, I had some Gillette razors I bought before the ad came out. I had to finish using them. After that I bought a new Schick hydra razor. I was impressed. Very smooth shave. No more Gillette for me.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
You link an article written by the president of the "Family Research Council", a conservative family values think tank, in a forum that promotes the sex industry. Very good, very good.
Hey now, values are incredibly important! At least until they start saying you shouldn’t do something you enjoy, then fuck ‘em, right?


Oct 29, 2017
Hey now, values are incredibly important! At least until they start saying you shouldn’t do something you enjoy, then fuck ‘em, right?
Fuck that noise, this right wing think tank just pushes incredibly regressive Christian ideological bullshit. The guy who wrote the article would probably have a heart attack knowing his article was posted here lol. He would probably be so distraught he'd have to go to his nearest gas station bathroom glory hole to blow off some steam. You just know this guy is super closeted considering how much time he spends railing against gay rights.

Anyways, these shit stains are an enemy of the sex industry, pretty cut and dry.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
The only way to make these giant corporations understand that the people are sick of their virtue signalling, is to make them take financial losses.

Ad: "You're trash, now buy our razors".

Umm, nope.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Fuck that noise, this right wing think tank just pushes incredibly regressive Christian ideological bullshit. The guy who wrote the article would probably have a heart attack knowing his article was posted here lol. He would probably be so distraught he'd have to go to his nearest gas station bathroom glory hole to blow off some steam. You just know this guy is super closeted considering how much time he spends railing against gay rights.

Anyways, these shit stains are an enemy of the sex industry, pretty cut and dry.
Well of course. Religious people are the biggest hypocrites out there. The bible says all sorts of stuff that people don’t follow. Most religious people tend to pick and choose. They use religion to justify things they do, but when religion gets in the way of things they like or asks for self-sacrifice, they largely ignore it. It’s all bullshit, it’s just a convenient excuse to be assholes, really.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
Gillete lost 8 billion dollars of brand value, that is the net result of all ups and downs

to be fair, they had steady declines for year and the most likely cause is the fact younger generations are not buying their overpriced, shitty products; their misandric campaign was probably just the cherry on the top of the cake


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Gillete lost 8 billion dollars of brand value, that is the net result of all ups and downs

to be fair, they had steady declines for year and the most likely cause is the fact younger generations are not buying their overpriced, shitty products; their misandric campaign was probably just the cherry on the top of the cake
Didn't the daily shaving ritual die some time ago?


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
I make donations to a church group that cares for the homeless and the impoverished around the world. Something as simple as a bed for kids in Africa. When you look at what they have done, they put the rest of us to shame.

I get it is easy to talk shit about religion, and people of faith, but in faithless times, these are people of the highest integrity. They have shown time and time again they are rock solid and have my back. I do not agree with them on many things, but more decent, hard working, and reliable people you will never find. The problem is the people who abuse religion to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. The bible is also pretty clear that Jesus was very accepting of escorts. :)

As for the Gillette campaign, I actually like the trans male ad. I think people struggling with sexuality and identity have a brutal time (and the suicide rate supports this). Their core anti-white-male ad was a mess though. The pronoun wars and the anti-white-male climate have all taken it too far, and I am glad to see Gillette is paying the financial cost for going down that road. This is serious money. It is the price you pay for ignoring fundamentals when you have a high cost, inferior product.
Well, I should clarify, not all religious people are bad. My best friend in the whole world is an Orthodox Jew (he doesn’t roll on Shabbos!). I know I just kinda pulled an “I’m not racist! I have several black friends!” there, but it’s true. Plenty of good religious people out there. It’s just that religion does enable a very special type of hypocritical dickishness. The kind of person who’s a good Christian and always tells people to do unto others, until a gay person wants to buy a cake for their wedding or someone wants to get an abortion, y’know?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
...The guy who wrote the article would probably have a heart attack knowing his article was posted here lol....
Based on stories that keep "coming out" about ultra-conservatives, he'd more likely expect it it in the transgender section.

p.s. The company rationale of beards being to blame seems a logical one. Doubt many guys are so upset that they'd change their habits (even if they pretend online that they did).


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
Well, I should clarify, not all religious people are bad. My best friend in the whole world is an Orthodox Jew (he doesn’t roll on Shabbos!). I know I just kinda pulled an “I’m not racist! I have several black friends!” there, but it’s true. Plenty of good religious people out there. It’s just that religion does enable a very special type of hypocritical dickishness. The kind of person who’s a good Christian and always tells people to do unto others, until a gay person wants to buy a cake for their wedding or someone wants to get an abortion, y’know?
Not wanting to provide a cake for a gay wedding does not make someone a hypocrite. If it is their beliefs that Gay marriage is a sin, then it is natural that they would want no part of that sin. It doesn't mean they can't wish the couple well. It just means they do not want to be a part of what their beliefs say is wrong.

And anti abortion transcends a persons religious convictions.
We live in a society where we are not allowed to kill another human being. Many think that societal rule should extend to a baby before it is born. Science itself has started shedding light on just how early a fetus is considered a living organism separate from the mother.

The pro abortionist keep touting a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body, but what the woman is affecting is not her body. Right from conception a unique human DNA exists that is completely separate from the mother's or the father's. The growth cycle of a genetically distinct human being has begun, and that growth cycle does not stop until about 24 years of age at which point humans stop growing and start slowly dying, or what we call aging.

We are not legally allowed to terminate that growth cycle in those 24 years, so why should it be legal to terminate it in the first 24 weeks as the States allow.
And if we are going to arbitrarily pick a point where it is legally allowed to terminate the human growth cycle, just for someone's convenience of not having to take some responsibility when having sex. Why have it at 24 weeks?
Why not have it at two years? Let Mothers be able to see if they like Motherhood first. If they don't, then they can abort the toddler's growth cycle.
Or why not 15 years? That way the mother can tell if the kid has grown up to be a jerk. If they have, then they can abort the child's growth cycle, so she doesn't have to deal with their shit anymore.

Just think of how much that would save society if we allowed Mothers to do that. All those asshole kids could just have their growth cycles aborted, and we would never have to deal with them being juvenile delinquents, or joining gangs. That would be much better than at 24 weeks into the growth cycle. More informed decisions, more targeted.

I can argue against abortion if I so choose, and never once mention anything about religion, God, or sin. So don't go lumping all people of religion into the anti abortion camp, and don't go lumping all people who oppose abortion into the religious camp.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Well, the bible says do unto others as you’d have them do unto you, and I doubt most people would like to be denied service based on their sexual orientation, so yes, it does make you a hypocrite if you do that.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
Well, the bible says do unto others as you’d have them do unto you, and I doubt most people would like to be denied service based on their sexual orientation, so yes, it does make you a hypocrite if you do that.
Personally I have no problem with someone not doing something I may want to have done because it goes against their beliefs.

I don't go into a vegan restaurant and demand a steak just because I think my beliefs trump theirs.

Just as we don't force grocery stores to sell dog meat to those from other countries where it is eaten, just because they demand such.

So these examples are considered not OK to force service, but it is OK to force service from someone who doesn't believe in what other people are doing just because those other people are gay. Now who exactly is being hypocritical?


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
The difference is that those things are a choice. Being gay is not. Choosing to go to a vegan restaurant and demanding they cook you a steak is dickish because you know vegans don’t eat meat and you’re making a conscious choice to go there and demand a steak knowing it will make them uncomfortable. Being gay and going to a bakery to get a cake for your wedding, then being told they won’t serve you because being gay is sinful is a completely different thing. The gay guy wasn’t being an asshole (unless he knew ahead of time that the particular baker he decided to go to had a problem with gay marriage).

What you’re talking about is like what this Jessica/Jonathan Yaniv does. He targets businesses he knows will refuse his unreasonable demands then sues them. That’s dickish. If he went to a waxing place that advertised waxes for men and they refused him service on religious grounds when their religion also tells them to love and respect everyone and treat people the way you’d want to be treated (Jesus was pretty big on that stuff), that would be hypocritical.

Sorry, but you can’t be part of a religion founded by a guy who was all about unconditional love, compassion, and peace, and use that religion to be an asshole to people without being branded a hypocrite. Simple as.
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