Computer Infected!!! Need Assistance!!!


May 24, 2006
Sounds like the Security Centre virus. Go into your add and delete programs and delete anything with Security Centre in it's name. Go to and install and run their basic program again. It's free and should fix you up.


Active member
Oct 9, 2002

But here's a little learning point for you (since you obviously need it)... When someone is in need of assistance on problem X, telling them all about how "wonderful" product Y is doesn't help AT ALL. It's actually quite rude (not surprised you don't realize that). In fact, it's just your way of promoting whatever it is you want to promote while the other persion is simply looking to fix the problem at hand. In other words, you're post is of zero assistance.

Carry on...
you had already fixed the problem by the time I posted , so I don't know why you think my post was so rude.

its a public forum , so unless I've done something wrong , I don't see why I can't post an opinion.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
When someone is in need of assistance on problem X, telling them all about how "wonderful" product Y is doesn't help AT ALL. It's actually quite rude (not surprised you don't realize that). In fact, it's just your way of promoting whatever it is you want to promote while the other persion is simply looking to fix the problem at hand. In other words, you're post is of zero assistance.

Carry on...

Quite to the contrary Keeb.
If someone is having problems (often it seems as others post of their many problems) with X it is kinda natural to want to help out by pointing out Y has none of those X problems. Kinda surprised you missed that and I wouldn't consider that help as being rude.

Glad those scans posted above fixed your problem at hand with X. However since X is known to have an only 'growing number of those type problems' on the horizon guess you can expect more in the future. Therefore pointing out that Y has NONE of those problems you experience with X could hardly be construed as 'zero assistance'.

Carry on with your use of X........until the next bug 'gits ya'.
That's something you can count on with X......

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Short of installing Linux, and I run Linux and have as my main OS for more than a decade, you should consider:

1. If you computer has been compromised, you should back up your data to a USB drive and scan the shit out of that, and pave your computer. (Re-install the vendor backup of the OS). Then download some combination of the things in the following steps to that USB disk while keeping your computer off the net.

OK, that takes effort, so you probably won't do that. But if you do the above, or you don't, I'D VERY STRONGLY SUGGEST:
1. Download a decent firewall. Bothe Zone Alarm and Comodo have basic firewall products that are free for home users. Pick one.
2. Download a good free virus scanner. Both AVG and Avast have good free basic firewalls for personal use. Pick one.
3. Grab a good malware removal program. One has been mentioned that I don't know much about, BUT I'D SUGGEST BOTH CCleaner (Which has other good tools) and Spybot Search & Destroy.
4. Ditch IE. Really. Pick Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Opera in roughly that order, IMHO.
5. If you can try to swap out Outlook for Thunderbird, and Office for OpenOffice. YMMV.
6. Keep all of the above up to date, along with your OS, and run your malware scans regularly.

Paving your system is ugly, but you should never trust a compromised (or public) computer. Even if you don't pave, follow the latter steps. Oh, and as a last resort, you can pull the drive in the Windows machine and either slot it into a USB case or another computer, and pave it, scan it, or fetch your data. That has some risk to the computer in question, and under no circumstances should you try to run, load, or preview anything from that drive. Another soultion would be to find a bootable CD / DVD / Disk / Whatever that has a good virus / malware remover on it. Boot that then scan the drive.

Personally, if I like you (not you specifically) I'll salvage your data, AND I always just pave the system, and install the above listed software on it, and do the updates. I've done that for friends and in a professional (LOL) capacity. That's basically what any sane IT department does when confronted with a compromised or otherwise fucked up Windows box, except they'll usually have pre-made disk image they can barf back onto the box while expecting you to have your files on a network drive. (Preferably on some daily backed up *NIX box with a decent RAID setup, as opposed to, gah, a Windows server.)


Active member
Sep 13, 2007
I don't have it or any experience with it, but why exactly?
There are a number of folks here who really find Linux to their liking and remind us all at every opportunity. I was just poking them all back in fun. While many of their claims are perfectly true, i found Linux too difficult to bother with on a number of levels. If it was so great everyone would be using it and then those rat bastards who write viruses and other malware would be doing it for Linux.

Personally i am glad that those who champion Linux have a good time with it. Oh ya, FUCK LINUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Sep 13, 2007
Short of installing Linux, and I run Linux and have as my main OS for more than a decade, you should consider:

1. If you computer has been compromised, you should back up your data to a USB drive and scan the shit out of that, and pave your computer. (Re-install the vendor backup of the OS). Then download some combination of the things in the following steps to that USB disk while keeping your computer off the net.

OK, that takes effort, so you probably won't do that. But if you do the above, or you don't, I'D VERY STRONGLY SUGGEST:
1. Download a decent firewall. Bothe Zone Alarm and Comodo have basic firewall products that are free for home users. Pick one.
2. Download a good free virus scanner. Both AVG and Avast have good free basic firewalls for personal use. Pick one.
3. Grab a good malware removal program. One has been mentioned that I don't know much about, BUT I'D SUGGEST BOTH CCleaner (Which has other good tools) and Spybot Search & Destroy.
4. Ditch IE. Really. Pick Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Opera in roughly that order, IMHO.
5. If you can try to swap out Outlook for Thunderbird, and Office for OpenOffice. YMMV.
6. Keep all of the above up to date, along with your OS, and run your malware scans regularly.

Paving your system is ugly, but you should never trust a compromised (or public) computer. Even if you don't pave, follow the latter steps. Oh, and as a last resort, you can pull the drive in the Windows machine and either slot it into a USB case or another computer, and pave it, scan it, or fetch your data. That has some risk to the computer in question, and under no circumstances should you try to run, load, or preview anything from that drive. Another soultion would be to find a bootable CD / DVD / Disk / Whatever that has a good virus / malware remover on it. Boot that then scan the drive.

Personally, if I like you (not you specifically) I'll salvage your data, AND I always just pave the system, and install the above listed software on it, and do the updates. I've done that for friends and in a professional (LOL) capacity. That's basically what any sane IT department does when confronted with a compromised or otherwise fucked up Windows box, except they'll usually have pre-made disk image they can barf back onto the box while expecting you to have your files on a network drive. (Preferably on some daily backed up *NIX box with a decent RAID setup, as opposed to, gah, a Windows server.)
Agreed. Never heard the term "paving" though.


Active member
Sep 13, 2007
Don't forget CCleaner, Registry Mechanic, AdAware, Spy Sweeper, etc..... ad nauseum.

Then you have to De-Frag it periodically and do your system maintenance!


This is WHY I dumped M$ for LINUX, which requires NONE of the above, oh and it's all FREE!
With Linux you just turn your PC on and run it WORRY FREE, like a PC should be used!....
You spelled Windows wrong and FUCK LINX!!!!


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
Hey Keeb, I don't know what 'sites' you've been hitting but you do seem to have your fair share of bugs, malware, spyware, viruses, etc., lately

This is another reason to learn/run Linux so you can hit any sites you desire and not have to worry about a thing!


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Now that is funny shakenbake....
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