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Computer Infected!!! Need Assistance!!!


New member
May 29, 2005
Don't use Internet Explorer (use Firefox) and keep your antivirus and windows service packs up to date. Apparently you guys have been surfing the same porn sites. :p


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Don't use Internet Explorer (use Firefox) and keep your antivirus and windows service packs up to date. Apparently you guys have been surfing the same porn sites.
What he said!
I had most of my problems with M$ when I surfed porn sites, unknown 'suspect' sites and hacker sites, with M$.
Bugs and malware had to be cleared out after!....

Windoz is STILL a security sieve!


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
I have had luck using online scans if you can connect to bitdefender or trendmicro. It takes some time because the scan is coming from the net, but its an external scan and at times works better.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
Fine then enjoy all your bugs, malware, spyware, viruses, etc., that come part and parcel with M$.
Have fun getting infected over and over and over, then wasting all that time Googling and figuring out how to clean it out, to get your PC running back to normal again.....
Been using Macs since 1989 and have NEVER had a virus, bug, malware, spyware, etc......and they are SHINY too !


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Been using Macs since 1989 and have NEVER had a virus, bug, malware, spyware, etc......and they are SHINY too !
Fact is BOTH Mac and Linux have FAR FAR BETTER SECURITY than Windoz!....

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Fact is BOTH Mac and Linux have FAR FAR BETTER SECURITY than Windoz!....
You're like the guy with a tiny dick that goes around bragging how big he is. If you find Linux to be so great, good for you. It's been rejected by the masses and no amount of your pandering is going to change that. So enjoy your Linux and stop being so needy for other people to validate your selection in OS.


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
You're like the guy with a tiny dick that goes around bragging how big he is. If you find Linux to be so great, good for you. It's been rejected by the masses and no amount of your pandering is going to change that. So enjoy your Linux and stop being so needy for other people to validate your selection in OS.
I've never seen Woody's dick , so I'm not going to validate ANYTHING about that,lol, but as far as linux goes, I'd say don't knock it 'til you've tried it.

I wouldn't say its been rejected by the masses , more like the masses don't know anything about it. I tried Ubuntu after reading Woody saying how great it was. did some reading around on some pc forums , and found out what he's saying about security to be true so I tried it. I'm now using linux Mint, and I like this OS as well , maybe even more than Ubuntu.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
I wouldn't say its been rejected by the masses , more like the masses don't know anything about it.
And M$ aims to keep it that way. Linux comes in over 100 flavors. Another thing the masses know little of and just about all are free for those curious to try something different. Security was my main reason for giving Linux a try. It being free was just a bonus. It is really such a joy to just run your PC and NOT have to run the ENDLESS security scans Windoz requires. And in spite of this you still get zapped on occasion with M$.

All I can say is, it's nice to be M$ free....


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Merely stating the obvious when it comes to the superior security of Linux and Mac!

Just don't get me started on cost! Since my Linux security was free, while you paid dearly for your Mac security!....


Active member
Dec 9, 2003
I got hit with a similar malware last night, called XP Defender Pro, a piece of shit that provides me with all sorts or warnings about infections, etc. Luckily, I suspected it right away and did some research from another computer about it.

So, far, I rebooted Windows in safe more and ran AVG, Ad-Aware, and Spybot S &D. That seemed to clean it. Then a visitor continued to use it and the infection came back. (I dunno WHAT he was browsing, but I can guess).

I'm now repeating the same scans as above, and then I'm seriously considering refomatting and re-installing an OS... and since do do have a disc here of Ubuntu....

What a pain in the ass...


Pop Rock Kid
You're like the guy with a tiny dick that goes around bragging how big he is. If you find Linux to be so great, good for you. It's been rejected by the masses and no amount of your pandering is going to change that. So enjoy your Linux and stop being so needy for other people to validate your selection in OS.
The masses are stupid, stupid is that stupid does.

Proof, the masses accepted VHS over Beta. Why? Because of marketing power VHS became popular, however, the masses were stupid because Beta had a much superior tape handling system, less wear and superior picture quality.

BluRay vs. HDDVD, well actually these were both very good formats, however, again marketing power decided that BluRay was the way to go.

Same to be said with M$, not better just popular. I use it because I have to for using certain programs. For 90% of the masses they could use Linux and have no problems if they gave it a chance, the other 10% need certain programs like myself that haven't been ported over yet.

Then again if Linux became popular then M$ wouldn't have viruses written for it and Linux would be under attack. Geez, can't win.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory


History is littered with failed products/ideas that the masses were not interested in. You can design the most frikken spectacular wheelbarrow in the world but if the masses don't want it then it'll never be mainstream.

Linux can have its elitists, I don't care. I'm not using it. And, apparently, the rest of the masses aren't either.

(p.s., especially in the world of technology, if you're still trying to push a product that's what, 10 years old?, sorry buds but the bus has passed you by. It's never going to take off)


New member
Jan 31, 2003
When you're ready Keeb, give it a try.

It's quite basic to install and you have the option to go for dual boot so that it won't affect whatever you already have on your MS puter. You don't have to give up MS.

It will save you a lot of headaches if you are one of those adventurous type loves hitting unknown sites frequently.

I am a user of all 3 OS and now , most of my personal surfing is done on Linux, then Mac OSX. I am still keeping MS since I need that for work .


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America

It's quite basic to install and you have the option to go for dual boot so that it won't affect whatever you already have on your MS puter. You don't have to give up MS.
Dual boot is the ticket!

This gives you 2 OSs, M$ and Linux to learn at your own pace. You can go back to M$ anytime you please.

I installed 64 bit Ubuntu 9.04 in a friends PC. He had a medium powered dual core Athlon AMD 5000 PC. It took 10 minutes to install Linux (this included printer install) then 20 minutes to update and he was good to go surfing the net with FF. The ONLY additional thing needed was a Flash plug-in, which took a minute after putting the correct code in a Terminal!

6 months later, him, his wife and 6 yr old son love Ubuntu better than Windows.


Active member
Oct 9, 2002


History is littered with failed products/ideas that the masses were not interested in. You can design the most frikken spectacular wheelbarrow in the world but if the masses don't want it then it'll never be mainstream.

Linux can have its elitists, I don't care. I'm not using it. And, apparently, the rest of the masses aren't either.

(p.s., especially in the world of technology, if you're still trying to push a product that's what, 10 years old?, sorry buds but the bus has passed you by. It's never going to take off)
you sound like you're angry that others have offered you an alternative. I really could care less if you switched , or not. I was merely stating some personal experience with linux.

but , by your own analogy , it sounds like you'd rather use a shittier screwdriver just because everyone else is using it. ( case in point is the robertson screw vs philips)
again , misperception about linux being 10 years old, you make it sound like anyone using linux is using something outdated. the latest version of linux Mint came out 3 months ago.
and again , I disagree about it being a failed product, the Ubuntu forum is a thriving community that's not going anywhere anytime soon.

I never try to sell people on linux if they're happy with windows , but if they're frustrated with with it , then I'll usually let them know there's an alternative. There is a bit of a learning curve , but its no different than driving a new car, buttons are just in a different location, and once you know where everything is you're set.

I agree about dual booting being the best way to ease into it , since you can keep all the windows programs you're used to , and play around with linux at your own pace.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
you sound like you're angry that others have offered you an alternative.

But here's a little learning point for you (since you obviously need it)... When someone is in need of assistance on problem X, telling them all about how "wonderful" product Y is doesn't help AT ALL. It's actually quite rude (not surprised you don't realize that). In fact, it's just your way of promoting whatever it is you want to promote while the other persion is simply looking to fix the problem at hand. In other words, you're post is of zero assistance.

Carry on...
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